Floodplain poplar forests of the Kuban and farming in them (page 3)

Description of the plant

As you can see, the Latin name of the tree itself speaks of its popularity. And it originated from Ancient Greece, where even at that time these trees were grown in the streets and squares.

In nature, poplar most often grows near rivers, as it prefers moist soils. For example, aspen can grow on solonetz soils, and variegated poplar feels good on the sands of dunes. By the way, a forest where many poplars grow is called a poplar forest. One of the main features of these trees is their rapid growth, which is what made poplar so popular in urban landscaping.

Poplars in autumn

Poplar does not live long. Typically, a tree's growth slows down by the age of 50, and 60-80 years is its usual lifespan, although there are species that live up to 150 years. Poplar wood is highly susceptible to various fungal infections, which is why tree branches break easily and they themselves are short-lived.

Poplars are solid, large trees, sometimes 50-60 m tall, but more often they grow up to 40 m. The trunk is quite impressive, sometimes reaching up to a meter in thickness. Different species have crowns of different shapes - spherical, oval, pyramidal. The leaves of all poplars are simple, petiolate, usually oval with a pointed tip, sometimes lanceolate or with a notched edge. Most often smooth, but there are also pubescent ones.

poplar catkins

Poplars are mainly dioecious trees. Flowering occurs in early spring, even before blossoming or simultaneously with the unfolding of leaves; pollination usually occurs by wind. Small flowers are collected in inflorescences-catkins, respectively male and female. Trees begin to bloom and bear fruit at the age of 10 years.

Poplar fruits are small capsules with fluffy hairs. It is they who cause so much concern to city residents. Therefore, it is advisable to plant exclusively male plants for street landscaping.

Floodplain poplar forests of the Kuban and farming in them (page 3)

Figures 1 – 4 show height curves, i.e., the dependence of height on diameter of different varieties of poplars. The Robusta cultivar was planted in 1998, with annual rooted cuttings in moist piles, on alluvial-meadow, deep, sandy loam soils (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1- Height curve of hybrid poplar Robusta in the floodplain of the Belaya River

Figure 2 shows the change in height and diameter of the hybrid poplar variety Brabantika planted in 1997. Type of growing conditions: moist soil, thick soil, alluvial-meadow, sandy loam (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2 - Height curve of the hybrid Brabant poplar in the floodplain of the Belaya River

Figure 3 shows the change in height and diameter of black poplar planted in 1990. Rooted annual cuttings served as planting material. The type of growing conditions is fresh subori, thin soils, the parent rock is represented by gravel deposits.

Figure 3 - Height curve of black poplar in the floodplain of the Belaya River

Figure 4 shows the change in height and diameter of the hybrid poplar variety Karolinsky, planted in 1997. The type of growing conditions is fresh soil, medium-thick alluvial-meadow, sandy loam soils, the parent rock is pebble deposits.

Figure 4 – Height curve of the hybrid poplar Caroline in the floodplain of the Przysz River

Variety testing work has shown that in the floodplain of the Belaya River, the most productive plantation of the hybrid poplar variety Brabantika, planted in 1997, growing on thick alluvial soils. In 2004, the average diameter of the tree stand was 17±1 cm, and the height was 13 meters. From Figure 3 it is clear that by the age of 15, black poplar growing on gravel beds has a noticeably lower increase in diameter and height compared to hybrid poplars, this is primarily due to the richness of the soil and the degree of moisture. Planting hybrid poplars of the Robusta, Carolinian, Brabantika and Sakraw varieties on gravel-sand deposits is not advisable, since the cuttings die in the second year. Summarizing the data obtained, it can be noted that when creating forest crops on gravel-sand deposits, it is most advisable to use annual cuttings of black poplars.

4. Natural regeneration of poplars in floodplain forests

Accounting for natural regeneration in clearings under different types of growing conditions was carried out on six temporary trial plots. Table 2 presents the results of accounting for natural regeneration after sanitary cutting. Before felling, the composition of the forest stand was 5Klt 3Tb 2Ivb + Vz.

Table 3 — Natural regeneration of white poplar after sanitary felling

Types of woody plants Number of years after felling stump growth,

thousand pieces/ha.

Root shoots, thousand pieces/ha. Samo - sitting down,

thousand pieces/ha.

Average height of undergrowth, m
White poplar 2 2,4 33,3 3
White acacia 2 0,02 1
White willow 2 24,2 2,2 2
Tatarian maple 2 0,01 1
Smooth elm 2 0,02 1,2

Table 4 shows natural regeneration after sanitary cutting. Before felling, the composition of the forest stand was as follows: 8Tch 2Ivb + Lp

Table 4 – Natural regeneration of black poplar after sanitary felling

Types of woody plants Number of years after felling stump growth,

thousand pieces/ha.

