A selection of books on woodworking

used and new woodworking machines

Literature on carpentry

1. Akishenkov S.I. Protection of lumber from cracking during drying.
M., 1978. 33 p. 2. Amalitsky V.V., Lyubchenko V.I. Handbook of a young woodworker. M., 1974.

3. Bartashevich A.A., Antonov V.P. Furniture production technology and wood carving. 288 pp., 2001; Publisher: Higher School

4. Berlin M.A. Humidity measurement, 2nd ed., revised. and additional M., 1973. 400 p.

5. Biryukov V. A. Chamber drying of wood in a high-frequency electric field. M.-L., 1950. 102 p.

6. Bobikov P.D., Luthershtein M.B. Plywood works. M., 1974

7. Bobikov P.D. Design of joinery and furniture products. M., 1980.173 p.

8. Bobikov P.L. Production of artistic furniture. M., 1982.271 p.

9. Buglai B.M. Wood finishing technology. M., 1973.

10. Bulanin. V.D. Mosaic woodwork. 144 pp., 2001; Publisher: Olma-Press; Series: School of Mastery

11. Burikov V.G., Vlasov V.N. House carving.M.1994.352 p.

12. Bukhtiyarov V.P. Equipment for finishing wood products. M., 1971.

13. Vakin A. T. Storage of round timber. M., 1964. 428 p.

14. Weber G.B. Modern DIY furniture; Translated from German - M., 1980.78 p.

15. Gashkova A.K. Influence of humidity on the quality of joinery and construction products. M., 1974. 80 p.

16. Ginzburg A. S. Fundamentals of the theory and technology of DRYING food products. M., 1973. 528 p.7.

17. Girsh M. Drying technique. Per. with him. M., 1937. 628 p.

18. Glikin M.S. Decorative woodwork on machines.M.1999.280 p.

19. Glukhikh V. N. Prevention of warping of lumber during chamber drying. M., 1975. 35 p.

20. Golenishchev A.N., Dobrynin S.V., Andreeva A.A. Drying and protective treatment of wood. - M.: Lesn. Prom, 1984.- 80 p.

21. Gorshin S. N. Atmospheric drying of lumber. M., 1971. 295 p.

22. Grigoriev M.A. Industrial training for carpenters. M., 1979.223 p.

23. Grigoriev M.A. Materials science for joiners and carpenters. M., 1981.169 p.

24. Grigoriev M.A. Industrial training for woodworking machine operators. M., 1982.152 p.

25. Denezhny P.M., Stiskin P.M., Thor I.E. Turning. M., 1979.

26. Dmitrievskaya T.S. Furniture finishing with nitro varnishes.L.1951

27. Zabozlaev B.S. Conditions for safe work in finishing shops of woodworking enterprises. M., 1967.

28. Directory catalog of hand tools for construction. M., 1989.

29. Heinrich Gatsura. Furniture styles. 164 pp., 2001; Publisher: Moscow city organization of the Union of Writers of Russia.

30. Kondratyev G. M. Regular thermal regime. M., 1954. 408 p.

31. Konovalenko A.M. Restoration of furniture. St. Petersburg. 1998.112 p.

32. Korotkov V.I. Woodworking machinery. M., 1986.

33. Krasnikov V.V. Conductive drying. M., 1973. 288 p.

34. Kreidlin L.N. Carpentry, carpentry and parquet work. M., 1997.320 p.

35. Kreidlin L.N. Carpentry work. M., 1982.127 p.

36. Kreidlin L.N. Carpentry. M., 1985.174 p.

37. Krechetov I.V. Drying wood. 3rd ed. reworked M.: Lesn. industry, 1980.-432 p.

38. Krechetov I.V. Drying wood with flue gases. M., 1961. 270 p.

39. Krechetov I.V. Wood drying. M., 1972. 440 p.

40. Krechetov I.V. Wood drying. M.-L., 1949. 528 p.

41. Krechetov I.V. Start-up and operation of a continuous gas drying plant of the Krechetov system. TsNIITEIlesprom. M., 1965. 24 p.

