The best wood for furniture, pros and cons of all options

Construction of a house, regardless of what time of year it will be built, requires careful selection of materials.

Another important factor in finding suitable wood is the climate of the area in which the house will be located.

Taking into account all the required characteristics of the material, as well as the personal preferences of the owners (regarding the width of the beam or log, the colorful structure), a suitable option should be found. That is why a brief description of each type of wood will help answer the question: what kind of wood is best to build a house from?

Pine houses

Traditional wooden houses built from pine have long come into use. And the reason here, perhaps, lies in certain customs that the people have adopted since time immemorial.

In addition, this material has a low price category.

The density of pine is sufficient to ensure living in a truly warm and reliable house. But it is worth remembering that all coniferous trees can succumb to blueing due to the appearance of various harmful fungi. In particular, this can be avoided if, before construction, reliable protection of the wood from various harmful effects is ensured.

It is also necessary to remember that if this ailment does appear, the problem can be solved locally and there should be no reason for concern. By treating wood with special compounds, you can completely eliminate blue stains and bring it back to its original, normal appearance. In addition, these compositions will not affect humans in any way. But if the owner still does not want to carry out the treatment in the presence of the family, you can take a short vacation and go on a trip during this time.

The most important is the ubiquity of pine, which has become a significant indicator of its price category. A large number of companies offer to purchase this material at a discount or initially at a low cost.

But it is worth remembering that the construction process from pine is optimal in winter. Thus, any problems with the appearance of fungus will be nipped in the bud - this is a significant advantage of the material.



Does not tolerate constant humidity very well. Better than beech, but still, if you expect a service life of more than five years, it is better to choose something else for bathroom furniture, such as oak, larch or pine.


High density, like ash - 690 kg/m3, this makes it an ideal material for dining table tops and work tables.

The cost of an ash tabletop is RUB 13,600.

Spruce houses

Spruce also belongs to the coniferous species and therefore its qualities differ slightly from the pine discussed above. But there are also some other properties.

For example, the looseness of the material is slightly higher, and this is worth remembering when starting construction. However, a large number of modern processing compounds will also make it possible to reliably protect it from fungus. But the most interesting thing is that houses made of spruce are somewhat warmer than pine buildings. The fact is that the material itself, due to its “looseness,” allows external cold to pass through much worse in winter, and is also “reluctant” to give off coolness in the summer.

The cost of spruce is slightly higher. And the difference will become noticeable only if the structure being built has a really large area. For small houses the difference will be almost imperceptible.

Susceptibility to fungal diseases and bluing is as common among spruces as it is among pines. But there is a panacea for this - an antiseptic. And besides, the level of diseases among this tree species in conditions of high humidity, as well as various additional factors, is somewhat lower. And if the problem with the appearance of sapwood paint frightens the buyer, then it is worth giving preference to this particular material.

Construction, as in the case of using pine, is best carried out in winter, but using exclusively high-quality dried materials.

Maple – strength and elasticity

Maple wood is considered one of the lightest, and under the rays of the sun it acquires a pleasant golden hue. The main advantages a unique pattern, hardness, bending strength, elasticity, but it is not recommended to use maple boards in rooms with changes in humidity levels, so this flooring is used only in bedrooms and living rooms, and even then not very often.

Larch house

This material occupies a special place among all tree species that are selected for construction.

First of all, it is worth noting the insignificant sapwood, which, when removed, allows you to simplify the task as much as possible with the possibility of blue discoloration. She will simply be absent.

The heat that larch provides in a house is slightly higher than that of spruce and significantly higher than that of pine. That is why this wood is recommended for use in areas with frequent frosts. It will allow you to maintain comfort and warmth in the owner’s home even in extreme cold.

Another advantage of this type of wood is its high resistance to water. Even if water constantly falls on the tree, it will not become wet and significantly absorb moisture.

But quite the opposite - it will only become harder. This feature allows the material to be used in areas with high precipitation and high humidity. Its positive properties will eliminate any problems for the long-term operation of the building.

