Hardboard: what is it. Composition, properties and scope of application

What is hardboard? Hardboard is a building material that consists of sheets that are made by hot pressing of waste paper and wood, with the addition of binders.

By its nature, hardboard is a type of fiberboard (fibreboard) with some differences in composition and areas of application.

All detailed characteristics are given in this article.

Description of material

Hardboard boards.
Hardboard is a sheet of pressed waste from the woodworking and pulp industries. It is widely used for assembling furniture, performing construction and repair work.

Outwardly, it looks like a fibrous building material, one side of which is rough, the other smooth. It acquires its strength properties thanks to the manufacturing method - pressing and adding special components.

Where can you buy high-quality building materials?

Today there are a huge number of retail outlets in the country where you can purchase building materials for any request. Each store tries to expand its range, according to consumer requirements and the emergence of new products on the market.

It is more profitable to buy fiberboard panels in bulk than individually

Repair and construction work is a very responsible and painstaking undertaking. You need to approach the selection of the necessary materials with all responsibility and care. Having studied in detail the pricing policy of construction stores, you can choose the most suitable option for yourself.

One of these large hypermarkets is the Epicenter store, which offers a wide range of goods covering all areas of human life. Products are divided into categories and clearly displayed in the sales areas. Additionally, you can order items that are currently out of stock.

In the Epicenter network, the price per sheet of fiberboard is optimal, and the availability of positions from different manufacturers makes it possible to select the required product in one place, which will save time.

The price of fiberboard is affected by the size and thickness of the sheet

To purchase construction products, you can use the services of online stores. Many such structures work directly with manufacturing plants, which determines the cost of products, which is an order of magnitude lower than that of competitors. You can place your order without leaving your home at any convenient time. And the fast delivery service will allow you to receive the goods at the specified location in the shortest possible time.

The modern range of fiberboards is very diverse. Anyone can choose a worthy option for themselves, based on their scope of application of fiberboard and their own financial capabilities. If you choose the right building material, having previously studied the pricing policy for your region, you can get a good product for a very reasonable price.

But we should not forget that the higher the quality of the raw materials, additional components and the more reliable the level of pressing, the better the quality of the final product and, accordingly, the higher its cost.


The difference between hardboard and fiberboard

The difference lies in the composition and characteristics. Hardboard boards are more rigid and dense. They are often made thick, but there are also thin varieties. One or both sides can be painted, varnished or laminated.

Sometimes fine wood pulp plays the role of coating. It gives the surface evenness and smoothness. If you compare photos of hardboard and fiberboard, it is impossible to understand what kind of material it is. The latter belongs to the soft and semi-hard varieties, but it is imperceptible even tactilely.

Material on the topic: What is OSB board

Production technology

Manufacturing stages:

  1. Washing and chopping wood chips. The raw materials are steamed and broken into fibers. The process is repeated several times until the particle size reaches a length of 1.5-2 mm and a width of 0.04 mm.
  2. Filling. A mass of wood fractions mixed with water is infused. Stir occasionally.
  3. Mixing, sizing. Adhesives, polymers, resins and other additives are added to the raw materials, affecting the characteristics of the final product (strength, moisture resistance).
  4. Heat. The mass is thoroughly mixed and brought to a temperature of +60°C.
  5. Molding. When the humidity reaches 72%, the raw materials are distributed into casting molds.
  6. Pressing. The sheets are squeezed under high pressure to squeeze out excess moisture.
  7. Drying and hardening. After vacuum drying, the moisture content of the workpiece is reduced to 8%. Afterwards it is compressed under a pressure of 0.85 MPa and calcined again.
  8. Steam treatment. The workpiece is kept under hot air, the temperature of which is +190...+210°C. At the same time, impregnation components are added to improve the moisture-resistant qualities of the finished product.

The formed slabs are sent to a rolling mill, where they are cut to specified sizes. Before being sold, they are kept in the warehouse for 24 hours.

Knowing the technology, it is easier to understand what hardboard is and what it consists of. The second production method is used for the production of soft and semi-hard fiberboard varieties. It involves grinding the fibers, pressing them and processing them at high temperature and low pressure.

The technology is distinguished by the absence of the stages of washing and infusion in water. Because of this, the workpiece has a porous structure. It is less rigid, has low thermal conductivity, and is therefore used for insulating walls and roofs.

On the rolling mill, the blade is cut to a given size.

Material composition

Hardboard is based on crushed wood fibers, shavings, paper, and cellulose.

