How to measure a window opening - measuring window openings in a wooden and brick house

Before starting an excursion about preparing windows for installation, how to correctly measure openings and ultimately install these same windows, I would like to say that there is a standard for plastic windows. This standard contains section D (recommendatory), which provides the procedure for installing plastic windows. You can get acquainted with this section in more detail by studying GOST 30674-99 - in fact, a document regulating the production and installation of plastic windows. Unfortunately, this document does not contain step-by-step instructions from start to finish on how to install windows in accordance with GOST, but only the end result. Our article was created to tell you step by step how to install a plastic window and the possible features when installing it.

General provisions and information: how to take measurements correctly for a plastic window

First of all, you need to know that the depth of the opening is initially determined, and only then everything else. It is very important to take into account all the nuances, without exception, otherwise you may later find yourself in a situation where the delivered window simply does not fit, and the installer, and even the manufacturer, seem to have absolutely nothing to do with this, because you provided them with the wrong dimensions yourself. Therefore, treat the work with full responsibility, so that the Dunno principle “it will do” does not become the reason for wasting money, because the design costs far from a penny.

Helpful advice

Measuring plastic windows with your own hands should only be done if the installer for some reason cannot perform such actions. It would be optimal to entrust such a complex and responsible matter to a real professional, and avoid many annoying misunderstandings and unnecessary problems.

So, the measurement of the opening for plastic windows should be carried out both from the inside and from the outside of the building. This is how the depth of the opening is determined. It often happens that when taking qualitative measurements, it suddenly turns out that your window opening has a very significant skew, then the dimensions of the final product will have to be increased, according to the measurements of the skew itself. Most often, such problems can be observed in panel buildings, where large slabs and blocks already come cast from the factory.

After you have already measured the window opening from the outside, you should also measure the inside of it, and then compare the results. This will help you take a sensible look at the situation, because ideally all the numbers should practically coincide, but if not, this will also have to be taken into account when making the final calculation. You can correct unevenness by installing plastic slopes, and experienced craftsmen do not recommend abandoning such accessories, as they perform many functions other than decorative ones. For example, they prevent the appearance of condensation and increased humidity, which can lead to the formation of black mold, which will be very difficult to combat later.

Design Tips

When choosing a design, you should decide on its color, configuration, the presence of sashes and the desired opening mechanism, the presence of a window sill and ebb and flow.

As for the color range, the standard color of PVC windows is white; laminated profiles in walnut, mahogany, cherry, and oak are common. It is also possible to produce them in other colors, but due to their limited use, the cost of such windows is much higher. It is important to take into account that all windows on the facade of the building must be made in the same style and color, otherwise its architectural appearance will be disrupted.

The window configuration can be different: square, rectangular, round, triangular, polygonal, arched. Modern technologies for the production of plastic windows make it possible to realize any design ideas. In this case, the diameter of the arched structure should not be less than 50 cm.

The diameter of the arched window must be at least 50 cm

A plastic window can be blind or have sashes that are positioned vertically or in the form of a transom. When choosing the width of the sashes, it is important to consider that it may have a limit according to the catalog of window systems. Since perimeter fittings have limitations, the swing-and-turn sash cannot be made less than 40 cm wide .

The opening mechanism can be rotary, tilt or turn-tilt. When installing windows in panel houses, casing is not installed, but the slopes are finished and drainage is installed.

In panel houses, when installing plastic windows, drainage systems are installed and slopes are finished

In private homes, cashing is used to mask the installation seam and protect it from the effects of precipitation. If a low tide is installed, then cashing is mounted on three sides; if there is no low tide, then on four.

Measuring window openings: general rules for do-it-yourself work

It is no secret that all construction and repair work is subject to general mathematical rules. This statement fully applies to such an important matter as measuring window openings for plastic windows. Existing measurement rules make it possible to quickly and easily install exactly those plastic windows that are ideal for a particular room. So what are they:

  • the proposed measurer must have an analytical mind, good spatial thinking, and have personal experience in installing windows;
  • measurements must be taken both inside and outside. The inside of a plastic window is always larger than the outside;
  • before starting measurements, it is necessary to complete all preparatory work (brick laying, removing old plaster, etc.);
  • in many houses (especially panel houses) there is a misalignment of the window opening. In order to avoid through gaps, it is necessary to maintain the minimum standards of plastic window panels: the size of the inner part of the window is 30-40 mm in width and 15-20 mm in height larger than the size of the outer side;
  • Before you start installing a window, you must compare its dimensions with the calculations that were made at the initial stage. A mechanical error may be made, which will nullify all the work carried out in the previous stages.

These rules are mandatory for any craftsman involved in taking measurements and installing windows and double-glazed windows in apartments, offices and private homes.

Measuring the width of the window from inside the room

With the window closed, use a plumb line to check the deviation of the opening from the vertical (blockage). This is necessary to eliminate such an unpleasant situation when a plastic window, when installed level (and level installation is a prerequisite for installing PVC windows), suddenly rests with two diagonally opposite (less often adjacent) corners against the walls of a curved opening. To avoid such an embarrassment, we take a plumb line and hang it next to the window frame from the top of the opening to the window sill at two points, as shown in the figure (left diagram - if the opening is blocked to the left; right - if the opening is blocked to the right):

The window opening is shown in gray, and the plumb line in blue.

If there is a blockage, then we calculate the “useful” width of the opening - the distance between points A and B.

If the blockage is insignificant (no more than 10 mm) or there is none at all, then we will consider the “useful” width to be the entire width of the opening next to the window frame.

A plastic window, unlike an old wooden one, as already mentioned, must necessarily be smaller than the window opening, i.e. There must be an installation gap between the window and the opening. Therefore, from the obtained value of the opening width, we subtract 40 - 50 mm for the gaps and obtain the estimated width of the window. But it will be possible to finally decide on the width of the plastic window only after the sizes and proportions of the quarters have been identified. For this purpose, external measurements are taken.

Measuring the width of the window from the outside

Open the window and measure the distance between the side quarters, i.e. determine the width of the lumen.

Using an awl or screwdriver, determine the depth of the side quarters. It is advisable to “scan” each quarter in at least two places: above and below, to get an idea of ​​its proportions. We save the result of these measurements on paper in the form of a schematic drawing.