In addition to the above characteristics, larch is also minimally susceptible to various pests. In particular, its additional processing with special compounds is simply not required. That is why it is used in areas where there are a large number of different insects that can destroy the structure of the tree.

There will be no savings, since wood is quite expensive and not every buyer, unfortunately, can afford to use larch as the main building material for a house.

But if the customer wants to become the owner of a truly amazing structure, then the final amount will be fully recouped over many years of use.

In addition, larch is minimally susceptible to fire. That is why it is recommended to use it in areas with too high temperatures in summer, because... it is almost twice as fire resistant as pine logs and timber.

Larch also has a rather original wood pattern, which allows it to be used to build the most unusual and exclusive houses. The color can vary from light brown to dark, almost black, depending on the age of the tree.

We should also not forget about the beneficial qualities of wood, such as its beneficial effects on the human body. All residents of the houses noted a positive mood, increased tone and also improved blood circulation. According to the advice of doctors, it is best to live in such wooden houses for those buyers who, first of all, want to restore their level of health, improve their condition and, of course, raise healthy children.

Aspen – excellent moisture resistance

Aspen wood is used infrequently and this is primarily due to superstitions. But if you use common sense, you can find a lot of positive qualities. This is both the ability to release useful substances into the air and resistance to moisture, which is why massive aspen boards are often used even for arranging individual areas in a bathhouse.

Cedar houses

First of all, it should be noted that this material becomes the most optimal option when building houses with a large area.

The fact is that the height of the trees is sufficient to select materials for the construction of a large structure.

Also particularly important is the variety of wood shades. In particular, it can be either a light yellow tone or an amber one with a pink tint. All this allows you to build your dream home, which will be both beautiful and reliable.

Due to the lightness of wood, it can also be used with foundations with a smaller overall structure and simpler construction. In particular, when considering small buildings, you can resort to using cheaper, but no less durable foundations.

Cedar also has a fairly soft wood structure, which allows it to be used in a variety of forms. Processing is easy, given the scope of cutting and giving unusual and even non-standard shapes. In particular, decorating a cedar house with various transitions and other original additions will not be difficult. And even platbands can be cut out of cedar in a minimum period of time. This will allow you to create a building in a more folk style or choose a modern high-tech design direction and completely follow the drawn up project during construction.

Cedar is just as useful for the residents of the house as larch. It allows you to bring your body back to normal and feel not only cheerful, but also do your favorite things and hobbies enthusiastically at any convenient time.

What does using wood in the interior mean?

Previously, it was the main construction and finishing material. To this day, wood is used to make house frames, as well as flooring and furniture. However, it has been replaced by other materials - especially concrete, plastics and wood-based materials, and sometimes stone. Someone returns to him, someone does not recognize his imitation. So what is the beauty of wood?

Many people choose wood as a material for furniture and finishing elements for several reasons:

- this is natural - everyone who is familiar with environmental ideas appreciates its biodegradability, as well as its renewability and lack of negative impact on the environment. Many also appreciate its smell, appearance and texture, especially if you love woods and Scandinavian or rustic style;

- insulates and warms - solid wood helps to separate the interior from the cold and noise coming from outside, and at the same time does not cause suffocation, which is important in rooms, as well as in the case of furniture, for example, wardrobes;

- adds character - wood is the main character of many styles and interiors. It cannot be missed in Scandinavian, country and mountain interiors;

- regulates the humidity of rooms - rooms decorated with wood are favorable for allergy sufferers and it is easier to maintain the appropriate air composition in them, which has a positive effect on well-being;

- it is easy to modify - even if the wooden surface is damaged or aged, you can easily renew it and give it a completely different look thanks to various measures. Therefore, wood is widely used in decoration and furniture production;

- it's elegant - and can be luxurious. Furniture and decoration made from solid wood, especially exotic species or domestic oak, undoubtedly decorate the premises, while simultaneously fulfilling their functional role. The interiors made of wood are especially beautiful.

Oak houses

Oak is one of the most delightful materials for construction. It has a large number of positive characteristics and, in addition, is one of the largest types of trees used for summer cottage construction.