Components are added to the composition to improve its characteristics:

  1. Phenol-formaldehyde resins, binders. They act as glue, binding fibers and imparting rigidity.
  2. Pectol, polymers. Provide resistance to mechanical stress.
  3. Antiseptics. Prevents the development of fungus and mold.
  4. Fire retardants. Increases fire resistance.
  5. Hydrophobes (paraffin, rosin). Responsible for moisture resistance and water-repellent properties.

The use of low-toxic components is permitted during production. The share of adhesive substances should not exceed 1.5% of the total mass of the product.

The process of grinding wood chips to make hardboard.

Performance characteristics

The characteristics of the material depend on the manufacturing method, density, thickness of the sheets, and the inclusion of additives.

The average indicators are presented in the table.

CharacteristicsSoft varietiesSemi-solidSolidSuper hardSolid waterproof
Humidity, %tends to 0tends to 05tends to 03
Density, kg/m³100-400over 600800-1000950-1000850-1000
Tensile force limit, MPano datano data0,30,320,3
Limit under bending forces, MPaup to 1.81533-384740
Swelling in 24 hours, %no data4020-231310

Production technology

The starting materials for the production of fiberboard are waste from the wood processing industry: wood chips, sawdust, firewood (woody parts of the stems of spinning plants). The raw materials are washed, foreign inclusions are removed from them, and then dried. The dried material is crushed in special machines (defibrators and refiners) into small particles - fibers. The degree of grinding can be from coarse to fine. Further, the process differs for different production methods.

Feedstock for fiberboard production

Pressing takes place under high pressure - 3-5 MPa and high temperature - above 300°C. Due to this, the bonding and compaction of the material occurs. Before pressing, additional components are added to the source material to change the properties of the material - binders (synthetic resins), water repellents, fire retardants, etc.

Forming methods

There are two ways to produce fiberboard - wet and dry pressing. The “wet” method is more environmentally friendly. When wet pressing, fewer binders are used (sometimes without synthetic additives at all), but the material is more expensive, since the process is more energy-intensive. It takes up to 15 minutes to dry one sheet, which limits the productivity of the presses and, therefore, increases the price of the material. With this method, the necessary additives and water are added to the crushed material. The slurry enters the dispenser, which spreads it in an even layer on the belt. For faster water removal, the tape has a mesh structure. After passing through the press, the back side of such fiberboard has an imprint of this fine mesh.

When wet pressing, some types of fiberboard can be made without adding any foreign binder. Under pressure and at high temperatures, lignin (a substance that characterizes the woody walls of plant cells) is released from wood fibers. It is a natural binder. Lignin is found in significant quantities in coniferous wood. But not all types of fiberboard need a natural binder. In this case, from 4 to 7% of a synthetic binder is added.

The type of molding can be easily distinguished by the back side of the plate

When dry pressing, synthetic resins are usually added to the mass, which bind the fibers. It is this method that makes it possible to obtain fiberboard of large thickness - up to 12-15 mm; some factories can produce pits up to 40 mm thick. Compaction and pressing of dry mass takes much less time - 3-5 minutes, depending on the class and thickness. The productivity of the press increases significantly. In addition, fewer additives are added to the dry mass - they are not washed out with water. All this leads to a reduction in the cost of the material. But cheap binders contain formaldehyde, and its content must be controlled, since in large quantities it is harmful to health.

For the production of furniture and interior finishing work, material with a formaldehyde emission class of E0.5 or E1 must be used. This is usually wet-pressed fiberboard. You can distinguish fiberboard made using the wet method by the mesh imprint on the back of the sheet (see photo above).

Final processes

During high-temperature pressing, particles stick together. The time spent under the press is not always enough, so the already formed sheets are transferred to a special chamber, where the “ripening” of the material occurs at high temperatures. The fiberboards are kept here for several hours. During this time, the fibers are sintered and glued together, the material becomes homogeneous and durable.

Fiberboards have different thicknesses

The slabs leave the chamber with almost zero humidity and begin to actively absorb moisture from the air. As a result of this process, the edges of the sheets swell. To avoid this drawback, the material is transferred to another chamber, where it is brought to normal humidity. And only after this, the fiberboard sheet can be sold or used on other machines - for painting, laminating.

What's good is that fiberboard technology is flexible. The press can have any shape, which allows you to make not only sheet material, but also shaped products. For example, baseboards or furniture fronts.

Laminated hardboard and regular: what is the difference

Laminated products are produced by applying decorative PVC film to the front side of the workpiece. Bonding occurs due to the adhesive composition and heating. This type of processing is called caching.