Comparing the data on the proportions of the side quarters and the expected width of the window, we estimate how deep the window with such dimensions will extend beyond the left and right quarters and, if necessary, adjust the width of the window downward. It is desirable that the frame profile is “hidden” behind the side quarters by no more than half its width, i.e. maximum 35 - 40 mm. But it would also be wrong if the window does not extend beyond the quarters at all, although sometimes this happens if the quarters are missing or very small (20 mm or less). If there is a large difference in thickness between the right and left quarters, it will also be better to reduce the width of the window in order to achieve the maximum possible symmetry of the window along the quarters on the street side, sacrificing the proportionality of the internal side gaps (the problem with the gaps can be corrected when installing internal slopes).

We have decided on the width. The next step is to measure the height. Determining the height of a plastic window, as well as the width, is carried out by measuring the old window from the street and from the inside. Only the height, as opposed to the width, I recommend starting to measure from the outside, and only then from the side of the room.

Measuring the height of the window from the outside

We open the window and measure the distance from the top quarter to the base of the metal ebb, if it is, of course, installed. I call the base of the tide the line where the tide joins the window frame. If there is no low tide, then we simply measure the clearance from the top quarter to the bottom. The resulting value can be considered the estimated height of the future plastic window. But this assumption must be verified:

  • First, use an awl or screwdriver to scan the top quarter to determine its size, and be sure to measure it at the extreme points (left and right) to make sure you can insert the top edge of the window 15-20 mm behind it. If the upper quarter at least on one edge turns out to be less than 40 mm, then the value of the estimated height will have to be reduced by 20 millimeters (or even by 30 - 40, if the quarter turns out to be less than a centimeter or completely zero).
  • Secondly, it is advisable to measure the lower quarter, although this is more difficult to do. To do this, you will have to bend the base of the ebb from the window frame in at least one place (preferably in the center) and measure the depth of the quarter (considering that the ebb is usually tightly pressed to the quarter, i.e. lies on it, the depth of the quarter can be measured from the low tide, counting its upper edge of the quarter). The ideal size for the lower quarter is 25 mm. If the quarter turns out to be, say, 10 mm less than this value, then we reduce the estimated height of the window by the same value, i.e. by 10 mm. Accordingly, if a quarter is less than ideal (25 mm) by 20 mm, then we reduce the height of the window from the expected one by 20 mm. But if the quarter, on the contrary, turns out to be more than 25 mm, then in this case there are two options: either we leave the existing value of the expected height unchanged, but during installation we get a large bottom gap (which does not reduce the quality of installation, but only leads to excessive foam consumption ), or in the same direct proportion we increase the size of the window, but then during installation we cut off the interfering part of the lower quarter with a hammer drill, thereby increasing the duration of the work and causing a lot of inconvenience to the neighbors.

Step-by-step instructions for DIY installation

In order for the installation of a PVC window in a wooden house to be successful, a certain procedure must be followed. Typically, the manufacturer provides detailed installation instructions for a specific glass unit model. It must be strictly followed. First you need to install the socket or casing in the embedded block. Then the glass unit is inserted.

Inserting a plastic window into a log house has some methods and features. Installing a PVC structure in a wooden house with your own hands is possible. But this will require the help of a second person: the size and weight of the structure are large, making it difficult to carry the window alone.

Often, those people who installed double-glazed windows in a wooden house with their own hands have a problem with the windows sweating, condensation accumulating on them, or, conversely, leaking through the frame due to insufficient sealing. The reason why this happens lies in mistakes made during installation. Therefore, the installation must be carried out responsibly and competently, in warm and calm weather.

Correct installation of the pigtail

A window frame is an element of window construction that removes all gaps and cracks between frames and helps retain heat in the room.

Is it necessary? Also, the casing does not allow the side bars to move horizontally and allows them to move vertically. This protects the glass from cracking. The window frame is especially important if the partition between adjacent windows is small. In addition, this element acts as a decoration for a wooden house.

Installing a doorway frame has some peculiarities. First you need to prepare the window opening. It should be at least 10 centimeters wider than the frame. When calculating the size of the gap, it is important to take into account the thickness of the boards and casing seams. The shrinkage coefficient of a wooden house is also taken into account. Subsequently, the gap is filled with special insulation and covered with platbands.

According to statistics, shrinkage of a wooden house can be up to 30 centimeters. Much depends on the material. Within a year after construction, the shrinkage of a structure made from timber is 3-4 centimeters, from logs – 4-6 centimeters, from laminated timber – 1-3 centimeters. The subsidence of the room already in the first year can cause the window to be pressed down by the crowns of the wall structure. Sometimes shrinkage of walls occurs even after 5 years of operation of the structure under the influence of air humidity and seasonal climate changes.

After preparing the window opening, the ridge is cut out. For this purpose, it is preferable to use glued or monolithic timber. This element will be the base for the carriage with a groove. During shrinkage, the logs will move inside this groove. This will relieve the window of unnecessary load.

To make a carriage, use a beam with a cross-section of 15x10 centimeters. In the middle of the beam there should be a groove 5 centimeters wider than the window. The comb is cut out using a chainsaw. For the top, use an edged board measuring 15x4 centimeters. On each side, grooves are cut into it for the comb. After installing the carriages on the sides of the window opening, the top is fastened with self-tapping screws. After assembling the casing, caulk all the gaps and make a seal using jute tape.

Plastic window insert

After the frame is made and installed, they move on to inserting the plastic window. Installing a window without casing is considered a gross mistake. First you need to check the parallels. Leave gaps between the PVC glass unit and the frame of 5 centimeters on top and 2 centimeters on the sides.

It is important to correctly install the window structure according to the depth of the wall of a wooden house. Then, at sub-zero temperatures outside, condensation will not form on the surface of the glass, slopes and window frames, which causes fogging of the glass, wetting of the window system and the interior decoration of the slopes. The location of the double-glazed window unit should be determined by a competent designer, taking into account the design features of the wall.

It is better to attach the structure to special elements. They are supplied complete with double-glazed windows and are also sold at any hardware store. These elements are metal plates with holes. Their prices are reasonable. How much the fasteners cost depends on the window model and the quality of the product. Some owners of wooden houses decide to use self-tapping screws for fastening. This is not the best option, since such parts do not provide proper thermal insulation and tightness of the structure.

The window is inserted using a level. Otherwise, the double-glazed window may be installed crookedly. And this reduces the performance characteristics of the window and negatively affects the aesthetic appearance of the product.

