Industrial wood: what it is, properties and description

Business forest


, forest materials harvested for construction needs and various crafts. Material of one name and one external form is called assortment. Each assortment, in turn, is divided into sizes that receive special names, and the sizes are divided into grades based on quality. Due to the different requirements placed on commercial timber by external and internal markets, assortments are different.

For the needs of the domestic market, boards of various thicknesses, widths and lengths are prepared, which have their own special names in different localities.

According to their quality, boards for the domestic market are divided into the following grades.

Export assortments of softwood boards are given in table. 3.

When sawing boards longitudinally, bars

), normally having dimensions of 50x50 to 70x70 mm in cross section and 6.5 m in length; they are used to frame the roof.

Very thin boards of expensive wood are called plywood.



  • Forest encyclopedia: in 2 volumes / chapter. ed. Vorobyov G.I.; ed. Col.: Anuchin N.A. and others. - M.: Sov. encyclopedia, 1986. - 631 p.
  • GOST 17462-84 “Products of the logging industry. Terms and Definitions".
  • GOST 23246-78 “Chopped wood. Terms and Definitions".
  • GOST 23827-79 “Small wood raw materials. Technical conditions".
  • GOST 9462-88 “Round hardwood timber. Technical conditions".
  • GOST 9463-88 “Round softwood timber. Technical conditions".
  • GOST 2708-75 “Round timber. Tables for calculating volumes by length and upper diameter."

Properties and characteristics of good quality wood.

Industrial wood is a universal product that meets industry requirements in size and quality for processing and producing various environmentally friendly materials. In addition, it can be used in its original form (round timber). And even after the most advanced processing, there is no waste left. The output is technological chips - i.e. from stump tar. But neither she nor firewood and wood for domestic needs belong to the category of “industrial forest”.

To make wood, tree canes are used, and assortments are made from them. The optimal diameter of the sample (no bark in the cut from above) is limited to 6 cm and is considered a zone of high-quality material. Raw materials of at least 3rd grade are used on an industrial scale. Depending on the size, lumber is divided into the following groups: 1. Large. 2. Average. 3. Small. The assortments used are large-sized, small-sized, and also medium-sized.

The diameter of the whip in the area of ​​large material should be at least 26 cm, on average - 14-24 cm, and in small material - 6-13 cm along the entire length of the whip. To determine the quality of wood, you should study the characteristics and dimensions of the wood, cutting technology and the specification of the assortment that is obtained after processing. The main thing is to competently cut a large piece of log, which is the raw material for obtaining industrial wood. The value of the material depends on the type of wood from which it is produced. Commercial high-quality wood is used for various purposes, including construction work, repairs and the production of furniture products.

Types of wood.

When wondering how to choose industrial wood, you should take into account its main varieties and properties. This is required so that during operation the lumber retains its initial properties, is strong and durable. Also, the right choice affects the cost of the construction process. In some cases, it is not advisable to choose elite wood species that undergo complex processing, because... they can be replaced with cheaper analogues. Lumber is also classified according to a number of factors and characteristics. We will pay attention to the key properties of timber, which is widely used in the construction and industrial sectors.

Types of commercial wood depending on the type of raw material.

Hardwoods have an increased margin of safety, a long service life and aesthetic appeal. As a rule, they are used for interior finishing, production of furniture, carpentry products and floor coverings. The following species are especially popular: 1. Oak. 2. Maple. 3. Beech. 4. Linden. 5. Aspen. 6. Birch. 7. Ash.

Oak is considered an elite species, which is quite expensive, looks aesthetically pleasing and luxurious. In addition to increased strength properties and durability, the material has good decorative characteristics. The breed is characterized by heavy weight, hardness and beautiful texture. Also, it is not afraid of rotting processes under the influence of increased moisture. But despite the hardness and strength, the raw material lends itself well to processing. If a tree has grown in river water for hundreds of years, it exhibits maximum strength.

The next popular species is beech . In terms of performance, it is not inferior to oak blanks, and is also used to produce creosote, tar and even acetic acid. When varnished, the material retains its original color, is easily processed in its raw form and holds paints and varnishes well. But dried beech structures can crack and lose shape when exposed. Very often they are used as analogues for mahogany or walnut wood.

In Russia, pine and spruce species are in greatest demand. They are actively used in the construction industry due to their low cost, beautiful appearance and resistance to negative factors. Trees grow everywhere, with the exception of the countries of Central Asia. Lumber contains a lot of resin, so during use it can be released on the surface.

Industrial round timber is widely used in the construction industry. Even if stone or brick is used as the main building material, wood is used for building structural elements (roofing, windows and doors). Floor coverings, partitions, frames, buildings and other structures are made on a wooden base.