To create a protective and decorative coating, melamine film is also used - paper impregnated with melamine-formaldehyde resin. It is applied to the surface of the slab and pressed using elevated temperature.

Due to heating, the resin reliably fixes the protective film. It can have a pattern: imitation of wood fibers, stone or brickwork, plain and abstract textures.

Differences between laminated material and untreated material:

  1. Higher cost.
  2. Mechanical resistance: protected from scratches, abrasions and accidental damage.
  3. Practicality. Less dirty and dusty.
  4. Easy care. When cleaning, you can use water and chemicals without fear of causing damage or changing properties.
  5. Durability. Manufacturers indicate a service life of 20 years.
  6. Aesthetics. The scope of application is expanding due to the variety of textures.
  7. Moisture resistance. Penetration of water inside and swelling is practically eliminated.
  8. Strength. Due to the lamination of the walls, rigidity increases, but flexibility decreases.

Laminated and plain hardboard.

Fibreboard cutting procedure

When processing using sheets, it must be taken into account that cutting of the material may be necessary. Some shops provide this service, but you will need to tell them the exact dimensions of the room where the work will be carried out. For more information on how to cut material, watch this video:

Keep in mind that it is better to make the material shorter and use the empty space for installing the plinth, rather than leaving excess, which is very difficult to get rid of.

Cutting using a machine will provide higher quality work. If this is not possible, you can use the following tools:

  • jigsaw;
  • saw with special discs;
  • Bulgarian

    Jigsaw device

Trimming is quite often used to create recesses for pipes, plumbing and heating systems, and niches for walls. Holes can be made using a jigsaw or a sharp construction knife. We recommend that you first make a template on cardboard and only then mark the sheet.

Where is hardboard used?

Hardboard blanks are widely used in the furniture industry for the manufacture of:

  • back walls;
  • bottoms of drawers;
  • doors, frame (super-hard and laminated types);
  • decorative facade.

A sheet with high flexibility is capable of stretching. Furniture of non-standard radial shape is made from it. It became a replacement for more expensive plywood. This allowed manufacturers and assemblers of cabinet furniture to reduce production costs.

In the field of construction, hardboard is used for cladding interior doors, partitions, and attic floors.

Hard grades are suitable for arranging a rough surface before laying laminate or linoleum. Laminated types are widely used in design, as this allows you to “play” with textures.

Hardboard can be used as packaging. For example, construct dense boxes and crates from it or lay it on both sides of some building materials to protect surfaces from damage and damage.

Interior decoration of the room with hardboard sheets.

Application and design

Hardboard in construction and decoration
Hardboard is used in many areas, as they produce various varieties that differ in their decorative surface.

Material used:

  • as cladding of walls and ceilings, cladding of partitions;
  • as a substrate and finishing floor;
  • for the manufacture of furniture, low-density material is placed on the walls, bottom and backs of drawers;
  • as a basis for oil paintings;
  • for structures in dry and moderately damp conditions;
  • in the production of doors;
  • in the inner lining of cars, carriages;
  • for the manufacture of containers and packaging.

Laminated film imitates various natural materials: marble, granite, basalt, sandstone. Many finishing options in the form of different types of wood. There are drawings of stone and brickwork, concrete surfaces, fabric, straw, and reeds.

How to choose

Hardboard contains synthetic resins and formaldehyde , so for residential premises they choose a material with a low content of components (no more than 1.3% of the total mass). Such information is contained in the certificate of conformity provided by the supplier.

When purchasing, check for chips on the surface, curvature of the panels, and peeling of the decorative layer. Irregularities indicate that the product has been exposed to moisture. Take into account the type of hardboard that is suitable for a specific job.

Types of hardboard by markings

Product marking is carried out using letters that explain the degree of density and hardness:

  1. M - soft.
  2. NT - sheet with low hardness (semi-hard).
  3. T - hard.
  4. ST - super hard.

This classification is typical for both types of wood-fiber building materials, but fiberboard is not marked with the letters ST, and hardboard - M. This is due to the degree of their density.

Additional letters in the marking indicate the properties of the product:

  • T - untreated (one side is porous);
  • TS - one or both sides are smooth (application of finely dispersed mass);
  • T-P - the outer part is treated with varnish and paint;
  • T-SP - covered with a finely dispersed mass and painted;
  • T-B - contains substances that improve water-repellent characteristics;
  • T-SV - covered with a finely dispersed mass, painted, moisture resistant.