Before installing a white plastic window, experts recommend removing the sashes. This will reduce the weight of the window, making installation easier and more convenient. The window is inserted into the opening, aligned and secured. Then all existing gaps are sealed with special polyurethane foam. To make the fixation more reliable, bars are used. This way the window will not move during foaming. This completes the installation of double-glazed windows in the window opening of a wooden house. All that remains is to put on the flaps and let the foam dry. To improve the protection of a wooden house from bad weather and extend the service life of a plastic window, you should additionally install a drip molding on the outside of the window.

Self-measuring the window opening - can a beginner do it?

There are some features and requirements for correct and accurate taking of window measurements, subject to which even a beginner can cope with this task:

  • To correctly take window measurements, you must have spatial imagination, as well as an understanding of the design of the house structure and the window frame.
  • Measurements must be taken from the inside and outside. This will give an accurate result. If it is not possible to go outside due to the high floor, the measurement is carried out through the window sash.
  • If the measurement is carried out for the customer, then it is necessary to clarify whether the outlines of the current opening will be preserved until the finished window frames arrive. Sometimes the dismantling of old frames is carried out by the owners carelessly, with cleaning of the concrete plaster or removing an additional row of bricks.
  • When measuring window openings in panel houses, you need to take into account their possible distortions. This will prevent the appearance of through cracks. Very often there is a discrepancy between the parameters of the lower and upper parts of the window.
  • When taking measurements as a performer, it is necessary to agree on the external parameters of the future window, how far it will protrude from behind the wall.
  • When measuring the window span, it is also necessary to take into account the location of the ebb. The lower level of the window frame should not be lower than the edge of the projection on the outside.
  • Having decided on the dimensions of the future window frame, it is necessary to once again compare them with the internal results of the opening measurements to ensure that they are carried out correctly.
  • An important indicator is the shape of the window, as it can be varied. For example, arched, rectangular, trapezoidal and so on.

What is freezing?

It is a mandatory technical procedure for establishing the actual dimensions of a technological window opening in a wall and is carried out using the method of instrumental measurements. The results obtained are processed using calculations that are used when ordering the manufacture of a window block.

The procedure for conducting and documenting window measurements is regulated by building regulations. During the measurement procedure, the following must be taken into account: the type of housing construction, wall material and the characteristics of the external finishing.

When measuring windows, a diagram of the wall opening is drawn up, on which its entire configuration is applied exactly, both from the inside and outside, indicating the vertical and horizontal dimensions, and the dimensions of the ebb, including the depth of its placement, the dimensions of the window sills and the width of the slopes are plotted .

Why is it necessary?

The need to take measurements in standard-built houses is explained by the fact that all wall openings have different thicknesses, which in many cases are complicated by construction defects.

The dimensions must be determined as accurately as possible, since a deviation of even 2-3 cm can lead to problems with the installation and operation of the defective unit.

These consequences include:

  • the formation of excess gaps, which lead to an increase in the cost of construction and installation work due to increased deadlines, additional costs for foam and the implementation of large slopes;

  • frame deformations, especially for PVC profiles;
  • violation of the functionality of fittings and basic mechanisms of window construction;
  • the invasion of dampness and drafts into the house;
  • the appearance of ice and condensation on glass;
  • reduction in the aesthetic appearance of the window and the façade of the house as a whole.

How to properly measure a window using improvised means

To find out whether there is a quarter in the window or whether it is solid, it is worth taking several measurements, both inside the house and outside.

Correct measurement of a window opening for a plastic window implies taking into account the possible distortion of the wooden structure

You need to do the following:

  • measure all parameters: height, width and length;
  • calculate the dimensions of internal and external structures;
  • add into the calculation the dimensions of additional parts, ebb and flow and mosquito nets.

After all the parameters have been calculated, it is necessary to agree with the manufacturer and installer of the structures on the type of binding, color, type of glass unit and other details.

How to avoid mistakes?

A wooden house requires strict adherence to window installation technology, regardless of the frame material. It is important to avoid common mistakes that can lead to serious problems in the future :

Installation of windows immediately after construction of the houseThe wooden box should dry well. During the first year, maximum shrinkage occurs. But this process can continue for several more years, so you need to constantly take measurements of this process.
Direct fixation of plastic windows into a wooden opening is not allowedYou must first build a frame, which is a rough frame. Otherwise, the geometry of the glass unit may change, and the sashes will stop opening or closing.
Purchasing polyurethane foam with low resistance to deformationIt is important to choose polyurethane foam that has high deformation properties. This is due to the fact that even when windows are installed a couple of years after the house is built, serious shrinkage is possible.
Refusal to install external or internal platbandsIf the house is wooden, platbands are not only an aesthetically attractive element. They protect against cold air penetration and heat loss.

Note. Also, wide window sills should not always be installed. This follows from the design features of a wooden house. If you install a window sill, the curtains will not fit well. But you can find a way out by installing roller blinds made of thick fabric along the length of the window.

Window measurement without a quarter

So, we have decided on the type of window opening - first, let’s measure a plastic window without a quarter according to GOST. First, measure the width and subtract 6 cm from the result obtained.

Why this is done - on each side there is 2-3 cm left under the mounting foam.

We measure the height of the opening

Just as with the width, we subtract a strand of 6 cm from the obtained result. 3 cm is given for the stand profile, directly on which the window will stand, and 3 cm for the mounting foam.


Friends, handymen, I’ll give you a little advice. Take measurements of the width and height at three points of the opening - left, right, middle. This is done in order to determine the minimum size from which the distance required for the mounting foam will be subtracted.

What size windows should I make in my house? Standard openings and their number + Photo

The choice of size of window openings determines the illumination and comfort of residents. And if residents of standard multi-storey buildings are deprived of the opportunity to choose the windows they need, then residents of private houses can easily experiment with increased window sizes. But at the same time, many building rules and properties must be taken into account so as not to reduce the thermal efficiency of the building and not create a threat to the safety of residents.

How to measure a quarter window

Designation of measurement parameters

It is very difficult to call a window opening “and a quarter” symmetrical. If the structural features of the building are used, in which “1/4” is available, distortions are not only possible, but also mandatory. What is this - a 1/4 window opening? So: a window opening “with 1/4” is an opening in which you can observe a protrusion along the outer window perimeter of the canvas at 1/4 of the length of the brick from the general level of the window opening. Experts consider the calculations of a window opening for a plastic window “with 1/4” to be the most labor-intensive and those that require special attention. For such measurements, there are own rules, the observance of which is mandatory for any master.