Root shoots, thousand pieces/ha. Just sitting down,

thousand pieces/ha.

Average height of undergrowth, m
Poplar black 2 3,2 1,4 2,5
White acacia 2 0,7 1
White willow 2 19,2 0,8 1,5
Regeneration under the forest canopy
1 2 3 4 5 6
White poplar 0,4 1,2 0,08 2
Poplar black 0,02 1,4 0,02 1

It should be noted that the highest rates of regeneration, both in cleared areas and in open areas, belong to the indigenous representative of the floodplain forests of the Kuban - white poplar. In clearings, it is renewed both by root shoots and shoots from the stump. In the third growing season after sanitary felling, a natural decline occurs: mass death of stump growth begins, and the accompanying tree species cannot withstand competition with white poplar. As a result, after two years the cut-down area is completely dominated by root shoots.

From tables 3-4 it is clear that the main role in the regeneration of poplars is played by coppice regeneration. We have proposed a method for the formation of second generation poplar trees. After one growing season after logging work, the plants produce abundant shoots - from 10 to 40 pieces from one stump. When caring for trees in the first year after cutting, it is necessary to leave 3-4 of the healthiest shoots on one stump, and remove the rest. After the second growing season, the two most powerful shoots should be left. At the end of the third there is one trunk. This type of care allows you to form a tree stand in a short period of time, as well as reduce material costs.

5. Basics of farming in poplar plantations

The main goal of farming in floodplain poplar plantations is to preserve their protective functions and increase productivity. The afforestation of the riverbank bank is the main condition for the stability of the river bank, since it is in the riverbed part that the speed of the water flow initially slows down and it invades the central and near-terrace part of the floodplain.

Forest management design and the entire range of forestry activities should be aimed at maintaining the floodplain in optimal operating parameters. The farming system in floodplain forests is not fundamentally different from that used in other forests. When designing and selecting forestry activities, regulatory documentation developed for mountain forests is used. In the vast majority of cases, it does not correspond to the conditions of floodplain plantings.

Therefore, based on the research conducted, the following types of economic activities in floodplain forests have been proposed.

Optimal functioning of the riverbed part is the main condition for the stability of the river bank. The absence of forest entails the invasion of flood waters of a destructive nature, both for the riverbed and for the central part of the floodplain. A negative impact on the stability of steep banks is caused by mature and overmature trees growing in the riverbed part. To identify the negative impact of overmature poplar trees on the stability of steep banks consisting of light, alluvial soils, we laid transects 30 meters wide in the riverbed part of the Belaya and Pshish rivers. When overmature trees fall into the riverbed, the river's water flow is blocked. Thus, the river bed can move 30-40 meters during one flood. The washed away tree stand under the influence of water flow forms dams, the height of which reaches 18 meters.

To prevent bank abrasion, it is necessary to carry out maintenance measures to rejuvenate the tree stand. At the same time, the width of the cutting area should not exceed 30 meters (the height of the main tier), its maximum length is 100 meters. When carrying out these activities, it is necessary to preserve the undergrowth, since after maintenance measures it stabilizes the water flow, prevents bank abrasion and contributes to the accumulation of alluvium. If the length of the overmature forest stand along the forest log exceeds 100 meters, a gap between cutting areas is designed to be 50 meters. During floods, untouched areas of the forest dampen the speed of water flow and increase the anti-erosion function of the plantings.

In the central part of the floodplain, the water flow is overflowing. The forest growing here helps reduce the speed of water flow and accumulate alluvium. Due to the accumulation of a thick, fertile layer, it is possible to create forest crops here. The species composition of the tree stand is selected depending on the growing conditions.

The near-terrace part of the floodplain promotes the accumulation of moisture, which is reserved in oxbow lakes and various depressions. During the flood period, it performs drainage functions, while providing additional moisture to the central part of the floodplain during the dry period. In this part of the floodplain, it is important to preserve a forest stand that is mixed in species composition and complex in structure, consisting of several tiers.

On cartographic materials, riverine, central and near-terrace forests should be distinguished as separate categories of protection.

5.1. Thinning in poplar forests

In natural plantations and poplar crops, thinning is carried out in order to form highly productive tree stands that perform ecological functions..

The need for clarification and cleaning arises when the age of plantings reaches 3-5 years. The purpose of the measures: the formation of the necessary density, trunk and crown of young trees. Trees that are stunted, diseased or damaged are removed. When removing stunted young trees, it is important that the distance in the rows between the best specimens is approximately the same. The thinning intensity is % of the total number of trees. Lightening is repeated after 3-5 years, since it is after this period of time that stunted and depressed trees that periodically appear as a result of a thickened planting pattern become noticeable. After 5-7 years, cleaning is carried out due to the onset of a new stage in the development of forest crops, which requires a specific type of care. In this case, the density must be at least 0.7.