The sheets come in grades I and II. For the first, the presence of defects, chips, scratches, depressions on the surface, different shades of coating or damage to the integrity of the edge is unacceptable.

Material Density

You can find out about the density of the material by marking. The area of ​​application of the selected slab also depends on this parameter. For example, hardboard with a strength of 800-900 kg/m³ is best used as the back wall of furniture, since its structure resembles cardboard.

It is also suitable for creating packaging, packaging, finishing and construction work.

Denser grades (900-1000 kg/m³) are used for arranging subfloors. You can use them to assemble furniture and create decor, especially if they are laminated or coated with varnish and paint.

Hard hardboard grade.

Moisture resistance of hardboard

Denser brands that have a protective layer or are laminated have the greatest moisture resistance.

Solid brands swell by 20% when left in water for more than a day.

Superhard ones are saturated with moisture 2 times slower under similar conditions. Material with increased resistance to swelling is marked with the letter B.

This means that it is impregnated with special components that prevent water from affecting the fibers. It is suitable for use in damp environments.

Tensile strength

When performing some types of work, the slabs need to be bent. In this case, you need to choose softer sheets of small thickness. They have sufficient strength, but are better susceptible to deformation.

When choosing a brand for conditions where stability under loads is important (for example, installing drawer bottoms), you should pay attention to the tensile strength. This parameter is higher in hard and superhard types. It will be larger for thick slabs.

Thick soft slab.


Chipboard, as the name suggests, is created on the basis of a large fraction of wood chips. The source of raw materials for production is substandard wood, wood chips and sawdust.

Chipboard production machine

The production process proceeds as follows: crushed raw materials are dried and moistened through nozzles with binding components. Synthetic urea, phenolic or urea-melamine resins are used as a binder.

Comparison of the thickness of fiberboard and chipboard

The processed mixture of chips and resins can be molded:

  • single-layer, when chips of different fractions are mixed and evenly distributed throughout the slab;
  • from two layers, when the underlying layer is made from waste, and the front layer is a mixture of thin and wide shavings specially sorted on a separator;
  • from two front layers made of selected raw materials and a core in which lower-quality waste is used.

The formed shaving carpet is sent for pressing, drying, cutting the slabs to size and sanding the ends.

As a finishing touch, especially if the chipboard is subsequently planned to be sent for decorative cladding, grinding of the entire surface can additionally be used.

Unlike particle board, wood fiber materials require two additional stages of mechanical processing after splitting the raw material into chips:

  1. initial coarse grinding on defibrators;
  2. finer grinding in refiners.

As a result, the wood is separated into individual fibers. Such macro-processed pulp is the basis of hardboard, and hemp fire, flax production waste, and waste paper can also be used in its creation. The mixture, prepared according to the recipe, is sent for further processing to tanks, in which it is soaked in a water mixture of strengthening additives and glued with water-repellent substances.

Fiberboard is the back walls of furniture, a material for finishing the floors, frames and ceilings of houses and outbuildings

The mixture prepared in this way enters the casting machines, after which it goes through the stage of thermal pressing at a temperature of 210-230°C and a maintained pressure of 3-5 MPa.

Hardboard size range

For everyday use, sheets are cut into lengths of 120-366 cm and widths of 120-214 cm. The parameters may vary for each manufacturer. Standard sizes: 122x214 cm and 122x275 cm. For production needs (for example, furniture factories), blanks are made 1.2-6 m long and 1-1.8 m wide.

Soft stamps are molded thin - 2.5-4 mm. Plates of medium and hard hardness are 8-25 mm. Therefore, they also have greater heat and sound insulation. Superhard grades are molded at 2.5-6 mm.

Standard slab sizes.

Standard sheet sizes

To save on the purchase of materials, you need to take calculations seriously. If the sheets are too large, they will have to be cut, and the pieces will go into the trash. These are unnecessary expenses. Ideally, when drawing up an estimate or cutting drawing, you should choose a slab size such that as little hardboard as possible goes into waste.

The table shows the standard sizes of fiberboard sheets according to GOST 4598-86 .

Slab typeLength, mmWidth, mmThickness, mm
Nomin.Prev. off Nomin.Prev. off Nomin.Prev. off
Solid61003660; 3355; 3050; 2745; 2440; 2140±321402140; 1830; 1525; 1220±32,5; 3,2; 4,0; 5,0; 6,0±0,3
55003660; 3050; 2745; 2440; 2350; 2050; 1830; 1700; 12201700; 12201700; 1220; 610
Soft55003000; 2700; 2500; 1800; 1600; 1220±51220±58,0; 12,0; 16,0±1,0

Manufacturers can meet the customer halfway and produce a batch according to individual sizes. In this case, the maximum side length of soft material is 5.5 meters. The indicator for solid species is 6.1 meters.