How to measure frames for plastic windows

Measurement rules:

  • the structure is located behind the side quarter by no less than 20-40 mm;
  • behind the upper wall of the structure, the windows are located at a distance that should not be less than 15-20 mm.


These data are quite easy to calculate: the width of the existing window opening between its slopes located outside is + 40-60 mm in order to carry out the necessary installation of the frame beyond the boundaries of the window. The amount received should not exceed the width of the opening that the plastic window has along its slopes located inside.

Using a stand profile

Using a stand profile for mounting a plastic window will make the task easier

In the event that a modern stand profile is used when installing plastic windows, it is necessary to strictly ensure compliance with the following requirements: window height = distance from the base of the opening for a plastic window to its upper slope - 10–20 mm (the lower gap that is required for its successful installation) - 30 mm (needed to install the stand profile) + 20 mm (the distance by which the frame should extend beyond the upper quarter).

GOSTs and requirements

When carrying out work, a necessary condition is the installation of wooden windows, taking into account national standards, the requirements of the state standard GOST 24700-99 (reflecting the description of mandatory technological work, the permissibility of the materials used and typical installation junction units). Installation must be carried out at a temperature of at least +15°C.

The width of the frame varies in regions with different climates and ranges from 120 to 220 mm, the main thing for these dimensions is the thickness of the wall, but the window sill must have a width of at least 170 mm, and the slope must be at least 100 mm.

Mounting blocks (slats or boards) are used from materials with a thickness of 50 to 150 mm (according to the size of the gap between the clean opening and the frame).

Deviations in vertical and horizontal planes should be no higher than 1.5 mm per meter and no higher than 3 mm across the width of the window.

The gaps in the side parts are calculated at 15-25 mm, at the top and bottom - up to 60 mm. The frame angles must be strictly 90°. It is important to ensure reliable sealing of the gaps between the frame and the ebb, the angle of inclination of which should be at least 10°.

When the difference in diagonals is no more than 10 mm per meter of length, the through installation method is used, for values ​​larger - using metal plates. The anchor method involves increasing the dimensions of the frame so that they are greater than the maximum levels of the outer perimeter by 10-20 mm in height and up to 40 mm in width.

Fasteners must be installed taking into account a distance of 800 mm between them. Recommended dowel sizes are diameter 6 mm, length 80 mm + frame thickness + gap width. For example, if the frame is 40mm wide and the gap is 20mm, then the length of the construction nails should be 140mm.

The width of the casing parts should not be more than 250 mm, this is due to the possible appearance of cracks in larger boards.

The humidity of the solid wood materials used must be at least 12%. All natural elements of wooden window structures must be impregnated with antiseptic agents.

Insulating materials must meet the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological standards. When choosing materials, compliance with hygienic standards is checked: mineral wool, polyurethane foam, compressor belts, polyurethane foam cords. The use of high-quality materials for sealing seams increases noise and heat insulation, prevents the penetration of moisture into the gaps and the occurrence of fungal and mold defects. The tightness and quality of insulation work must comply with the State Standards:

  • 30971-2002 — “Mounting seams of joints connecting window blocks to wall openings”;
  • R 52749-2007 - “Window installation joints with self-expanding vapor-permeable tapes.”

How to take measurements of openings “without a quarter”

Measuring windows “without 1/4” also follows its own rules.

Auxiliary quantities

The width of the window sill directly depends on the width of the window opening. An important condition is the following: the window sill should never completely block the radiators used for heating the room. The length of the ebb depends on the width of the street side of the opening, to which you need to add 60-80 mm. The width of the flashing is the distance from the edge of the flashing to the window frame. This option is possible when the ebb protrudes approximately 30-50 mm from the outer edge of the house wall. The length of the window sill is the full length of the window opening + 100-110 mm on each side.


You need to take the width of the window opening and subtract 20-40 mm from it (the distance that is necessary to create an installation gap). If the wall has a high curvature, the master must set a 40 mm indentation.


The height of the window frame is one of the most important values, without which it is impossible to take measurements. In order to determine the height of the frame of a plastic window, you should perform the following steps: subtract the size of the stand profile from the height of the window opening - most often it is 30 mm, and subtract the size of the upper installation gap (15-20 mm). It is this difference that will be the required height of the plastic window frame.

Video instructions for taking measurements correctly

Correctly measuring windows is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. A big role in this matter is played by the professionalism of the performer who will take these measurements. In the article, we tried to answer the most common questions and gave instructions so that you can try to measure the opening for plastic windows yourself.

How to calculate it yourself?

After the window niche has been measured, taking into account its configuration, we begin to calculate the external dimensions of the window block.

An example of window calculation for different wall opening options:

  1. Measured without a quarter . With the opening width Wpr = 1360 mm, the window width will be equal to Wо = Wpr - 2*Wm = 1360 - 2x30 = 1300 mm, where Wm is the installation seam, it is taken into account on each side. With the opening height Npr = 1470 mm, the height of the window structure is equal to: But = Npr - Nmv - Nmn = 1470-30-40 = 1400 mm, where Nmv is the gap for the upper assembly seam and Nmn is the gap for the lower assembly seam taking into account installation window sill.
  2. Opening with a “quarter”. The width is measured both from the street side (Wul) and indoors (Wkv). With Wul = 1360mm, the window width Wo = Wul - 50= 1360 +50=1410 mm, and with Wkv = 1450 mm, the window width Wo = Wkv - 40= 1450 - 40=1410 mm. If there is a “quarter” in the window at the top and bottom, then the height of such a frame according to the height of the opening measured from the street Nul = 1470, with a deduction of 30 mm, the frame will have a height Ho = 1470 + 30 - 15 mm = 1425 mm. If the height is only at the top - in this case, at Zero = 1455 mm, But = 1455 + 30-60 = 1425 mm.

For window sill and ebb

The length of the ebb is set in accordance with the street width of the window niche. To this indicator add allowances of 40 mm on all sides. Its width is determined from the frame to the outer cut with the addition of allowances: 20 mm for going under the frame and 40 mm for the protrusion of the ebb onto the street.