Thinning and continuous felling are carried out to care for the best trees in poplar plantations and associated tree species, while the stand density must be at least 0.7.

Due to the more intensive development of white poplars growing on thick, alluvial soils, the timing of thinning occurs earlier than for black poplars growing on poorer and less moist soils. The age of thinning is presented in Table 5.

Table 5 — Timing of economic activities in poplar forests

Types of felling Duration of implementation in cultures, years In natural poplar trees
white poplar sedge
Lightening 3-5 2-3 3-5
Cleaning 5-7 3-5 5-7
Thinning 11-15 16-17 15-18
Passing 15-17 18-20 20-25

Note: when forming poplar trees from coppices, lightening is carried out after the first growing season. Cleaning is carried out in the third year after the massive development of root shoots.

5.2. The effect of pruning lateral branches on the growth of hybrid poplars

When growing poplars to obtain wood in a short time, pruning of lateral branches and twigs is used to increase the growth of wood mass and form a tree trunk. Poplars are pruned depending on the stage of growth.

On the territory of the Ryazan forestry of the Belorechensky forestry enterprise, in plantation crops of hybrid poplar (Brabantik variety) at the age of 5 years, lateral branches were removed at a height of up to 2.5 meters from the base of the tree. Nearby Brabantica crops were left as a control without pruning. As a result of the inventory, it was revealed that the poplar plantation with removed lateral branches after the first growing season exceeded its control neighbors by an average of 1 cm in diameter and by 0.5 meters in height.

Repeated pruning of branches on the trunk and selectively in the crown of the tree led to an increase in the difference in diameter by 2.5 cm and in height by 2 meters. Trees with side branches removed had a more even trunk. At the same time, agrotechnical care on the trial plots did not differ in any way, the type of growing conditions was the same, and the planting scheme was also identical. This type of care allows you to maximize the yield of industrial wood, avoiding high material costs.

5.3. Silvicultural anti-erosion measures in riverbed poplar tracts

The proposed measures were developed on the basis of laying transects, on which the measurements of fallen poplars (height and diameter) growing in the riverbed areas were carried out. In addition to standard measurements, the volume of soil turned out as a result of a falling tree was taken into account; the results are presented in Table 6.

Table 6 Volume of inverted soil in the riverbed part of the floodplain

Type of poplar Tree diameter, cm Tree height, m Soil volume, m³
White poplar 47 16 20
White poplar 49 15 20
White poplar 54 21 23
White poplar 59 22 25
White poplar 62 25 28
White poplar 74 21 25
White poplar 83 25 32
White poplar 84 25 30
White poplar 92 28 35
White poplar 104 25 35
White poplar 186 30 38
White poplar 202 22 45
Poplar black 22 17 15
Poplar black 25 18 15
Poplar black 29 21 12
Poplar black 32 20 15
Poplar black 34 21 17
Poplar black 38 22 18
Poplar black 41 22 18
Poplar black 45 24 20
Poplar black 49 25 21
Poplar black 51 25 22
Poplar black 51 22 25
Poplar black 55 23 25

Overmature poplar grasses have the most adverse effect on bank stability. On high banks of meters) consisting of light sandy loam soils, when falling, white poplar turns up to 45 m³ of soil.

To prevent erosion in the riverbed part of the floodplain, the most effective are young poplar and willow trees (from 2 to 15 years). In poplar plantations, it is necessary to carry out maintenance measures, especially in those parts of the floodplain where overmature tracts grow and the soils are light, sandy loam or formed by gravel deposits.

The most intense erosion processes are observed on high banks (2.5-8 m), consisting of sandy loam soils or gravel deposits located in the riverbed areas. When laying a transect on the Belaya and Pshish rivers, it was revealed that poplar trees growing in the riverbed part of the bank with an average diameter of more than 40 cm have a negative impact on steep banks composed of sandy loam.

6. Artificial reforestation

When choosing silvicultural areas for poplars, two factors must be taken into account: 1) the ecological area of ​​poplar cultivation, 2) categories of silvicultural areas.

The ecological optimum of the poplar growing area should ensure their rapid growth with timely agrotechnical care. With the current number of poplar varieties (more than 1400), the technical maturity of the tree stand should occur by 20–24 years. By this time, the stock of commercial wood is more than 400 m³/ha (Table 2). The growth of poplar plantations should exceed 15 m³/ha per year. The best planting material is annual rooted cuttings grown from winter stem shoots in the school nursery department. Winter stem cuttings are harvested in mother plantations. When planting, the root neck should be buried 1 cm into the soil, leaving 1-2 healthy buds on the surface.