Coniferous species.

Coniferous tree species, including fir, pine, spruce, cedar and larch, are in demand due to their low cost and good performance. Thus, larch is not afraid of rotting and other negative environmental influences. However, other coniferous species are inferior to deciduous ones in terms of durability. The problem is solved by impregnating the raw materials with special chemical compounds.

Areas of application

Currently, industrial wood is considered one of the most popular materials. Almost everyone who, for example, does renovation work or makes custom-made furniture, prefers it. This is not surprising at all. After all, this type of material is of the highest quality and meets the standards.

Today, industrial wood is mainly used to make large, massive furniture and other structures. It is also used:

  • in construction;
  • in the pulp and paper industry;
  • for the production of plywood, sleepers, sports equipment such as skis or guns.

The highest quality forest products from certain tree species and varieties are used in shipbuilding and for the installation of communication lines.

Industrial wood

Industrial wood is made from tree logs, from which assortments are obtained. The minimum permissible diameter value (in the upper section and without bark), limited to six centimeters, is considered the commercial wood zone. The quality of wood, in order for it to be considered commercial, must be at least third grade. According to size classes, industrial wood is large, medium and small; industrial assortments obtained from it are divided, respectively, into large-sized, medium-sized and small-sized.

The minimum diameter of a cane with a zone of large wood is 26 centimeters without bark, with a zone of medium wood 14-24 centimeters, small wood - 6-13 centimeters along the length of the cane. To determine the yield of industrial wood, you need to take into account the size and quality of the log, as well as the specification of the assortment obtained from it and the cutting pattern. The most important thing is the rational cutting of the zone of large industrial wood, which serves as raw material for obtaining high-quality large assortments.

The value of industrial wood is determined by the type of wood from which it is made. This wood is widely used in construction, renovation, and furniture making.

Oak is a species considered one of the most expensive and valuable in the whole world. In addition to excellent strength and durability, it also has excellent aesthetic qualities. Commercial oak wood is heavy, hard, has a beautiful texture and color, and is also resistant to rot. Despite its strength, oak wood is easy to process. Having been in river water for hundreds of years, this is bog oak, which has increased strength.

Beech is not inferior to oak in its qualities for construction; in addition, valuable substances are obtained from beech - acetic acid, creosote and tar. When varnished, it practically does not change color; in its raw form it is easily processed, finished and painted, but after drying it can crack during processing (cutting). Used as an imitation of walnut and mahogany.

Pine and spruce are the most common species for construction in our country. Grows almost everywhere, with the exception of Central Asia. These rocks are resinous, so over many years of operation of buildings built from these rocks, resin may appear on the surface. Pine is the most inexpensive building material in our country; industrial wood from this species is extremely popular among the population. The trunks of pine and spruce trees have an even structure and few knots, so the yield of industrial wood from them is quite high. Pine and spruce are easy to machine, both raw and dried, and easy to paint. But, undoubtedly, they are inferior in strength and durability to oak wood.

Wood sawn products

Of course, the yield of finished products from a wood sawlog can be 20 - 40% lower than from healthy wood, but wood is cheaper and it is, as it were, an addition to healthy wood. The first products that come to mind when processing firewood are:

The lumber is suitable for rough construction work.

Splicing is an excellent choice when processing low-quality wood.

The log is sawn into bars, which are then sorted and sent to a lathe for making cuttings. This approach allows higher quality wood to be used for more expensive products.

Part 2. Primary forest products

Industrial wood

Stubs, i.e., tree trunks cut down and cleared of twigs and branches, and round timber obtained from them by transverse cutting (bucking), called logs or assortments, are primary forest products that determine the types and quality of other types of forest products obtained from them for various purposes. processing them mainly by mechanical processing methods, i.e. transverse and longitudinal sawing, planing, milling, etc. Inevitable waste and losses during processing, including due to the minimum permissible dimensions of logs, determine the degree of use of stem wood of approximately 80% of its volume, which is no more than half of the total biomass of the tree.

According to their purpose, the logs obtained by cutting logs are divided into several groups:

This approach to understanding commercial wood will certainly ensure in the future careful treatment of each, relatively speaking, chip and branch at the cutting site. But for this, today it is possible to introduce into forest management practice the concept and parameters of the standard of industrial wood, which will make it possible in the near future to use up to 90% of tree biomass in forestry industries and stimulate the development of technologies and equipment for optimal harvesting and subsequent forest processing of woody biomass. But the standard of commercial timber should be used only for assessing commercial forest stands in order to ensure the safety of small commercial undergrowth as the basis for reforestation and the renewability of wood as a natural resource.