Hardboard design

The raw building material has a cork structure. The presence of a coating of finely divided wood pulp gives smoothness. The shade is close to natural: from light beige to brown. Products can be painted white, black and other colors.

Laminated sheets come in different designs. For example, hardboard panels for walls are made to imitate the structure of wood, stone, tile, and brick. They can be used for decoration.

Variety of slab designs.

Price per hardboard sheet

Hardboard prices per sheet vary by brand and cut size. For comparison, we can give standard slabs, which are 2750 × 1220 mm with a thickness of 3.2 mm.

  • brand “T” costs 169 rubles;
  • the same with double-sided lamination - 320 rubles.

Super hard fiberboard in stock

Depending on the size, the cost of sheets is determined based on the price per 1 m². That is, this is a fundamental characteristic of pricing. In our example, the price of 1 m² will be:

  • 2.75 × 1.22 = 3.355 m²;
  • 169 / 3.355 = 50 rubles costs 1 m².

If you purchase sheets measuring 2140x1220, then the cost of one sheet will be: 2.14 × 1.22 = 2.61 m² - this is its area. Now: 2.61 × 50 = 130 rubles. Stores must indicate the price per square meter of hardboard.

laminated hardboard Watch this video on YouTube

How to choose material

When choosing slabs, you need to understand their purpose. This determines what density, flexibility, and water resistance are suitable, what sheet sizes will allow you to save on delivery and installation.


For furniture, it is better to buy soft or semi-hard brands. Important criteria are flexibility, resistance to stress and stretching. The laminated version is suitable for external doors or creating decor.

If sheets are needed for use in conditions of high humidity, it is better to purchase a hard, extra-hard variety with a protective coating and high resistance to swelling.

Slabs as building materials must be rigid and durable. You can choose layers for large floors or walls to simplify the fastening task.

Criterias of choice:

  • appearance;
  • edge sealing;
  • presence of scratches, chips, stains;
  • product thickness;
  • dimensions (ease of transportation, storage, installation);
  • price.


When choosing fiberboard, you should be guided by the principles described above. Since the material is softer and more flexible, it has less moisture-resistant properties, so it is not suitable for all types of work.

Fiberboard does not have a protective coating, which affects its service life. It is best chosen for situations where flexibility and tensile strength are more important than rigidity. For example, to create radial-shaped furniture.

Fiberboard sheets are softer than hardboard.


The properties and reliability of hardboard depend on the surface treatment, production process and types of material. Durability in various conditions is determined by the composition of the products. For example, the following additional components are used:

  1. Binding filler. This is an artificial type resin. Particular care must be taken when handling materials that contain phenol-formaldehyde.
  2. Polymer components. Such additives are used to increase mechanical strength. For example, they use pectol.
  3. Hydrophobes. These are substances that have a water-repellent effect. For example, stearin, paravin, cerisin, and rosin are used.
  4. Antiseptics. These products prevent rotting of wood and the development of mold on its surface.
  5. Fire retardants. These are products that are resistant to fire. Thanks to this, the material can fade out on its own.

The main component is still wood. The amount of filler and additives is no more than 7%. In especially hard sheets - approximately 1.3%.

Storage Features

Hardboard sheets are intended for indoor use, so it cannot be stored outdoors. With prolonged exposure to moisture and ultraviolet radiation, it can be destroyed.

In warehouses, products are stacked according to size and grade. The height of the stacks should not exceed 3.5 m. This will avoid excessive pressure on the material and changes in its strength properties.

During handling and storage, manufacturers must ensure that there is no mechanical impact to avoid damage to the surface of the sheets.

Storing slabs in warehouses.

Conditions for laying fiberboard

There is no need to remove old boards.
Laying fiberboard on a wooden floor has its own nuances. Removing old boards can be neglected especially in older houses. They will help provide strength and provide an additional source of heat, but over time they can become unusable, so individual sections will need to be replaced.

It is recommended that leveling using wooden slabs be carried out on logs made of timber. But, unfortunately, this method will not work if heavy loads are placed on the floor, such as:

  • a working machine with high vibration;
  • metal furniture legs;
  • heavy furniture, especially if pressure will be applied to the gaps between the joists.