When creating crops in areas with prolonged flooding (oxbow lakes, lowlands, wetlands), large two- to three-year-old rooted cuttings should be used to avoid mass death of cuttings due to a poorly formed root system.

The optimal time for planting hybrid poplars in the Kuban floodplains is early spring. Crops intended to create a raw material base for the pulp and paper industry, as well as small-sized assortments with a short cutting rotation, must have a plant placement of 5X2 or 3X3 m. When growing large-sized assortments for building materials, trees are placed 5X5 or 6X6 m. When planting, it is necessary to comply square placement of plants over the cultivated area. The application of fertilizers to the area cultivated in the floodplain is strictly prohibited. The release of fertilizers into the riverbed is fraught with mass death of river inhabitants.

The implementation of the above measures will ensure the rapid and reliable cultivation of large volumes of commercial poplar wood.

Diseases and pests of floodplain poplar forests of the Kuban
Among fungal diseases, cytophoma necrosis (Cutophoma pruinosa (Fr.)) is widespread. Young shoots and leaves die from scab caused by Pollaccia radiata Bald.. Necrosis of the trunk and branches of poplar is caused by Nectria cmnabarina (Tode.) Fr. The death of small poplar branches is also caused by Cryptodiaporthe populea Sacc. (up to 25%).

Common wood-decaying fungi include the false polypore (Phellinus igniarius Quel.), the true polypore (Fomes fomentarius Gill.) and the maple polypore (Oxyporus populinus (Fr.).

Objects of forest pathological monitoring include the causative agent of cytophoma necrosis (Cytophoma pruinosa Fr.), among harmful insects - poplar leaf beetle (Melasoma populi L.), willow moth (Leucoma (Stilpnotia) salicis L.) and American white butterfly (Hyphantria cunea Drury.)

The poplar secretive proboscis is a very dangerous pest of young hybrid poplar crops; it begins to damage crops from 3-5 years of age and causes maximum damage to 5-8 year old plantings. Damage is caused by both larvae and beetles.

Control measures: it is necessary to inspect young poplar crops annually in May, and if there are outbreaks of the pest, carry out extermination measures. In floodplain forests, the emphasis in the fight against poplar pests should be placed on forestry measures, as well as on biological control measures. Forestry control measures include timely elimination of infected trees. If there are more than 50% of dying trees in the plantings, it is more advisable to designate them for clear sanitary felling.

Biological control measures include the following measures: attracting entomophagous insects, fungi, bacteria, viruses that destroy pests; use of insectivorous birds. Insectivorous birds are of great importance as a means of preventing the mass reproduction of pests. The beneficial activity of the following groups of birds is especially noticeable: woodpeckers, starlings, tits, hoopoes, and rooks. To attract birds, it is important to install artificial nesting sites in forest areas in a timely manner.

Conclusions and suggestions for production

1. The productivity of floodplain forests in the research area does not correspond to the forest growth potential of the territory.

2. Overmature poplars growing on high banks consisting of light sandy loam soils (the riverbed part of the Belaya River floodplain) poorly perform environment-forming functions.

3. The floodplain poplar forests of the Kuban River and its tributaries are in a state of digression. Their features are:

- untimely cutting turnover and, as a result, aging of the forest stand, entailing a loss of generative capacity, which is highest in poplars at 30-40 years old;

— coppice origin of forest stands in which silvicultural measures are not carried out aimed at the formation of productive poplar forests of the second generation;

— low productivity of existing poplar trees of natural origin;

— presence of signs of disruption of physiological processes in poplar forests (dry tops, stem rot, etc.).

4. Forestry activities in floodplain forests must correspond to their biological characteristics. In general, the stability of a floodplain depends on the state of its three constituent parts: riverbed, central and near-terrace. Forest areas in the central part contribute to a decrease in the speed of water flow and the accumulation of solid runoff (alluvium). The central part of the floodplain is the site of the flood flow. The near-terrace part of the floodplain has the function of accumulating moisture, which, as a result of drainage, provides additional moisture to the central and riverbed parts of the floodplains. To increase the productivity of floodplain forests in the central part of the floodplain, it is advisable to create crops from fast-growing poplar varieties that reach maturity by 20-25 years.

5. When designing forestry activities in floodplain forests, it is necessary to take into account the features of the structural parts of the floodplain: riverbed, central and near-terrace. For each of them, separate action plans should be developed related to the overall task of managing the floodplain. The boundaries of each of these zones must be indicated on cartographic materials. To reduce erosion processes in the riverbed part of rivers with gravel deposits or light sandy loam soils, it is necessary to remove mature and overmature forest growing on high banks (from 2.5 to 7) meters along the riverbed slope. Logging work in a stand of white poplar growing in the riverbed part of the floodplain must be carried out when the average diameter reaches 40 cm. In the black poplar tracts, logging work is carried out when the average diameter of the plantings reaches more than 30 cm, depending on the proximity to the riverbed part of the river.