The peculiarity of oak is the difference in shades of wood depending on the distance from the core. For example, rings located closer to the core will be light yellow or beige, but those further away have a richer brown tint.

The top layer is insignificant and therefore can be easily removed if desired.

The fact is that the core is considered the strongest part of the tree.

And for oak this figure is several times higher than the outer “shell”.

By using trees only over 30 years old in construction, it is possible to obtain wood with a mysterious wide pattern. But it’s worth remembering that an oak house is an expensive pleasure. And in order to get all the desired qualities, you need to invest a fairly large amount of money.

Humidity has little effect on oak. And this characteristic is quite comparable with the stability of larch.

But the strength of oak significantly exceeds all other tree species. Oak may crack, but if treated correctly it will be practically unnoticeable. And this process will occur evenly and accurately.

How to build a house from rounded logs

It should be noted that oak itself is used in many construction industries and therefore finding suitable finishing materials and additional accessories made from oak is not difficult. So, creating a great building with really good performance will be a piece of cake.

Oak is a centuries-old tree and houses made from it are noble: durable, not exposed to moisture, neat and most importantly very beautiful. By choosing the right shade of materials, you can create a simpler style or give preference to a more sophisticated project.

Alder - durability and benefits

In terms of strength and durability, alder is not much inferior to oak and has healing properties.


  • resistance to deformation;
  • the tannins contained in wood have a positive effect on the microclimate of the room;
  • sufficient resistance to moisture.

Area of ​​use : bedrooms, living rooms, children's rooms, bathrooms.

Linden houses

Although many buyers do not consider this option as the main one, linden houses are also quite common.

The fact is that this wood does not have special heat retention, in accordance with the indicators of other species. That is why it is most often used for the construction of baths or any other non-residential buildings.

But at the same time it has an amazing appearance. Houses made of linden are light, delicate in color and can lift your spirits with their exterior alone and allow you to reach new heights.

The cost of this material is low, and therefore a house can be built from it at a more reasonable cost than from oak or cedar.

It is worth remembering that linden requires special pre-treatment so that no insect pests subsequently become the main problem for the residents of the house. Linden also helps normalize sleep. People living in linden houses noted its beneficial effects.

And this factor, in view of the great turmoil of the modern world, cannot be overlooked.

Houses made of linden are reliable and durable. They will differ from similar buildings made of other wood. But at the same time, they can truly be called unique and inimitable. They will bring something new and light, pleasant and useful into the life of the owner. This material has its own harmony and charges all residents with it.

When choosing a suitable material for building a house, you should never buy the first wood you like. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the characteristics of the area in which the structure will be erected. And it is also quite important to choose the “right” material. For example, you need to remember both the beauty of the wood and its pattern. All this will allow you to accurately execute the drafted project and get a truly amazing result.

No less important is the cost of the material. In particular, the price category has recently become the most important factor. But if the owner wants to build a house “for centuries”, which will delight not only him and his children, but will also allow his grandchildren to spend fun and interesting evenings, it is worth giving preference to more expensive materials, with improved quality and increased service life.

What materials to choose for building a house

Our website presents a number of log house projects, for example: Or you can see the full list of prices for log houses. You can calculate the bathhouse you need with maximum accuracy using our log house cost calculator. In order to order and buy a log house, call: Vologda Moscow, Samofalov Alexander Gennadievich


+5 Lada
We also wondered what type of wood would be best to build a house from. And we came to the conclusion that we would order pine - this is the most affordable material. Other types are probably better, but the house will be a country house, not for permanent residence, so construction can be approached economically.



+4 Stas

In our region, which is Siberia, pine is the most popular. The question here is not only about a certain availability, but about the fact that this material can be trusted 100%. And even if a person has a lot of money, most likely the choice will be pine.



What raw materials are used in construction using WOOD BRICK technology?

WOOD BRICK technology is the construction of houses made of wooden bricks. For its production, high-quality raw materials from pine, spruce or cedar are used. The wood goes through several stages of quality control, which allows us to eliminate any defects in its structure or appearance. Next, the lumber is dried on special Italian equipment to a moisture content of 12±2%.