It is extremely important to choose the right material and carry out the installation procedure. The quality of the floor, its strength and service life depend on these factors.

Horizontal coverage is an extremely important factor in the floor installation procedure. So you will need to prepare all the necessary tools in advance, especially a building level, which will help you take measurements correctly and accurately.

It is also extremely important to treat the old base. For this you will need:

  • get rid of dust and dirt;
  • remove the skirting boards that prevent the installation of fiberboard;
  • seal all cracks to ensure a good level of tightness;
  • make markings according to which alignment will be carried out in the future;
  • if you plan to make a cellar, for example, in a private or country house, it is better to start working with its arrangement and only then move on to treating the floor.

Please note that the installation of fiberboard should not be done too tightly, otherwise the edges of the material may be damaged. Also, the distance from the wall should be about 6 mm; this gap will be used for installing skirting boards.

It is recommended to start processing from the opposite wall to the front door. If you have little experience in the construction craft, the first layer will need to be carefully checked with a building level to prevent possible inaccuracies and unevenness.

Technology for installing material on a frame

To install the material on the walls and floor, you need to prepare a frame. It can be made from timber or slats. For use in rooms with high humidity, it is worth using metal profiles. Fiberboards can be secured with nails and self-tapping screws.

Instructions for hardboard

Instructions for installation on the frame:

  1. Frame padding. Due to the high strength of the sheets, cells can be made 30x30 cm or larger. The material will not bend or sag under its own weight.
  2. Laying insulation and water barrier if necessary.
  3. Slicing. If possible, it is better to lay whole canvases. Then less time is spent on fitting and installation.
  4. Fit. The parts must be in close contact. If the dimensions do not match or cracks are found, cut off the protrusions.
  5. Laying. The blanks should be placed end to end. Place spacers under the joists on uneven areas. If the hardboard is laminated, you need to pay attention to the design. If there is a stylization for masonry or stone, you may need to customize the design.
  6. Installation. Nail to the sheathing.
  7. Treatment. The surface can be treated with varnish or paint.

You can seal the seams with a putty solution. It is suitable for applying to the heads of nails and screws. This will protect them from corrosion when moisture penetrates.

To install it on furniture, you need to make markings and cut parts. They can be secured with furniture nails, self-tapping screws or glued.

Preparing the frame for stuffing panels.

Algorithm for fiberboard

Installation of fiberboard is carried out using a similar technology.

There is another method of fastening, which implies the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Clean the wall or floor and treat it with an antiseptic.
  2. Use a level to check the evenness of the surface. Eliminate depressions and bulges, seal them with cement-sand mortar and putty.
  3. Prime.
  4. Apply clear glue to the surface. Attach the sheet and press down.
  5. Glue the parts, adjusting them to each other.


The abbreviation stands for “particle board”. This material is the result of pressing a raw material mass consisting of shavings and sawdust mixed with resin (usually formaldehyde). Moreover, in the process of squeezing the mixture, it is subjected to significant thermal effects.

Features of the material

Such slabs are thicker than fiberboard (up to 50 mm), which allows them to withstand heavy mechanical loads. In everyday life, they are most often used when installing “dry” screeds, reinforcing vertically oriented surfaces (with the obligatory “backing”), and as a basis in various structures. Cheap furniture is made from them, partitions, racks, canopies, fences and the like are arranged.

The main drawback is the somewhat “loose” structure. This makes it difficult to fasten the slabs to each other or to other structural elements. The self-tapping screw does not “sit” firmly in the material. That is why it is not recommended to use it in the manufacture of temporary prefabricated/collapsible structures. Frequent dismantling/installation leads to damage to the areas where the fasteners are placed, as the base in these places begins to crumble.

In addition, such boards require systematic surface treatment (for example, varnish), as they absorb moisture well. They are not recommended for use outside buildings, in the open air or in damp areas.

The “rigidity” of the samples does not allow, if necessary, to achieve even slight bending. Any attempt will lead to the formation of a crack, which somewhat limits the use of chipboard.

When purchasing slabs, you should inquire about their structure. The best samples are three-layer ones.

Hardboard: what is it? Material composition

To impart certain properties to the material, appropriate components are included in the raw materials during the production process. Adding the necessary substances allows you to improve one or another indicator. The composition of fiberboards includes the following components:

  • binders (synthetic and phenol-formaldehyde resins) make it possible to obtain a dense and durable structure;
  • polymers (pectol, etc.) improve strength and mechanical properties;

Untreated hardboard can be used for finishing

  • hydrophobic substances (paraffins, rosin, etc.) are used to give the product moisture-proof and moisture-repellent properties;
  • antiseptic components improve biostability and prevent mold and rotting;
  • Fire retardants provide a certain resistance to fire.