42. Kraut, F. and Meyer, Fr. Carpentry and joinery work for interior decoration of buildings. Floors, doors, windows, wall paneling and decoration, ceilings, stairs. 292 pp., 1901; Publisher: Publishing house G.V. Holsten.

43. Krisher O. Scientific foundations of drying technology. M., 1961. 540 p.

44. Kuksov V.A. Joinery. M., 1960.

45. Kulebakin G.I. Joinery. M., 1987.143.

46. ​​Kulikov I.V. Technology of manufacturing and repairing furniture according to orders of the population. M., 1974. 424 p.

47. Lashchaver M.S., Rebrin S.P. Finishing of fiberboards with synthetic materials. M., 1970.

48. Lebedev P. D. Calculation and design of drying installations. M.-L., 1963. 320 p.

49. Logacheva. L.A. Basics of wood carving skills. 136 pp., 2001; Publisher: Folk Art

50.Lykov A.V. Drying theory. M., “Energy”, 1968 - 472 p.

51. Lykov A.V. Heat and mass transfer (handbook). M., 1972. 560 p.

52. Lyubchenko V.I., Druzhkov G.F. Handbook for a young machine operator at a sawmill and woodworking enterprise. M., 1985.

53. Matveeva T.V. Mosaic and wood carving. M., 1981.80 p.

54. Mikhailichenko A.L., Sadovnichy F.P. Wood science and forest commodity science. M., 19883.205 p.

55. Mikhailov Yu, M. Drying with superheated steam. M., 1967. 198 p.

56. Muzalevsky V.I. Measuring wood moisture content. M., 1976. 120 p.

57. Nagorskaya I.A. Grinding and polishing equipment for finishing shops. VNIPIEILesprom, 1971.

58. Nefedov V.I. How to make furniture yourself. M., 1986.192 p.

59. Nikitin L.I. Safety precautions at woodworking enterprises. M., 1982.240 p.

60. Standards for chamber drying of lumber. M.-L., 1957. 39 p.

61. Wood processing. Traditional technology.432 pp., 1999; Publishers: AST, Geleos

62. Orlova Yu.D. Finishing of wood products. M., 1968.

63. Perelygin L. M. Wood science. M., 1969. 318 p.

64. Peich HH, Tsarev B. S. Wood drying. M., 1975. 224 p.

65. Pesotsky A. N., Yasinsky V. S. Design of sawmill and woodworking industries. M., 1976. 375 p.

66. Petrov A.K. Wood processing technology. M., 1974.271 p.

67. Popov K.N. , Caddo M.B.. Construction materials and products. 368 pp., 2001; Publisher: Higher School

68. Practical advice. Carpentry work. 208 pp., 2000; Publishers: AST, Harvest; Series: My profession

69. Prozorovsky N.I. Finishing technology for joinery products. M., 1981.288 p.

70. Pronin. L.A. Wood carving and mosaic. 272 pp., 2001; Publisher: U-Factoria; Series: DIY

71. Prudnikov P.G., Goldberg E.E., Kordonskaya B.K. Handbook of furniture finishing. Kiev: Tekhnika, 1982

72. Pylnikov N. A. Wood drying. Kyiv, 1968. 120 p.

73. Rivkin S. A., Aleksandrov A. A. Thermodynamic properties of water and water steam. M., 1975. 79 p.

74. Rozov V.N., Savchenko V.F. Cladding of joinery and furniture parts and products. M., 1979.175 p.

75. Guidelines for chamber drying of lumber. Arkhangelsk, 1977. 152 p.

76. Savchenko. V.F. Materials for cladding and finishing of joinery and furniture products. 128 pp., 1999; Publisher: Academy (Moscow); Series: Profession