Primary forest products

Industrial wood obtained during logging is not the final product, but is a raw material for further processing and processing. Also Karl Marx in Capital Fr.

This is exactly what happens in the timber industry: in relation to the tree trunk, the whip is a product of labor, but not the final product, but only a semi-finished product for producing logs. Logs, in turn, in relation to the log, are a product of labor, but basically (with the exception, for example, of mine stands) they are raw material for the production of other semi-finished products during their mechanical processing, i.e. lumber when sawing saw logs or veneer when planing or peeling them. Therefore, sticks and logs are the primary types of forest products for other forest industries.

An inevitable consequence of processing primary forest products to obtain final products is wood waste. If the volume of wood of a growing tree is taken as 100%, then the volume of parts for final woodworking products (for example, windows, doors, parquet, furniture) will be only 10-12% of the original wood raw materials. Because:

Waste and loss of wood during the processing of raw materials and blanks from it are formed for three main reasons: due to a discrepancy between the raw materials and the required semi-finished product in shape and size (for example, when sawing logs into lumber); due to a discrepancy between the quality of the semi-finished product and the quality of the resulting product (for example, when cutting lumber into blanks) and due to the natural properties of wood (in particular, when drying boards); due to unjustifiably high parameters of industrial wood, which also does not stimulate the optimal use of woody biomass.

The majority (85-90%) of the resulting waste (branches, twigs, slabs, slats, trimmings, shavings, sawdust) are secondary wood raw materials (RWR), which can and should be processed by chemical and chemical-mechanical methods, and also used as fuel for energy. For the rational use of GVA, both new approaches to the parameters of commercial wood and modern forms of organizing timber production are needed (see the article from the series “Solutions to the problems of wooden house construction” in LPI, No. 2, 2014), in which these approaches can be implemented.


In the middle of the last century, our timber industry almost universally used the removal of wood from cutting sites in logs, sometimes with crowns. This was explained by the economically advantageous bucking of logs not directly in the forest, but in more favorable working conditions in the so-called lower warehouses of timber industry enterprises. Higher productivity in wood removal was also taken into account. The amount of logging waste was reduced and the efficient use of wood raw materials was ensured.

Long-length haulage was the main element of logging technology. The occurrence of serious volumes of waste during bucking of logs forced the use of technology for their processing into chips, which was the raw material for the production of wood panels and for the chemical processing of wood (in the form of VDS).

For large forestry enterprises engaged in forest management under long-term (at least 49 years) lease of logging resources, long-length removal remains a priority. It is for such enterprises that it is economically profitable to operate with objective criteria for the quality of rods.

The cumulative, i.e., simultaneous influence of the selected indicators on the quality of the whips has not been studied and assessed due to the practical impossibility of their coincidence in the vast majority of whips: the presence of rot on the butt end, as a rule, was noted in the knotless zone of the whips. Therefore, their joint influence on the volumetric yield of business assortments is simply excluded, but very noticeably affects their varietal composition.

The varietal composition of sawlogs obtained by cutting logs of different quality groups (Table 2) also indicated an excessive division of sawlogs into four grades (according to GOST 9463-60), since the yield values ​​of sawlogs of the second and third grades turned out to be, in fact, loved ones. This confirmed the feasibility of assessing the quality of sawlogs not by four, but by three grades, which was taken into account in a certain way when developing GOST 9463-72 to replace GOST 9463-60.

Firewood and lumber - where is the line?

Until recently, firewood was not of much interest to woodworkers and was used only as fuel, but taking into account the increasingly expensive sawlogs and the ever-increasing distances for removing round timber from the forest, the wood sent for firewood became an increasingly large burden for production.

Taking into account all the above reasons, processors are constantly reducing the line of separation between firewood and sawlogs, constantly reducing the requirements for sawlogs and adding more and more defects to it.

This has led to the fact that if a couple of years ago the log was undoubtedly classified as firewood, today this log is used to make expensive products that are in demand on the market.

Let's see what is classified as firewood or firewood:

Notes[ | ]

  1. In GOST 17462-84, short-length assortment is translated into English as “short log, short cut wood”. The word “short” is present in OKDP: s, starting with logging products (undefined)
    . — OKDP: All-Russian classifier of types of economic activities, products and services dated January 1, 2012. Access date: October 25, 2022. Archived April 18, 2013.
  2. In 1989, the term “ridge” in GOST 17462-84 was replaced by “log”. However, this term is present in OKDP, and is also widely used in practice and in older standards, for example, GOST 17462-84 “Products of the logging industry. Terms and Definitions".

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