Giving the brick the required geometric shape is carried out on a WEINIG four-sided machine of the unimat 500 series. It cuts tenons and grooves at the ends of the product and forms chamfers at the corners. The finished wooden brick is treated with an environmentally friendly antiseptic, packed in transport film and sent to the construction site.

Walls erected using WOOD BRICK technology turn out to be truly monolithic thanks to a well-thought-out tongue-and-groove system and galvanized nails used to fasten the brickwork. The house comes out initially warm, there is no need to wait for it to shrink, you can immediately install windows, doors and lay utilities.

We have been building houses using WOOD BRICK technology for more than 15 years. Dozens of houses built in St. Petersburg and surrounding regions. To receive more detailed advice about our services and the materials used, simply contact our managers by phone or come to our office in person!


As one of the softest hardwoods, poplar is very easy to shape and cut. It is inexpensive compared to other hardwoods. Poplar is not the most attractive wood, being white with brown or green veins.

Because wood is not very attractive, it is usually only used for furniture that is going to be painted or for the inside of dresser frames and drawer slides. It is also regularly used for model making and craft projects.


Magnolia sulanja

Many people prefer to decorate their garden with magnolias - amazingly beautiful plants with huge, showy flowers. The most popular species for cultivation on plots are Magnolia Sulange and Magnolia Liliaceae Nigra. Both of these species grow less than 6 m in height.

Magnolia Soulange is ubiquitous in most warm countries. Today it is successfully grown not only in botanical gardens, but also in private plots, not only in the south, but even in central Russia.

Magnolia Liliaceae Nigra

Magnolia Nigra seedlings are supplied to the CIS countries from nurseries in Poland and Holland. This variety boasts a more saturated perianth color. In addition, it is considered more winter-hardy than species trees.

  • 7 popular types of magnolia for your garden

    Magnolias that will not leave you indifferent.

Canadian Cercis (Cercis Canadensis)

One of the most beautiful spring trees, which does not exceed 8 m in height, is Cercis canadensis, or “forest pansy”. It is beautiful in early spring, captivating with its blooms. In the southern regions it grows as a shrub.

Usually, growing Canadian cercis in open ground and caring for it is not difficult, but it is important to choose the right variety. This plant is considered the most frost-resistant of its fellows, so it is quite famous in the European part of Russia.

Although the places that start north of the Voronezh region are no longer suitable for growing it: it will freeze and will not bloom. The climate of the Moscow region is also not suitable for cercis - it, of course, will not die, but it will not please you with luxurious flowers.


Thus, the best indicators of common and accessible materials in Belarus are found in wood species such as ash and oak. It is from these species that the EKOmax company makes its bedroom furniture (wooden beds, cabinets and chests of drawers). Alder is preferable for those consumers who are looking for inexpensive solid wood furniture with an attractive texture, but quite durable and reliable. If you choose soft varieties, such as pine or spruce, then the appearance of such furniture will quickly deteriorate. Soft wood is easily scratched, even with a fingernail. It is not practical to make furniture from it.

Where can you use wood in the interior?

Tree on the floor

Typically, wood in the interior is associated with wooden floors. Its shape, colors and finishes must match the style of the interior. One tree is suitable for Scandinavian interiors, while the other is suitable for classic or modern interiors. This natural material, after processing, makes it possible to obtain a wide range of patterns and colors: from light, bleached and gray, through honey, to black. A floor that is well matched to the interior will look stylish and last for many years.

Wood on the ceiling

A wooden ceiling is an obvious choice for a rustic interior. The natural beauty of wood goes well with brick walls, ceramic tiles and stone. Previously, country houses had wooden ceilings in which it was not necessary to cover the bottom layer of beams. Wooden beams could be profiled or richly carved.

Wood for the home can function in different ways. Apart from the floor, it is also used on other large surfaces, such as ceiling or wall cladding.

Finishing the ceiling with wood will be a fantastic idea in interiors where you don't want or can't use it on the floor and you still want to present the material. Thanks to this, you will insulate the interior and give it a unique character. In classic interiors, it often appears in the form of wooden boxes or ceiling beams, and in the modern version - in the form of local recesses, openwork, and filling niches in suspended ceilings.