77. Safronenko V.M. Decor and protection of wood. 32 pp., 2001; Publisher: Halton; Series: Advice from the Master

78. Sergovskiy P. S. Regimes and chamber drying of lumber. M„ 1976. 135 p.

79. Sergovsky P. S. Hydrothermal treatment and conservation of wood. M., 1975. 402 p.

80. Sokolov P.V., Kharitonov G.N. 2nd ed. Forest drying chambers. M., 1980. 184 p.

81. Sokolov P.V. Design of drying and heating installations for wood. M., 1965. 331 p.

82. Soloviev A.A. Korotkov V.I. Setting up woodworking equipment. M., 1982.311 p.

83. Furniture Maker's Handbook/Ed. V.P. Bukhtiyarov. M., 1975.343 p.

84. Handbook of woodworking. M., 1975.528 p.

85. Stepanov B.A. Materials science for professions related to wood processing. 328 pp., 2000; Publishers: Academy (Moscow), IRPO; Series: Vocational education

86. Sterlin D. M. Drying in the production of plywood and particle boards. M., 1977. 382 p.

87. Joinery and carpentry work. 352 pp., 2001; Publisher: Olma-Press; Series: Home Economics Library

88. Carpentry. 320 pp., 2000; Publisher: Phoenix; Series: For home and income

89. Lumber technology/P. P. Aksenov et al. M., 1976. 479 p.

90. Timofeev V.A. Cabinetry works. M., 1957.

91. Tyukina Yu.P., Makarova I.S. General technology of sawmill and woodworking production. M., 1983.223 p.

92. Ugolev B. N. Wood science with the basics of forest commodity science. M., 1975. 383 p.

93. Kharitonov G. N. Mechanization of work in timber drying shops. M., 1974. 70 p.

94. Horst Heltz. DIY furniture: Per. with him. Berlin: Tribune, 1988.277 p.

95. Khudyakov A.V. Woodworking machinery. M., 1981.198 p.

96. Chudinov B. S. Theory of thermal processing of wood. M., 1968. 255 p.

97. Shepelev A.M. Making furniture with your own hands. M., 1977.143 p.

98. Shepelev A.M. Glass works. M., 1988.

99. Stern.H.A. Joinery and carpentry work. Ref. allowance. M., 1992.352 p.

Other articles:

    About the tree
  • Wood defects
  • Physical properties of wood
  • Basic properties and structure of wood and wood
  • Plywood
  • Tables on the volume and weight of particle boards
  • Determination of moisture content and drying of wood
  • Hardwood lumber
  • Types of timber
  • Mechanical properties of wood
  • Tree species
  • Tables for plywood volume and weight
  • Wood fiber boards
  • Particle boards
  • Measurements and acceptance of lumber
  • Softwood lumber
  • Tools and technologies
  • Adhesives
  • Hand woodworking tools
  • Hardening and sharpening of carpentry tools
  • Psychrometer
  • Machine tools
  • Classification and indexing of woodworking machines
  • Malfunctions of woodworking machines, solutions.
  • Safety rules when working on woodworking machines.
  • Electricity
  • Operation of a three-phase electric motor in a single-phase network
  • Operation and repair of electric motors
  • Electrical safety, Terms and definitions.
  • Artificial lighting in industrial enterprises.
  • First aid for electric shock
  • Helpful information
  • Useful tips
  • Carpenter's Dictionary (L-S)
  • Safety precautions when working with flammable materials.
  • Carpenter's Dictionary (T-Y)
  • Carpenter's Dictionary (A-K)

“Organization of production at woodworking industry enterprises” G. E. Davydov

The course of lectures mainly corresponds to the content of the discipline “Organization of production at enterprises of the industry”, provided for by the State educational standard of higher professional education in the field of study “Economics and management in an enterprise (by industry)”. The book will be useful to specialists working in the woodworking (primarily furniture) industry in the field of production process management.

Publisher: Moscow State Forest University, 2009; 304 pp.

“Labor safety (woodworking)” V. N. Oblivin, N. V. Grenz

The organization of management and labor protection at woodworking enterprises is considered in accordance with current state regulations. The main provisions for the prevention of industrial injuries and morbidity, as well as means and methods for the prevention of industrial injuries and morbidity in workshops for mechanical wood processing are outlined. Measures to ensure fire safety are described.