6. When creating poplar crops in floodplain areas with thick, alluvial-meadow soils, it is advisable to use: Brabantica clones No. 000 (Populus euramerikana (Dode) Guines cv. brabantika), Sakrau No. 79 (Populus euramerikana (Dode) Guines cv. Sakrau), Carolina No. 000 (Populus deltoids Marsh. Missouriensis Henru) and Robusta No. 000 (Populus euramerikana (Dode) Guines cv. Solem), and on gravel deposits it is advisable to create crops from the native species of black poplar.


When growing poplars for the purpose of obtaining wood in a short time, use pruning of lateral branches and twigs to increase the growth of wood mass and form a tree trunk. The formation of the crown in plantation crops of hybrid poplars must begin in the third year after planting, followed by pruning for five years.

List of works published on the topic of the dissertation

1. Dynamics of poplar growth under the influence of anthropogenic pollution / Materials of a scientific and practical conference of graduate students, young scientists and specialists dedicated to the 85th anniversary of higher forest education. – Novocherkassk, 2005. – P. 90-92.

2. Creation of hybrid poplar plantations in the floodplain forests of the Belorechensky forestry [text] / Materials of the scientific and practical conference of graduate students, young scientists and specialists, dedicated to the 85th anniversary of higher forest education. – Novocherkassk, 2005. – pp. 123-125.

3. Specifics of harvesting poplar planting material using the example of the Belorechensky forestry enterprise / V All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Agro-industrial complex and current problems of regional economics.” – Maykop, 2C. 281-282.

4. Anti-erosion silviculture measures in riverine poplar tracts // Bulletin of the Moscow State Forest University. – Forest HeraldP. 8-12.

5. Varieties testing of hybrid poplars in floodplain forests of the Kuban / VΙ International Conference of Young Scientists Forests of Eurasia - Hungarian Forest. - Sopron, 2006 - P. 97-99.

6. Variety testing of hybrid poplars in the floodplain forests of the Belaya River / Materials of the second scientific and practical conference “Museum-Reserve: Ecology and Culture”. — St. Veshenskaya, 2006. - P. 342-344.

Due to the large volume, this material is placed on several pages: 3

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Sweet poplar

The fragrant poplar grows in the eastern part of Siberia . It is also found in Mongolia and Northern China.

The light-loving tree reaches 20 m in height, has a dense ovoid-oval crown, a trunk with light yellowish-gray bark. It got its name for its fragrant and resinous (especially in spring) buds and young twigs. The leaves are bright green, leathery and shiny, oval in shape with a sharp tip at the top, quite dense, slightly whitish below. Small flowers form dangling earrings.

Sweet poplar foliage


The sun rose early and looked into the house. The chestnut trees are blooming outside my window. A bird sings Close, close somewhere, So the Golden Summer is coming. (G. Boyko) Horse chestnut is a majestic tree with a spreading, dense, uniform, highly vaulted crown. The trunk of mature trees is very powerful, usually straight. This tree reaches a height of 25–30 meters. Horse chestnut deservedly enjoys the reputation of one of the most beautiful park trees. It is often planted in parks and gardens, near houses and cottages. In early spring, large sticky greenish-pink buds appear on the chestnut tree. After a few days, original large leaves appear, divided into 5–7 leaflets.

In early May, the chestnut tree blooms. Its flowers are very beautiful - pyramidal panicles up to 30 centimeters high, consisting of large white flowers with yellowish or reddish droplets of juice. Flowers that resemble candles on a Christmas tree give the tree a unique look. Chestnut fruits also look attractive: green, spherical capsules with numerous thorns, each containing 1–3 shiny, dark brown seeds. Noble chestnut grows in the southern regions. It is so different from horse chestnut that scientists place them in different families. They are similar only in appearance, in both species they are shiny, brown, like polished nuts, enclosed in almost identical shells, only in the edible one it is brown with spikes, and in the horse chestnut it is bright green with tubercles. It is difficult to say exactly why the chestnut began to be called horse chestnut. There are two versions. According to one of them, after the leaf falls, a scar resembling the mark of a horse’s shoe remains at the place where the petiole is attached to the branch. According to the second, there is a gray spot on the dark brown surface of the fruit, similar to the imprint of a horse's hoof. Horse chestnut wood is used in furniture production to make high-quality barrels. An extract prepared from the bark is used to tan leather and dye cotton, wool and silk fabrics dark brown and olive green. Baskets are woven from young branches.