How to decorate a bathhouse from the inside

Spruce and pine boards are the most affordable option in price, but are not suitable for wet rooms. Both materials contain heavy resins that will make breathing difficult. Their use is recommended only in rooms where there is no high humidity, for example, locker rooms. Pine tends to darken over time.

Aspen is more suitable for interior decoration . It will not be a source of heavy resins and fumes under the influence of high temperatures and humidity. It is a more expensive material than spruce or pine boards, but easier to process. When sawing logs, there is no breaking off of pieces or crushing of boards.

Linden cloth is pleasing to the eye and emits a pleasant smell. But steam rooms are not suitable for indoor use due to the high susceptibility to fungal attack. It is best used for finishing the dressing room, rest rooms or locker rooms. Over time, the linden board does not change color or darken.

Jacquemont Birch (Betula jacquemontii)

Among the small trees there are some that appear at their best in winter. Prominent representatives of such plants are gray maple and Jacquemont birch.

Jacquemont birch reaches a height of 7.5-12 m. This tree will perfectly decorate any area. Its pride is its spreading openwork crown, dark green, glossy, heart-shaped leaves and, most importantly, its unusual decorative bark, which becomes snow-white with age. With the onset of autumn, the leaves turn bright yellow.

The tree is highly winter hardy. Moist and moderately fertile soils are suitable for its cultivation. For planting, it is better to choose sunny or slightly shaded places.


The deep brown and dark color of walnut makes it a top choice. It is a fine-grained wood that is easy to varnish and looks great after polishing. Although it is one of the most expensive hardwoods, its beautiful appearance justifies the price for many woodworkers. It is also on the higher end of the hardness scale, but is not difficult to work with.

Many woodworkers use walnut for inlays and accents to add extra detail and visual interest to a project. The wood is also used to create furniture and musical instruments such as violins and guitars. It is even used to make weapons, as walnut fibers are dense, which gives it the ability to absorb shock.

Material Density

The most important quality of wood is density. According to this indicator, all varieties are divided into:

  1. Soft. These include linden, aspen, spruce, pine, poplar, cedar, and chestnut.
  2. Solid. Larch, maple, birch, oak, ash, beech, walnut.
  3. Very hard. Rowan, dogwood, boxwood and others.

The latter are practically not used in mass furniture production due to inflated prices due to the difficulties of creating products.

Solid oak bed

Three shades of wood in the interior?

If you decide to bring three types of wood into the interior, two of them can be chosen in contrast, and the third should be similar to one of them. Avoid situations where three completely different shades of wood appear in the same room (for example, beech, wenge and bleached oak).

It is worth ensuring the consistency of elements in contact with each other (or rather, shades of wood), for example, doors and floors, window frames and shutters, cabinets and floors.

Also make sure that individual wood shades appear at least twice in the room and that they are evenly distributed (this is mainly for wood shades that stand out from others). For example, if you decide to introduce wenge into a room, it should appear not only on one of the walls. In the interior, you should take care of balance and connections between individual elements, so it is worth using this dark wood in another place, preferably on the opposite side of the room.

If you are afraid that you will not be able to find similar shades, choose contrast . If the floor is a natural oak color, you can choose one type of wood that is lighter (or darker). It is often better to choose contrasting elements than almost identical ones (for example, falling in completely different tones). However, try not to use three completely different shades, as we wrote earlier.

Stylish eclecticism in the interior

Wood is a material that offers a wide range of interpretations and is suitable for both classic and modern interiors. Sometimes it’s worth focusing on extravagant combinations; for example, two or three types of wood can be an excellent basis for avant-garde interior design, complemented by modern furniture and futuristic accessories.

An eclectic mix of styles in a modern interior is a great opportunity to experiment with interesting combinations of wood shades. To highlight their natural beauty and preserve the natural appearance of wood for many years, it is worth using stain or varnish, which will emphasize the character of the wooden elements. In modern interiors with a predominance of white, you can combine different shades of wood, because a neutral background in this matter offers a wide range of possibilities.

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