The length of the window sill should be measured according to the width of the wall opening indoors and add 100mm to the allowances on each side. Its width is equal to the depth along the inner wall from the cut to the frame, with an allowance of 20 mm for going under the frame and an allowance for the window sill to go beyond the cut of the wall.

At the same time, it should not block the heating device by more than 1/3, so as not to disrupt the convective heat exchange in the room and not to create conditions for condensation on the windows and walls inside the room.

If the PVC window frame is smaller than the old wooden frame, the ebb and window sill must be made with a larger width.

Window sill measurement

Everything is simple here - measure the required length of the window sill and add 10 cm to it so that the window sill is recessed into the wall on both sides. The width of the window sill is measured taking into account the width of your wall, sorry for the taftology. The window sill should protrude slightly. I will not give any specific advice here, since this parameter can vary and is calculated individually. Let’s say, personally, in one room I have a normal window sill with a protrusion of 3 cm, and in the other bedroom there is practically no protrusion, since it rests on a metal heating pipe.

Some practical tips

Friends, handymen, we have reviewed with you the measurements of windows both with and without a quarter. In principle, there is nothing complicated here and you can do all the work yourself, but if your hands are shaking and your eyes are afraid, then qualified workers will come to your aid. By the way, you can only order window measurements, and do the installation work yourself - here it’s up to you and only you!

If you have read the entire article to the end, then you probably already understand the principle of measurement, but there are a few more nuances that I would like to pay attention to.

Friends, even if you have to install ten windows, measure each one separately; you should not take average values. This is especially true for private houses, where the difference between adjacent windows can reach 20 cm.

Pay attention to all the little details - if you have heating made of polypropylene and sewn into the walls, then this is good, but if, like mine, 100 pipes are welded, then you need to make sure that they do not interfere with the installation of window sills, you also need to look at the jumpers - will it be possible remove them or you will have to adapt to them so that the window opens normally.

Let me remind you that all dimensions, or better yet, tolerances and fits may differ significantly from yours, since each of you has your own situation, your own openings - concrete, brick, cinder block, adobe, etc.

Also, before starting measurements, you need to clearly determine the type of windows you will install. Types of window profiles - 3, 4, 5 chamber. Types of double-glazed windows - 1, 2, 3 chamber. All these characteristics affect the thickness of the window, which is important when measuring windows correctly.

Standard parameters and properties of window systems

To make plastic window structures, you will have to contact a construction company, or if you want to save money, go directly to the manufacturer, and they will offer you a standard range.

As a rule, the sizes of windows in a frame wooden house are as follows:

  1. Single leaf (height 400-1470 mm, width 400-870 mm);
  2. Double-leaf (height 570-1470 mm, width 870-1470 mm);
  3. Three-leaf (height 1170-1470 mm, width 1770-2070 mm).

Standard sizes of windows in a house from manufacturers in the Russian Federation.
Choosing a larger sash size is not entirely safe: glass is a fragile material, and it requires a special binding. If you are planning a balcony on the second floor, then the door dimensions will be standard (height 2100-2200 mm, width 700-900 mm).

All of the listed window sizes are produced by most construction companies, and if you want to make an exclusive order, the window set will be significantly more expensive.

Standard parameters of window structures are designed for the same type of openings in multi-storey panel buildings, and the demand for them is quite high, but construction companies carry out orders for individual sizes much less often. Therefore the cost is much higher. When designing, take into account the future location of all furniture and its dimensions.

Distance from window to floor

A typical standard window should be located at a height of 80 to 90 cm from the floor : this provides a good view for both a sitting and a standing person, and you can place a desktop or other piece of furniture under the window sill. The upper edge of the block is usually located at a height of 220 to 230 cm from the floor.

Special requirements apply to windows in the premises of a wooden bath: a bath room does not require good lighting, but the preservation and retention of heat is very important. Following these requirements, a standard bath window in a steam room is no larger than 600×600 mm, and in a relaxation room the window can be made larger, for example 1000×1200 mm.

Maximum size of plastic window structure

When choosing large individual window structures with increased sash area, you need to know the existing requirements set out in special building regulations:

  • The area of ​​the entire structure should not be more than 6 square meters. meters. Otherwise, it may not withstand the wind load, and in unfavorable weather conditions the glass unit may crack and crumble into fragments.
  • You should not ignore safety rules: weather conditions in different regions of Russia are changeable and unpredictable. Large blocks should have partitions, and the area of ​​the doors should not be higher than 2.8 square meters. m. The maximum permissible size of the sashes is 110×240 cm. When designing window openings, keep in mind that a large structure can quickly fail. A metal-plastic profile with a two-chamber (three-chamber) double-glazed window will be very heavy, and due to the large weight, the fittings will soon begin to sag and sag. In this case, the sash will wear out and it will begin to creak; using such a design will be inconvenient and even more unsafe. If you decide to install an arched window, then its radius should not be less than 35 cm. The requirements for large sashes will be the same as for conventional turning systems.

Type of windows with panoramic glazing of the house
If these requirements are not met, a threat to residents may arise, so you should not ignore them even with panoramic glazing. If you want to provide your home with good lighting, you need to order modern panoramic glazing designs made from special tempered glass or so-called triplex. Of course, their cost is much more expensive, but they are much safer and will provide all residents with a good view. When choosing what size window to order for your home, you should take into account the climate and wind load in your region. If winters are cold, then heat will escape faster through double-glazed windows, which means an annual increase in heating costs.

The size of the hole for the window block

The dimensions of wooden windows in a frame house will not coincide with the dimensions of the opening. They will be large; this tolerance is needed for the subsequent installation of the casing and window sill. You need to step back about 5 cm from the planned height of the lower edge of the window: 4 cm is the thickness of the window sill and 1 cm is the layer of polyurethane foam . The width of the hole exceeds the window by 14 cm: 5 cm on each side for installation and installation of the casing and 2 cm on both sides for a layer of polyurethane foam for durable fastening.

The opening at the top is about 10 cm larger: this gap is left because over time the beam will lower. When making calculations and planning, it is worth taking into account the lower edge of the frame; it should not be located at a height of more than 1 m from the floor level. In this case, it is not very convenient to rest your hands on the windowsill, and the lighting in the room will not be enough.