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Poplar pyramidal

Pyramidal poplar (Populus Pyramidalis) is a tall and slender tree, with a columnar crown, wide at the bottom and gradually tapering at the top, which makes the tree look like a cypress. It is believed that the homeland of this species is Asia Minor, but it is not known for sure.

Poplar pyramidal

The leaves are diamond-shaped, may be triangular, but not very large. The species is not very frost-hardy, but grows well in central Russia and in the south of Western Siberia. A magnificent tree for urban landscaping, good both in groups and in solitary planting, it forms beautiful alleys.

Preparing the soil and planting site

Pyramid poplar is an unpretentious species. But in order for the tree (photos of seedlings are given in the article) to develop faster, it is worth planting it in a lighted open area. And it is better to choose a place with loose, fertile soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction, since plant growth slows down in clayey, heavy soils.

You can prepare the substrate by mixing the following components in equal parts:

  • garden soil;
  • peat;
  • sand.

When choosing a location, it is worth considering that the roots of the poplar grow strongly. So the tree should be planted 40-50 m from buildings.

How is poplar used?

And a few more words about the benefits and uses of poplar. We have already said about its indispensability in landscaping city streets. It is only necessary to add that the rapid growth, as well as the ability of its leaves to purify the air from gas and smoke, cannot be compared with any other type of tree. Therefore, in urban landscaping, poplar remains one of the most important and rational elements.

Poplars in the park

In addition, tree wood is very widely used for economic purposes: it is used to make paper and artificial silk, simple furniture and various containers are made, it is used for lumber and much more. And paint is obtained from poplar leaves and buds. This is such a wonderful and useful tree - our old friend poplar.

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Image of Poplar

Under the tall gloomy old Poplars they signed important documents and took oaths.

During the era of revolutions, Poplar was a symbol of the people's struggle for freedom and rights.

At the same time, in Chinese traditions, wood meant the unity of opposites - yin and yang. Thanks to their flowers, Poplar leaves represented black and white, beginning and end.

In folk tales, Poplar personified a gentle and subtle nature. The Poplar leaves, like the Aspen leaves, trembled in the wind.

Since ancient times, it was believed that Poplars were able to absorb negative energy and protect the house from evil spirits. Like guards, tall trees stood on the streets in cities and villages. Many old-timers believe that trees cannot endlessly absorb evil thoughts and, in the end, give a lot to the world.

What is the root of the poplar? Silver poplar: description.

White poplar grows almost everywhere - from the European part of Russia to Siberia, from Asia Minor to Central Asia, from China to Western Europe.
In the wild, it is capable of forming floodplain forests, due to its deep root system, capable of producing numerous offspring even far from the mother bush. Poplar grows on fertile and well-moistened soils, can withstand flooding, and therefore can strengthen the banks of rivers and reservoirs. A beautiful, powerful plant with a spherical, wide-spreading crown produces white shoots. The plant is widely used in large forested and park areas to create monumental landscape compositions. Poplar looks great in groves, group plantings with alternating trees of contrasting colors and large clearings. Can also be used in single plantings.

The plant is named so because of the underside of adult leaves, which are white in color, and young leaves, which are completely white due to the abundant pubescence. In the wind, the swaying leaves take on a silvery tint, the spreading crown shimmers with silver. Thanks to its unpretentiousness, rapid growth, and excellent survival rate, poplar has taken one of the main places in landscaping polluted cities, dusty highways and large industrial facilities.

Did you know that poplar is a dioecious plant. That is, there are female and male specimens. Poplar fluff, which allergy sufferers are very afraid of, is produced by female trees.

Where does Poplar grow?

There are about 90 species of this tree. One of the rarest trees listed in the Red Book is Black Poplar.

Poplar belongs to the willow family. In nature, it can be found along river banks and on hillsides, however, it is most often found along roads and in parks in cities and towns.

Wild species are extremely sensitive to soil moisture. That is why Poplars are not found near swamps and swamps. Cultivated plants, on the contrary, take root well in almost any soil and even in heavily polluted areas.

Various types of Poplars grow in Siberia, Northwestern Russia, the Far East, America, Mexico, China and even East Africa.

Poplar grows very quickly and within 40 years reaches incredible sizes. The maximum age of such a Poplar reaches 150 years. There are known cases when the age of the Black Poplar was about 400 years.

Landing rules

The main condition is choosing the right place for planting. Poplar belongs to the category of light-loving plants, so for planting it is worth choosing an area without constant shade. It is advisable that there are no drafts there, given the fragility of the branches and the possibility of them falling. The composition of the soil does not play a big role. Feels great on depleted and dry soils. However, rapid growth is observed in moist and rich lands.