Publisher: Academy, 2010; 288 pp.

“Logging. Practical guide"

The book contains materials related to the work of the logging complex: basic terms and definitions; characteristics of the logging fund; machines and equipment for performing preparatory, auxiliary and main work; technological schemes for the development of cutting areas using long-length and cut-to-length technologies; methods of storage and accounting of timber at cutting sites and timber warehouses. A description of wood-cutting tools and their care is given. Issues of labor protection in logging operations are outlined. The manual is intended for forest users - tenants, engineering and technical workers, foremen of the forestry complex and students of secondary specialized and higher educational institutions.

Publisher: ProfiKS, 2006

“Piece accounting and acceptance of timber. Vices and defects of wood” I. R. Shegelman, E. N. Bykov

The work describes modern rules and methods for piece accounting and determining the volume of timber, based on their piece geometric measurement. Recommendations are given for the correct organization of measuring round timber and determining their volumes. The defects and vices of wood are described, their classification is given and their role in the formation of the quality characteristics of wood and products made from it is shown. The book was prepared on the basis of state standards, the results of research by leading scientists in the field of wood science and forest commodity science, as well as the practical experience and terminological developments of the authors. The work is intended primarily for specialists of timber industry enterprises, as well as for students of universities and forestry departments. 2nd edition, corrected and expanded.

Publisher: Profi, 2009; 136 pp.

“Technology and equipment for logging production” A. P. Matveiko

Information is provided on modern logging production, sources of wood raw materials and rational use of the logging fund. The types of technological processes of logging and timber storage operations, low-waste technologies for main and intermediate fellings are described. The theoretical foundations of logging production are outlined. The types and designs of machines, mechanisms, machine tools and other equipment for logging and lower storage operations, and recycling of logging waste are described. The book is intended for university students studying engineering and economic specialties of the forestry complex, and will be useful for students studying in the specialty “Forestry”. It will be a practical guide for engineering and technical workers in the logging industry and forestry.

Publisher: Technoperspective, 2006; 447 pp.

“Woodworking technology” S. N. Rykunin, L. N. Kandalina

The characteristics of the Russian timber industry complex, as well as the products produced by it, are given. Information about the structure of wood is provided, all stages of its processing are considered. The issues of wood drying, gluing, bending, finishing with protective and decorative materials, production of veneer, plywood, wood boards and plastics are covered. A classification of carpentry and construction products and furniture is given. The structure of the technological process, the basics of its automation, as well as the general organization of woodworking production, including industrial sanitation and safety precautions in workshops and in individual areas are outlined. For students of primary vocational education institutions. 5th edition, stereotypical.

Publisher: Academy, 2011; Hardcover, 352 pp.

“Wood drying” A. I. Rasev

The book provides the physical basis of the drying process and describes modern drying devices. The main properties of wood drying agents and some properties of wood that are important for its processing are considered. Considerable attention is paid to the modern technology of chamber drying of lumber and the organization of transport work in drying shops. New data on automatic control systems for wood drying processes are presented. The equipment and technology for drying veneer and crushed wood are briefly reviewed. The basics of designing drying installations are given. A method for determining the economic efficiency of drying is presented. For university students studying in the specialties “Technology of logging and wood processing industries”, “Technology of woodworking”, “Technology and equipment of logging and wood processing industries”.

Publisher: Lan, 2010; 416 pp.