Requirements for profiles and double-glazed windows

When choosing a window unit, you also need to choose the right profile and double-glazed windows. It will be more difficult to choose if you install metal-plastic frames: since the number of offers on the construction market is growing, and you need to know exactly which criteria will suit you best.

Here are some basic and important requirements:

  • The number of cameras in double-glazed windows. For country-type houses or for premises that will be used only in the summer, you can install a single-chamber double-glazed window. However, in winter, such a package will not be enough. You will have to purchase double-glazed windows with air layers; they will protect your home from freezing, although the cost will be significantly higher than single-layer packages.
  • Number of chambers in a plastic profile. The more chambers, the better the profile retains heat, because air is the best heat insulator. For a capital project, it is customary to choose a 3- or 4-chamber double-glazed window.
  • Selecting a seal. Very little attention is paid to the choice of this material, but thanks to the seal, all cracks and drafts are eliminated. Cheap and rubber material will begin to “tan” and cease to perform its main functions. Some manufacturers offer transparent elastomer seals: their cost is higher, but the protection against cold is much better and of higher quality.
  • Accessories. The main rule is that you shouldn’t skimp on it. Cheap locks, clamps, handles will quickly fail, and weakened hinges and a thin frame will certainly lead to distortion and sagging of all sashes. As a result, you will have to spend money on expensive repairs, so the savings do not justify the investment.

Stand profile for PVC windows: dimensions

To find out how to correctly measure the opening for installing a plastic window in an apartment, you should read the instructions.

IllustrationDescription of action
We measure the wooden window from quarter to quarter, placing a building meter against the outer masonry. Add 20 mm

We measure the height of the window. In this case, we do not add anything, because the wooden window has a small rise, which will be removed when installing the PVC structure

We measure the ebb from the outside

We measure the window sill. It is a solid wooden structure that starts from the outside and ends in the room. It is necessary to capture the entire tree, excluding the low tide area

You can add a few centimeters to the window sill to make it wider, but it is important to note that it is forbidden to completely block the radiators

Standard sizes of PVC and wooden window structures

The current regulatory documents provide for a fairly large range within which the permissible dimensions of a standard window in a wooden house are established. At the same time, they are divided into three groups, based on the number of valves in the block design:

  • one leaf – the height ranges from 40 to 147 cm, and the width varies from 40 to 87 cm;
  • two doors - height is 57-147 cm, width is between 87 and 147 cm;
  • three doors – the height varies between 117 and 147 cm, while the width is 177-207 cm.

It should be noted that the typical size of a plastic window in a wooden house does not differ from the standard dimensions of wooden structures. The choice of the final filling option depends not only on the above factors, but also on several equally important parameters, which include, for example, the number of cameras in the installed double-glazed window. It determines the energy efficiency characteristics of the product and the amount of possible heat loss. The seal used in the window system is also of great importance, the main purpose of which is to prevent the formation of drafts and gaps between individual parts and elements of the product. The quality of installed fittings also has a significant impact on energy efficiency.

How to determine the dimensions of the opening?

Depending on the material of the structure, the method of its construction, and when measuring the dimensions of PVC windows, differences are possible. This must be taken into account and the values ​​of the increase or deduction from the dimensions must be used.

In a wooden house

Measurements of a window opening in wooden houses should be made in the same way as in brick buildings. It must be taken into account that such buildings have smooth window openings and slopes, which greatly facilitates measurements and does not require additional additions.

Attention! Since PVC windows retain heat better, window openings in wooden buildings are often expanded, and windows are installed much larger than they were before. An electric or gasoline saw is used for this. The width of the window sill should be greater than the thickness of the load-bearing wall.

In a brick house

The most important thing when taking measurements in brick buildings is to determine the beginning of the brickwork in the window opening.
Since the thickness of the plaster on slopes can be more than 2–3 cm, it is necessary to add to the resulting dimensions for the window. This correction is taken into account and used to obtain the actual parameters of the PVC window. The inside of the opening in the room is measured in height from the window sill to the upper slope and between the side walls. The outer parts of the opening are measured similarly.

To determine the likely mismatch of the slope relative to the wall, it is necessary to perform both internal and external measurements of the opening. The width of the window sill should be 5 cm greater than the thickness of the wall, where this value is allocated for finishing the slopes.

Typical sizes of window openings for a private house

Standards regulate the illumination of rooms and determine the size of window openings. They depend on:

  • room assignments,
  • light transmittance of the glass package,
  • dimensions of the building,
  • building location.

The standards establish the illumination coefficient for areas limited by latitudes of 60˚ and 45˚. For the objects located here, the typical sizes of window openings for glazing a private house, as well as any other, are as follows:

Opening dimensions, mmStandard window sizes, mm

For areas bordering the named latitudes, there is a correction factor:

  • for buildings located to the south - 0.75;
  • to the north - 1.2.

Important parameters, especially for triple glazing: the number of glasses in the package, the size of the spacer frame. Recently, they are increasingly being taken into account.

GOST specifies modifications of window systems, but there are average sizes suitable for most areas and double-glazed windows. For a double-leaf structure, the optimal window sizes in a wooden house are shown in the table below:

Opening dimensions, mmStandard window sizes, mm

For profiles with 3 leaves, the typical dimensions are:

Opening dimensions, mmStandard window sizes, mm

Resizing windows in a wooden house (new)

There are no quarters in a wooden house (protrusions on three sides of the opening to which the window is connected). You can choose the place where the wooden window will be installed relative to the wall. Most often it is installed flush with the outer wall.

Video: How to measure a window correctly

Since with this option it will be easier to do the exterior decoration of windows, i.e. There will be no need for external slopes - you can get by with just the platband. We proceed directly to taking dimensions and first measure the window opening in width.

To do this, measure the opening from above and below. If the dimensions are not the same, take the one that is smaller and subtract 50 mm from it (the installation seam under the foam is 25 mm on each side). We know the width of the window, then measure the height. We remove the size in the same way, take the smaller one and subtract 50 mm from it. There is one nuance here - the presence and thickness of window sills.

The standard milling made for the window sill in the lower beam is 30 mm. If the window sill is the same thickness or a little less, this is normal. In the case when the window sill turns out to be thicker, the difference between the thickness of the window sill board and the milling must be subtracted from the height of the window.