When planting the most common pyramidal poplar, it is necessary to maintain the following distance between seedlings: one and a half by three meters or two and a half by four meters. The depth of the planting hole should be 1 meter, due to the presence of a powerful root system even in young trees.

It is imperative to make a high-quality drainage system. To do this, gravel, broken bricks or construction waste are poured onto the bottom of the hole. The root collar is deepened by 1.5 - 2 centimeters or placed flush with the ground. Accurate information can be obtained from specialists at the nursery. It must be remembered that the distance between the holes depends on the selected type of poplar. The parameters must be observed, as this will affect the rate of growth and development of the tree.

The walls and bottom of the pit must be treated and have a loose structure. This will have a beneficial effect on the growth of the seedling. First, a peg is placed in the hole, and then a seedling. The released soil is returned back to the hole, thoroughly compacted, and sides are formed for ease of watering. Instead of released soil, you can use a soil mixture consisting of sand, peat and earth in a ratio of 2:2:3. During the planting process, it is advisable to add nitroammophoska or Kemira - a universal plant (120 g per 1 sq.m. area). The trunk of the tree is tied to a support.

Experts recommend planting poplars in the spring. When planting in autumn, the seedling may become sick and grow poorly. There is a possibility of non-survival.

As soon as planting is completed, the seedling is watered abundantly with settled water. The ground around the trunk is mulched with sawdust and peat to avoid excessive evaporation of moisture.

What does Poplar look like?

Poplar is a slender, tall tree with a strong, thick trunk and a silvery crown. The height of the Black Poplar sometimes reaches 40 meters, while the maximum recorded trunk girth is more than 4 meters.

The Poplar crown is very dense and wide. Over time, many branches dry out. It’s as if negative energy is drying up an old tree from the inside.

The bark of the common Poplar has a grayish tint and cracks over time.

The tree is dioecious. In summer, female flowers turn into that same poplar fluff - white snow against the backdrop of a sultry summer.

The healing properties of Poplar

The bark, seeds and buds of the plant are used as medicine.

Poplar bark contains tannins, glycosides and alkaloids. Thanks to this, a decoction of the bark has a sedative effect and calms the nervous system.

At the same time, tannins have an astringent effect and are effective for stomach disorders.

Kidney decoctions effectively fight inflammation and increase the body's resistance.

An infusion of Poplar leaves is used as a wound healing agent.

There are drugs based on Poplar that can cope with depression and normalize sleep.

Poplar buds, ground into powder and mixed with other ingredients, are used for hair loss. This ointment can stimulate hair follicles.

Possible diseases and pests, ways to get rid of them

The pyramidal poplar, the photo of which is presented in the article, does not have absolute immunity. And it can be affected by diseases and pests. Moreover, young seedlings with a poorly developed root system suffer from them more often.

The most common diseases and pests of poplar:

NameSymptomsFighting methods
Brown spotA fungal disease in which round brown spots with white dots in the middle form on the leaves. Over time, the lesions increase in size, merge, and lead to the death of foliage. For treatment next spring, before the buds swell, the poplar needs to be treated with 3% Bordeaux mixture. Spraying should be repeated when the leaves bloom and after another 2 weeks. But this time you need to use 1% Bordeaux mixture.
Gray spotA fungal disease that causes light gray spots with a brown center and brown rims to form on the leaves.In early spring, before the buds swell, spray the tree with Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate. Repeat treatment when leaves bloom.
RustA fungal disease in which raised orange growths form on the leaves. The disease greatly weakens trees, especially young ones, and reduces their decorative value. At the first signs of disease, spray the tree with Bordeaux mixture (1%). You can also use fungicides "Skor", "Fitosporin". Spraying must be repeated until complete cure at intervals of 14 days.
ScabA fungal disease that often develops in midsummer. When infected, brown spots with a purple tint form on the leaves. Later they become covered with a velvety olive-colored coating. Young branches dry out and die. At the first symptoms, you need to remove the affected branches. Spray the crown with systemic fungicides such as Fitosporin, Fundazol, Skora. In early spring, to prevent poplar, treat it with Bordeaux mixture.
Powdery mildewWhen affected, the leaves have a gray felt coating on all sides. Over time, it turns white and acquires a mealy consistency. The disease interferes with photosynthesis and reduces the decorative qualities of the crop. In early spring, trees must be treated with 3% Bordeaux mixture. In summer, it is advisable to repeat spraying using a systemic fungicide with copper (“Hom”, “Oksikhom”, “Abiga-Pik”).
spindle gall midgeA small insect that resembles a mosquito. Its orange larvae infect seed pods and feed on unripe seeds. Because of this, the fruits swell, become spherical, and almost colorless. Pests weaken the plant, reducing its decorative value. If severely damaged, it can lead to death. To prevent gall midges, poplars should be treated in early spring with the insecticides Fufanon or Decis. If trees are damaged by pests, you will need to remove all branches with galls, smearing the cutting areas with garden varnish with the preparation “Hom” (20 hectares per 1 package).
Poplar leaf beetleA brown-red beetle that feeds on tree leaves. It can also damage young shoots. If pests are detected, trees should be treated with insecticides “Aktara”, “Aktellik”, “Fufanon”.
SawflyA beetle with a black head and thorax, and a yellow abdomen. Its larvae feed on the leaves of the tree, which leads to its weakening and reduced decorativeness. To destroy pests, you will need to spray the trees with insecticides “Karbofos”, “Aktara”, “Decis”. The treatment should be repeated after 7-14 days. For prevention, it is important to dig up the soil in the tree trunk circle in the spring.