“Lumber products. Assessment of quality and quantity"L. L. Leontyev

The training manual discusses quality indicators, wood defects found in lumber products, and methods for measuring them. The classification of lumber products according to various criteria is considered, the methods of measuring and accounting for various types of lumber products, the rules for their labeling, acceptance and quality control, packaging and transportation, atmospheric drying and storage are examined in detail. This textbook comprehensively examines a wide range of regulatory documents that stipulate the quality requirements for sawn products made from softwood and hardwood, manufactured according to domestic Russian and export standards, as well as European and Scandinavian standards; for the main standards, the rules for determining grades are discussed using specific examples. Unlike various reference guides, the manual allows students to understand methods for determining the quality and quantity of various types of lumber products. The manual can help any person improving their qualifications within the framework of any training programs or independently, to study the features of lumber from a merchandising point of view. The considered standards for lumber products make it possible to determine the quantity and quality of this product produced in Russia not only according to domestic, but also according to export and some foreign standards. The contents of the book meet the requirements of the State educational standard for higher professional education. The manual is designed for students of higher educational institutions studying in the courses “Wood Science. Forestry merchandising", "Forest merchandising with the basics of wood science". There are no similar tutorials. Issues of measurement and quality assessment are discussed very briefly in various textbooks on wood science or forestry merchandising. The manual is richly illustrated with original drawings and photographs.

Publisher: Lan, 2010; 368 pp.

“Protection of wooden structures without “poison”” Peter Weissenfeld, Holger Koenig

The book is a practical guide to the protection and treatment of wooden structures using materials and technologies that do not have a detrimental effect on human health. Basic information about wood and products made from it is considered. Practical tips are provided for protecting wooden structures from damage by mold and insects. The issues of constructive protection of various elements of the house are described: walls, roofs, attics, etc. The features of the use of various antiseptics, adhesives and sealants are considered. Much attention is paid to the processing and coating of wooden surfaces. Proven technologies and recipes for the production of natural paints and other coatings are presented, and the use of environmentally friendly means for treating the surfaces of wooden structures in the house is described.

Publisher: BHV-Petersburg, 2010; 340 pp.

“Information technologies in sawmilling” R. E. Kaliteevsky, A. M. Artemenkov, A. A. Tambi

The book examines the role and tasks of information technology in sawmilling. The structure of information technologies at all stages of the sawmill production process is outlined. An analysis of available information technologies is presented, the general structure of sawmills as a whole is presented, and private information technologies of each of the production sites are given. The influence of sawmill production areas on each other is considered. Recommendations are given for the development, implementation and use of modern information technologies. The book is intended for production workers, designers, students of advanced training courses and students in the field of improvement, reconstruction of existing and design of new sawmills, taking into account increased productivity and quality of the resulting products. The book can also be used as a teaching aid for students studying in the direction 250300 “Technology of logging and woodworking industries” and specialty 250403 “Woodworking Technology”.

Publisher: Profi; 2010, 192 pp.

“Cutting wood” I. T. Glebov

The textbook outlines the basic principles of the theory of wood cutting, developed by the school of A.L. Bershadsky. Information about cutting with a single blade is provided, the processes of wood processing on machines are considered: sawing, milling, planing, peeling, turning, drilling, grinding. The methodology for calculations and selection of rational cutting modes is described with examples. The textbook is intended for students of forestry universities studying the section “Wood cutting” of the academic discipline “Industry Equipment”.

Publisher: Lan, 2010, 256 pp.

“Sawmilling in the 21st century. Technology, equipment, management” R. E. Kaliteevsky

The book examines the concept and role of sawmilling. The development of the theory of cutting raw materials into lumber using a computer is outlined. The dynamics and information technologies of sawmilling are presented. A classification of modern equipment for processing logs into lumber, used in large, medium and small enterprises and its main types is presented. New methods and examples are given for calculating the production capacity of sawmills, processes in the sawmill, preparation of sawn raw materials for processing and processes for final processing of lumber, as well as operational planning and management of sawmilling processes using a computer. The ways of re-equipment of the sawmill industry in Russia are indicated, modern processes of lumber production, the basic theory of its organization and the classification of sawmills by level of specialization are presented. The general provisions of the computer-aided design system for sawmill technology and the organization of automated workstations are considered. Additionally, an algorithm for the technological design of sawmills with batch shipment of lumber is outlined, and the role and tasks of information technology in sawmilling are also considered. The book is intended for production workers, designers and students of advanced training courses in the field of improvement, reconstruction of existing and design of new sawmills of large, medium and small production capacity. 2nd edition, corrected and expanded.