If a rough frame is installed in a wooden house, the opening for the window is measured inside the box. The width of the outer casing is determined taking into account the rough frame. The standard size of the box is 5 cm. In order to calculate the width of the platband, fold the grip on the wall and the box by 2 cm (4 cm on both sides), add 5 cm (box) plus 25 mm (foam seam). We get the result - the width of the platbands should be 11.5 cm.

Installation (installation) of a plastic window

Compliance with technology is the key to proper window installation. Based on the conditions for using professional polyurethane foam, the air temperature should be from - 10 to + 30°C; the ideal conditions for using foam are considered to be a temperature of +20°C and a humidity of 60 to 80%. Depending on the size of the window, we calculate the volume of foam. The weight of one cylinder should be 850-920g. with a foaming agent content of 750 ml. Manufacturers promise foam yield in the range of 45 - 50 liters, but it is necessary to take into account the filled volumes. Given the condition of heterogeneity and a large number of irregularities, you can count on filling 15-20 liters with one cylinder. At the same time, you will need a foam gun, PSUL tape (along the outer perimeter of the window), vapor barrier tape (along the inner perimeter of the mounting seam). Also: level, plumb line, hammer drill, drill and nails corresponding to the size of the dowel (more often used, 8x60). The sashes are removed from the plastic window and the double-glazed windows are removed. For more information on how to remove double-glazed windows, see the article “Replacing double-glazed windows in plastic windows.” Do not forget to mark all the beads of the glass unit being removed so that in the future you can put them exactly in the same place. During the production process, glazing beads are determined in place with a special ruler and a slight discrepancy (1-2mm) will be noticeable at the junction of horizontal and vertical glazing beads. The protective film is removed from the outside of the window block box and PSUL tape is glued. This is a vapor-permeable sealing tape that looks like foam rubber impregnated with a special composition. This allows you to protect the polyurethane foam from exposure to the sun and moisture from the street. A vapor barrier tape is glued to the end of the plastic frame to protect the installation seam from the inside of the room from moisture. Load-bearing blocks are installed in the opening; they will take the main weight of the PVC structure. They are aligned to the level and height of the corresponding installed box. Place the box on the blocks close to the outer opening. Align the frame with a plumb line with absolute axial symmetry and a thin end (often the quality of the level does not allow you to determine the correct position). Next, using a hammer drill, drill a hole through the profile of the window block frame into the wall to the depth of the existing dowel nail. Most often, 4 holes are made, two on the right and left sides of the box. It is necessary that the dowel and nail go into the wall through the box before pressing the head against the box. But without fanaticism, when the head is pressed against the box, it begins to imperceptibly deform under the applied efforts and turns from rectangular to oval.

There is another way to secure the box using locking plates. They are also installed, two at a time, on the edges and then fixed in the wall. Depending on the type of window system available, appropriate iron plates are purchased.

After this, the box stands on its own on the blocks and corresponds to the set level.

Please note that the condensate outlet holes should go to the drain and not to the window opening

The gaps between the wall and the frame are filled with foam. If the volume is large, it is better to foam in several approaches. This will depend on the density of the foam application, taking into account its drying. Pay attention to the outer part of the window; if the PSUL tape somewhere does not adhere to the wall or simply comes loose, such a place must be covered with sealants. There should be no empty opening or gap between the window frame and the wall from the outside. We wait for it to dry.

The window sill is cut to fit the corresponding opening in width and length. The window sill protrudes into the room by 5-10 cm, and to the sides of the window opening by 5 cm on each side. ...and is attached to special grooves on the box,

with a slight slope from the window, but strictly horizontal in level. When choosing the width (depth) of the window sill, it should be taken into account that the window sill is “recessed” under the window frame by 2 cm, so the width of the installed window sill will be 2 cm less)

The ebb is screwed to the box using self-tapping screws, previously cut to fit the opening.

We begin to install the sashes and double-glazed windows, taking into account that the first glazing bead is attached from the top, in order to prevent the double-glazed window from falling.

We clean up the workplace and prepare for the next step, installing the slopes. If you need to install a plastic window in a wooden house, then you can see the features and examples of installing windows in a log house in the article “Installing plastic windows in a wooden house made of logs or timber.”

How to measure a window in a panel house (residential)

The panel house has old windows and this makes taking measurements a little more difficult. Dismantling old windows is not possible because it can take a month to make new wooden windows. Panel houses have window openings with a quarter - there is a protrusion on three sides (two on the sides and one on top).

We need to determine the width of the window opening from the outside (from one quarter to the other). To do this, through an open window (be extremely careful!!!) the distance between the quarters is measured with a tape measure. Next, we measure the opening inside the room, from one slope to another.

We subtract the outer one from the internal opening, and as a result we get the depth of the quarters. Take for example the outside width is 1380 mm and the inside is 1500 mm. Divide the resulting difference of 120 mm by two and get the result 60 mm - the width of the quarter. Now you can measure the width of the window.

Adding 30 mm to the external size on each side - 1380 + 30 + 30 = 1440 mm, this is the width of the window. The height of the window is measured in this way: the lower part should be at the level of the external ebb, and 30 mm is added to the upper quarter. For example, the height from the top quarter to the ebb is 1400 mm, then adding 30 mm we get the window height of 1430 mm. As a result, the window size that needs to be ordered is 1440 x 1430 mm.

Dimensions of the window and its components after taking measurements

In most cases, after comparing measurements from top and bottom, from right and left, there is a discrepancy in the results. This is due to the skew of the existing opening, especially in panel houses. To calculate the window size, a regular rectangle with identical opposite sides equal to the smaller value of the measured opening from the outside is used; a smaller size will ensure that the window can pass through the opening without destroying the strength elements of the wall. As a result, taking into account the existing factors, plaster, old frames, etc. it is necessary to strive for the following indicators:

- the width of the window should be 30-40 mm less than the width of the opening relative to the “power” slopes; — the height of the window should provide a gap between the lower slope and the window equal to the thickness of the window sill (a standard plastic window sill has a width of 20 mm) + a gap for installing a base bar (30-40 mm) + a guaranteed gap as for the width (30 mm). Total about 80-90 mm.

After these measurements, you can order the window, window sill and fasteners. On average, the production and delivery of a plastic window takes 8-10 days, in large cities - 3-4 days.

How to take window dimensions in a brick house

In brick houses, or as they are also called “Stalinist” houses, the quarters can be quite deep - up to 10 cm. Modern windows cannot be driven into the quarters by more than 3 cm, otherwise the window frame will be hidden and the outer walls will fall directly on the glass.