Application of Poplar

Poplar wood is used in industry as a raw material for making paper, matches, plywood and even charcoal.

Despite the fact that Poplar wood is not a favorite material for carvers and joiners, it is very valuable. The tree is able to quickly reach its ripeness, therefore it is an important and rapid source of renewable natural resources.

Pine in this .

Many types of plants are unpretentious in the soil and are able to withstand increased air pollution, converting carbon dioxide into oxygen. That is why this plant has been planted in parks and along roads for many decades in a row.

Unfortunately, Poplar is also known for being a strong irritant for allergy sufferers. This fact was clearly not taken into account in Soviet times during the mass planting of Poplars in residential areas.

GCD competition in the senior group “Poplar - the tree of our region”

Svetlana Derkina

GCD competition in the senior group “Poplar - the tree of our region”

GCD in the senior group Polar – the tree of our region

Goal: creating a social development situation through search and research activities on the topic The poplar is the tree of our region

— introduce one of the types of pyramidal poplar - black poplar ;

- show the similarities and differences between ordinary poplar and black poplar ;

- develop curiosity in children.

- cultivate interest in learning about the world around us.

Preliminary work: conducting the experiment “Where does a leaf live in winter?”

: observations of the buds of
poplar placed in water (Keeping a diary of observations: swelling of the buds, the appearance of the first leaf, the appearance of roots. Conclusion: the leaf is in the bud, it “sleeps”
in the bud in winter)

-Who looks after the forest? What is such a person called? (Forester)

in our forest too. A lot of them. The main forester's name is Zinovy ​​Mikhailovich Yuskov.

— Zinovy ​​Mikhailovich found out about our experiment “Where does a leaf live in winter?”

. He was interested in this, he also wanted to do such an experiment, but he didn’t understand everything, and he had questions. Zinovy ​​Mikhailovich sent these questions in the form of an audio letter. (Letter: Hello, children. I am asking you for help, I am Zinovy ​​Mikhailovich Yuskov. From the Internet I learned about your interesting experience. Please help and answer the questions I have. Sincerely, Chief Forester of Khakassia.)

- “What did you do at first?”
(They took branches)
- “Which tree branches
did you take ?” (
Polars .) - Why poplars ? (This tree grows on a plot , in a city, in a park)

“Did the leaves appear immediately?”

(No. First the buds swollen, burst, the tip of the leaf appeared, then a small leaf)

“What shape does a
poplar ?” (Has the shape of a heart, oval, smooth edges)
Task “Guys, here are the leaves of the trees . poplar leaves "

— Where does poplar ? (In the forest, in the city, in parks)

“Is there any benefit from this tree


Is poplar a useful tree ? Does it need to be protected? What are the benefits of poplar ?

(Home for birds, small animals - mice, chipmunks, squirrels; produces oxygen, purifies the air from gnawing, medicine for animals) (Birds, animals are attached to a tree using a magnet, clean air)

- Poplar – medicinal tree?

- You guys know that our Sorsky poplar has a brother - black poplar . It grows where it is warm: in Crimea, near Moscow, in Leningrad.

Task “Look and find similarities and differences”

Black poplar

Common poplar

— It is listed in the Red Book. Do you know what the red book is?

What animals and plants do you know from the Red Book? why were they brought there? (Rare birds, animals, and plants are included in the Red Book. They were destroyed, exterminated, and were not taken care of. There are few left.)

“There are n’t many black poplars left . But our poplar is not listed in the Red Book. We protect it, we take care of it. How do we protect it? What will we do with the branches? (We will plant it in the park, on the site)

— How else to plant a poplar ? (seeds)

-What did you do in class? - helped the forester.

-What does the forester know now? What have you learned? Will this be useful to you? Where will it be useful?

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