Publisher: ProfiKS, 2008; 504 pp.

“Drying wood” P. V. Boldyrev

The book describes existing methods for drying wood and existing equipment for these processes. Practical guidance is given on the selection of rational drying methods and modes depending on the drying chambers and consumer requests. Exclusive recommendations are provided on all technologies for traditional chamber drying of lumber. Intended as a teaching aid for students and specialists involved in wood drying.

Publisher: ProfiKS, 2007; 168 pp.

"Sawmilling Handbook"

The directory provides information about sawn raw materials and sawmill products. The technological requirements for the quality of lumber products and for cutting raw materials are outlined. Raw material consumption rates have been determined. A description is given of technological processes in sawmill production, types of equipment both in the areas of preparing raw materials for cutting, and in the areas of forming sections. A modern methodology for determining the annual program of a sawmill is presented. The reference book is intended for engineering and technical workers of forestry and woodworking industry enterprises, and also meets the requirements of a textbook for training specialists in specialty 2601. 5th edition.

Publisher: ProfiKS, 2008; 200 pp.


This publication is a valuable reference book that provides basic information on woodworking. The book contains detailed information about wood: its structure, properties, chemical composition, methods of protection from harmful environmental influences. The authors offer an overview of wood materials and technologies for working with them, consider in detail hand and power tools, machines and surface treatment methods, as well as some features of furniture production. The book is intended for students and professionals: planners, architects, interior designers, and can also be used for self-study.

Publisher: Tekhnosphere, 2007; 848 pp.

"Protection of a wooden house"

The reference manual contains information on modern highly effective fire-, bio- and moisture-protective agents for the treatment of wooden structures; The technologies for applying protective agents are described in detail. The publication contains engineering solutions for insulating a wooden house, protecting against noise and creating acoustic comfort in the room. A catalog of acoustic materials is presented. The regulatory requirements and organizational measures for the electrical safety of a wooden house, lightning protection and fire safety are outlined. Recommendations are given for protecting residential premises from unauthorized entry by unauthorized persons. The directory is intended for engineers, technologists, managers of construction companies, individual developers acting as construction customers.

Publisher: NTS Stroyinform, 2008; 420 pp.

"Woodworking. Practical guide" Comp. Fridman I.M.

The book contains a description of the entire woodworking cycle, in modern conditions, across the entire list of raw materials used. All types of structures and basic wood products are presented. Woodworking technology, tools and equipment used are covered. The book is intended as a practical guide for training specialists in specialty 250403 “Woodworking Technology” and as a practical guide for professional woodworkers.

Publisher: ProfiKS, 2010; 544 pp.

“Woodworking technology” p. N. Rykunin, L. N. Kandalina

The characteristics of the Russian timber industry complex, as well as the products produced by it, are given. Information about the structure of wood is provided, all stages of its processing are considered. The issues of wood drying, gluing, bending, finishing with protective and decorative materials, production of veneer, plywood, wood boards and plastics are covered. A classification of joinery and construction products and furniture is given. The structure of the technological process, the basics of its automation, as well as the general organization of woodworking production, including industrial sanitation and safety precautions in workshops and in individual areas are outlined. For students of primary vocational education institutions. 3rd edition, stereotypical.

Publisher: Academy, 2008; 352 pp.

“Materials science (woodworking)” B. A. Stepanov

The textbook provides information about the structure of wood and wood, the physical and mechanical properties of wood, defects and defects, types of wood, classification and standardization of forest materials. Data are provided on ensuring the durability of wood, adhesives and materials for finishing and protective treatment of joinery and building structures. For training and retraining of workers in professions related to wood processing. Can be used in institutions of primary vocational education.

Publisher: Academy, 2007; 80 pp.