Technical documentation allows only low-toxicity resins for use. The binder content in the material should not be more than 1.3% of the total initial mass.

Important! If the material you choose has a strong chemical odor (high content of formaldehyde resin), then it is better not to use it in residential areas.

Hardboard is a fairly durable material

Labeling and quality

Hardboard grades are divided into types according to physical and mechanical characteristics. These qualities must be taken into account when choosing it.

The difference can be seen immediately upon external examination. The surface of the slabs may or may not have a coating, and be smooth on one or both sides. There are products with a decorative layer on only one of the surfaces, while the reverse has a corrugated structure. The smoothness of the material can be achieved in various ways: painting, varnishing, applying film or plastic, lamination.

The corrugated surface of the back side of the sheet makes the material cheaper. It is ideal for gluing to durable surfaces and in cases where decorative function is not important.

The surface of hardboard slabs may not have a coating

There is no need to purchase denser and, accordingly, more expensive fiberboard sheets if they are intended only for rough work. On the contrary, if the material will be used for external decorative finishing, then it is better to use harder and more durable boards covered with laminated film. Accordingly, such hardboard sheets will cost more, but in this case it is justified.

Conventionally, the entire variety of hardboard can be divided into the following types:

  • soft material "M";
  • semi-solid material “NT” (grade PTs220);
  • hard material “T” (grade Ts450, 400, 350, 300);
  • superhard material “ST” (grade STs500);
  • sheets with refined surface;
  • sheets with untreated surface.

Characteristics of hardboard by surface density

The marking “M” means soft hardboard. The sheet has a density from 100 to 500 kg/m³. Visually, the surface structure resembles cork. It can be used for interior finishing work (walls, ceilings, floors) and partitions.

There are many types of hardboard

The “T” marking refers to hardboard. It has a density in the range of 500-800 kg/m³ and visually its structure is similar to cardboard. The material has a certain moisture resistance, especially in combination with moisture-resistant coatings, and has strength when bending the sheet. Hardboard can be used in construction work, used in the production of containers, furniture and carpentry.

The marking “ST” means super-hard hardboard. It has a density of 800-1100 kg/m³, has a very durable structure and can be used in construction, furniture production and other fields.

Hardboard is often stylized as wood

Since this material can be considered a type of fiberboard, their labeling and classification are the same. According to GOST 4598-86, products differ in surface type, density and strength:

  • “T” – hard sheet with untreated front surface;
  • “TS” – a hard sheet with a front layer of fine wood pulp;
  • “T-P” – hard sheet with a painted front surface;
  • “T-SP” – a solid sheet of finely divided wood raw materials with a painted front surface;
  • “T-V” – a hard sheet of increased water resistance with an uncoated surface;
  • “T-SV” is a hard sheet made of finely divided wood raw materials with a painted front layer and increased resistance to moisture;
  • “NT” – low-density hard sheet (or semi-hard);
  • “ST” – super-hard sheet of increased density and strength with an untreated front surface;

Hardboard can be painted

  • “STs” is a super-hard sheet made from finely divided wood raw materials of increased strength and density with an ennobled front layer.

Solid wood fiber sheets of grades T, TP, TSP and TS, depending on their physical and mechanical characteristics, belong to groups A and B, and are divided according to surface quality into grades I and II.

To improve the surface of hardboard, paints, varnishes or films are used. A universal option is white hardboard. Most often it is used in the manufacture of interior surfaces of furniture, cabinets, drawers, as well as in the production of containers.

General characteristics of fiberboard brands are given in the table:

Material characteristicsM3M2M1NTSTT, T-S,


Humidity, %53
Density of fiberboard, kg/m³100-200200-350200-400Over 600950-1000800-1000850-1000
Ultimate tensile strength, MPaUndefined0,320,30,3
Ultimate bending strength, MPa0,41,11,8154738-3340
Daily swelling in thickness, %Undefined401323-2010

Resistance to moisture varies among different brands of fiberboard. As can be seen from the table, semi-solid fiberboard (HT grade) swells by 40% when left in water for 24 hours. Material grade ST (superhard) - withstands the same test with a swelling of 13%. The best indicators are for the TV and T-SV brands.