The thickness of the window frame and sashes (in the closed position) is 110 mm. Also, according to GOST, the installation seam should be no more than 40 mm. The easiest way out of this situation is to order a wooden window with an increased width of the window frame.

This is quite doable; in production, an additional beam of any width is added to the window frame beam and painted along with the window. Thus, the installation seam is compensated by additional timber.

Now you can measure the window, but remember that there can be many nuances in this matter since each window is individual.

Therefore, it is better to contact a window installation company, only then can you be sure that everything is done correctly.

Video: Measuring and installing PVC windows MONTBLANC

Measuring features

  • Protrusions (quarters) in brick houses can reach 100 mm in depth. In this regard, it is necessary to accurately calculate the size of the future structure so that it is hidden behind the quarter by no more than 30 mm, otherwise it will be completely hidden and the walls of the house will fall directly on the glass.
  • When taking measurements, you also need to determine the boundary of the load-bearing wall. Since in these places the plaster may have a greater thickness for which adjustments should be made. Approximately a plus to the obtained frame parameters of 10–20 mm.
  • Inside, the distance between the side slopes is measured both in width and in height.
  • The height is measured from the window sill to the upper surface of the slope. Measurement is performed in two places: right and left.
  • From the outside, the distance from the slope surfaces is measured in width and height. And also the height from the upper slope to the drainage basin.
  • From the obtained indicators of the future frame, 20–30 mm are subtracted for the installation seam.

Stages of taking measurements

  • First, measure the width of the outer side of the window. The width is calculated from the side slopes. To obtain more accurate indicators, measurements should be carried out in two areas, above and below the window frame. The opening may be uneven. The smaller of the obtained results is entered into the table.
  • Measure the height of the opening. First on the right side, then on the left.
  • 20 mm is added to the width (subject to measuring windows in panel houses and 40 mm in brick houses). This distance is used to overlap the future window onto the ledge (quarter). There is no need to add extra millimeters to the height parameters, since a low tide is installed below, which should be level.
  • Measure the ebb, which is presented between the side surfaces of the quarter. Add 30 mm to the resulting figure. If there are any materials left, you can always trim them.
  • The width of the flashing is measured from the window to the end of the ledge. 25 mm is added to it.
  • After closing the window, measure the inside of the opening. The principle of operation is similar to measuring the external part.

Consequences of incorrectly measuring a window opening

If measurements are taken incorrectly, the following problems arise:

  • The window structure may be larger than the window opening. This will lead to additional costs for widening the hole for the frame.
  • The window frame does not match the opening to the smaller side. As a result, there will be large gaps that will need to be sealed using special profiles or polyurethane foam, which will also entail additional costs. In addition, the window will not perform its functional tasks - protect the room from cold, rain, noise, and so on.

In conclusion, I would like to note that for high-quality installation of plastic windows, it is necessary to correctly measure the opening. There are a number of features and nuances that need to be taken into account in a given situation during the measurement process.

Thus, for openings of wooden and brick houses there is a specific technology that must be followed. But no matter what the house is, the main thing is a responsible approach to business. After all, incorrect measurements will lead to a mismatch between the window structure and the opening, which means additional costs and failure to fulfill its functional tasks.

The time of year favorable for installing a plastic window

You have already guessed what will be discussed in this paragraph. No, we don’t want to say that construction stops in winter and everyone is waiting for warmer weather. But, it is during the warm period that you can comfortably install a window, restore slopes using wet work (use of cement mortars), polyurethane foam has the highest yield, and so on. Of course, it is better to install windows in the warm season. And let’s say more, according to technology, it is generally impossible to install plastic windows in frosty conditions! (below -10 degrees Celsius). As a result, incorrect installation can affect the quality of work, and therefore the quality of window performance. In this case, it makes sense to wait for a warm period in order to install the windows as expected and not have to suffer later with distortions, cracks, and adjustments.

Required tools and materials

Tools for installation
To install a window in a wooden frame, you do not need a hammer drill, because you can drill wood and plastic with an electric drill; you just need to select metal drills for it without a winner. The diameter of the drills is determined by the cross-section of the screws in order to fix the frame to the fastening plates, and fasten the strips to the casing.

Additionally prepare tools:

  • screwdriver, flat-head and Phillips head screwdrivers;
  • tape measure three meters long, pencil, carpenter's square;
  • hammer with a wooden or rubber head, knife, pliers, wood saw;
  • A hex wrench is suitable for fittings.

Install the structure with constant checking of the horizontal (level) and vertical (plumb). Polyurethane foam is used; a spray bottle with water is required to moisten the surface before foaming. Foam is used for outdoor use with a low expansion rate.

List of installation devices and materials:

  • spacer wedges for fixing the frame;
  • vapor-permeable seal in the form of a tape;
  • waterproofing strip;
  • fasteners are chosen in the form of anchors, self-tapping screws, overhead plates;
  • supporting consoles;
  • stand parts;
  • silicone sealant.

Wedges are made of hard plastic, you can install wooden ones that you made yourself, the main thing is that they can withstand the frame of the window in a log house until the stage of foam treatment. Spacers must be placed around the perimeter and removed after the foam has hardened.

Tape insulators are inserted to prevent moisture from entering, thereby achieving the effect of vapor diffusion. The strips protect against noise, vibration, and reduce deformation. The plates are made in the form of steel strips with mounting holes for the frame and for fastening to the end.

Replacement features

If you plan to dismantle old windows in a wooden house, some changes in the procedure will be required :

  1. Dismantling of old window structures.
    Progressive disassembly will be required to preserve the casing frame. First you need to remove the old glass and frames. A check is carried out for additional fasteners - fastenings carried out on anchor plates.

    After dismantling, clean the opening from dirt.

  2. Taking measurements. Even though the procedure has been previously performed, measurements must be taken. Provide gaps of 10-20 mm on each side.
  3. Double-glazed windows are being prepared. Installation must be performed separately, so the double-glazed windows and frames are removed. Next, we check how well the frame fits the window.
  4. Fixation in casing. The power assembly is carried out using self-tapping screws or anchor plates.

Reference. At the final stage, the glass units are assembled. Waterproofing and finishing with platbands is carried out. It is possible to install a window sill of small width.

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