“Technology and equipment for logging production” A. P. Matveiko

Information is provided on modern logging production, sources of wood raw materials and rational use of the logging fund. The types of technological processes of logging and timber storage operations, low-waste technologies for main and intermediate fellings are described. The theoretical foundations of logging production are outlined. The types and designs of machines, mechanisms, machine tools and other equipment for logging and lower storage operations, and recycling of logging waste are described. The book is intended for university students studying engineering and economic specialties of the forestry complex, and will be useful for students studying in the specialty “Forestry”. It will be a practical guide for engineering and technical workers in the logging industry and forestry.

Publisher: Technoperspective, 2006; 447 pp.

“Materials Science” A. A. Bartashevich, L. M. Bakhar

The book discusses wood and wood materials, their properties, applications, methods of drying and protecting wood from rotting and fire. Facing, adhesive and paint materials are described, their main characteristics are given and areas of application are given. Basic information about metals, metal products and fittings, materials for the production of upholstered furniture and for flooring is provided. The types, properties and applications of insulating, lubricating, roofing and glass materials are briefly described. For students of secondary specialized educational institutions of carpentry, furniture and construction profiles. It can be recommended for training workers in production, as well as for home craftsmen.

Publisher: Phoenix, 2004; 352 pp.

A selection of books on woodworking

A selection of books on working with wood

Carpentry and carpentry
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: 50 books by various authors on working with wood: joinery and carpentry, wood carving, design of joinery structures, furniture...
List of books 01) L.A. Logacheva. Wood carvers. Album of ornaments_1 02) L.A. Logacheva. Wood carvers. Album of ornaments_2 03) L.A. Logacheva. Wood carvers. Album of ornaments_3 04) I.V. Nilova. Wood carvers. Album of ornaments_4 05) G.A. Baburkova. Wood carvers. Album of ornaments_6 06) Wooden architecture. Explanatory dictionary 07) B. Lange Wooden house from small to large 08) Wooden house. Frame works 09) I.Botalova Painting on wood 10) George Stevens The art of irtarsia 11) Do it yourself. Wooden structures 12) L.A. Logacheva Basics of wood carving skills 13) Magda Ginovar. Wood painting for beginners. 14) Materials science for joiners and carpenters 15) Furniture and other furnishings. Illustrated reference book 16) P.D. Bobikov. DIY furniture. 17) A. Martensson. Let's start crafting from wood. 18) Wood processing. Traditional technique 19) G.V. Potapov. A practical guide for wood carving enthusiasts. 20) Woodwork. Carpentry work. Wood carving. Inlay. 21) O.A.Petrosyan. Wood carving 22) Anthony Denning. Wood carving. Practical guide. 23) A.M. Konovalenko. Furniture restoration. 24) F. Gerrigel and E. Bullow. Guide to flat wood carving 25) Russian ornaments 26) K.A. Soloviev Russian artistic parquet 27) F.V. Zhiltsov and A.B. Shalin Artistic wood carving 28) Jeremy Brown. Encyclopedia of wood processing methods 29) A. Jackson, D. Day. Encyclopedia of Woodworking 30) Laura S. Firesh. Wood spirits and goblins 31) Manzhulin. Safronov. Slotted carving 32) A. Afanasyev. Wood carving 33) V.M. Chupakhin. 22 lessons of geometric wood carving 34) V.G. Burikov, V.N. Vlasov. House carving 35) V.V. Zavershinsky Practical wood carving 36) Matveeva. Mosaic and wood carving 37) Afanasyev. Woodcarver 38) V.I. Ryzhenko. Woodwork. From carving to parquet 39) Design and calculation of wooden structures 40) Both a joiner and a carpenter. A manual on woodworking skills 41) Goetz K.G. etc. - Atlas of wooden structures 42) M.S. Glikin. Decorative woodwork on machines 43) Leo Percy. Brief summary of wood carving 44) DIY furniture. Complete manual 45) Paul Haslak. Basic tools and woodworking technologies 46) A.F. Afanasiev. Wood crafts 47) S.S. Shumega. Carpentry and furniture 48) Korshever - Carpentry and carpentry work 49) Leontyev. Woodwork 50) V.I. Metlov. Homemade woodworking machines rodobozhie.ucoz.ru

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