Considering this property, they can be considered a moisture-resistant hardboard in their group. The TV brand is produced, as a rule, without an external coating and is used for the construction of partitions in conditions of possible humidity and for the manufacture of furniture. The T-SV brand has the same scope, but is more aesthetically attractive due to its decorative front surface.

Moisture-resistant hardboard is suitable for making furniture

Important! Not all fiberboards can be used in rooms with high humidity and temperature. During transportation, contact of the material with water must be avoided.

Laminated hardboard

The hardboard surface can not only be given any color or a variety of designs can be applied to it. Decorating this material with plastic film is also widely used. The price of laminated hardboard per sheet is much higher, but this material has a number of advantages:

  • increased mechanical strength (the decorative layer protects against accidental scratches and damage);
  • practicality (laminated coating is less dirty and easy to clean);
  • durability (major manufacturers claim a service life of up to 20 years);
  • aesthetic characteristics (a wide selection of different shades and structures, lamination can imitate wood, stone, tile).

Laminated hardboard has high mechanical strength

Depending on the quality of the coating and the manufacturer, prices for laminated products may vary. The average cost is 950 rubles per sheet.

How to finish walls with hardboard

Many people have repeatedly encountered the problem of wall finishing during the renovation process. There are often several reasons for this. This may be the need to insulate them, create additional sound insulation, improve appearance, etc., but the main reason is the need to straighten crooked walls. How to do this and what material to use to save not only money, but also time? An excellent option would be to cover the walls with hardboard, since this material is inexpensive and easy to use.

Where to start finishing?

To begin with, it is important to determine the degree of curvature of the wall. The method of installing the sheets depends on this.

If the unevenness is insignificant and the humidity in the room is low, then the sheets can be mounted using adhesive bases. Bitumen mastic is perfect for this. We apply it to the back embossed side of the sheet using a notched trowel with a tooth size of 4 mm, and then press it against the wall. You can also use PVA glue, but this is very inconvenient, since you need to press the sheet tightly over its entire plane for some time. Construction adhesive (KS) is not bad to use.

Also, hardboard sheets can be attached directly to the wall using self-tapping screws or nails with decorative heads. The finishing procedure is greatly simplified if the walls in the house are wooden. In this case, the sheets are attached directly to the wall without additional preparations, such as marking and drilling holes for dowels.

Surface sheathing

For walls with large differences, it is better to use wooden sheathing. With its help you can even out even the largest unevenness. For lathing, we will use wooden blocks or slats, no more than 1 cm thick and length from floor to ceiling. To begin with, we take one rail, apply it vertically to the wall and mark with a pencil along the entire length the points where we will drill holes for dowels at a distance of 20-25 cm. Next, we drill the marked holes and use dowels to fasten the rail to the wall. In a similar way, we attach the slats along the entire wall. The distance between adjacent vertical slats should not exceed 30 cm. During the installation process, be sure to use a building level and plumb line to ensure that the sheathing is level. In uneven areas, use shims under the slats to bring them to the same level.

After securing the vertical slats between them in a horizontal position, we fasten short sections of the slats.
We do this so that we get even cells, no larger than 30 by 30 cm in size. The wall sheathing is ready. Before attaching the hardboard sheet, it is better to make a lathing on all other walls so that it does not overlap the already fixed sheets. Of course, hardboard panels take up some space, but it can be used for sound insulation, insulation, or, for example, to hide wiring and other communications in the house.

Hardboard fastening

Covering the walls with hardboard begins from the corner of the room. The sheets are placed in a vertical position, tightly fitting each other using wood screws. The step between them should be 15 cm along the perimeter of the sheet and 30 cm along its inner plane. It is also important to make a distance of 1-2 cm from the floor.

When cutting sheets, you need to follow some recommendations. All of them are presented in the following video story


In order for the wall surface to be perfectly smooth, it is necessary, first of all, to putty the seams and screws. In this case, an alkyd putty-filler is perfect, which due to its elasticity does not crack. After applying it in a thin layer at the joints and tightening the screws, immediately lay construction reinforcing tape on top. If you have free time and desire, you can make a screed on the entire plane of the wall.

This way you will achieve a perfectly flat surface and at the same time prepare the wall for subsequent wallpapering or painting. After the putty has dried, the places where it was applied must be treated with fine sandpaper.

Acrylic or water-dispersion paint is suitable for painting.

Walls covered with hardboard can also be covered with wallpaper. After the putty has dried, apply a primer and stick on paper or old newspapers. After this, we glue the wallpaper according to generally accepted recommendations.

Prices for hardboard are low, and this material can be purchased at any hardware store.

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