Message about Birch - description and general information about the tree

  • Essays
  • About nature
  • Description of birch

Birch is a symbol of Russia, reminding us of a slender, young beauty. Tender, like a girl with her long hair down.

A characteristic feature of this tree is the bark covered with black reliefs. Her appearance delighted many poets and writers.

People composed a melodic song about it: “There was a birch tree in the field...” On the topic: “Birch Grove” a huge number of reproductions were written in different periods of natural changes.

I like the poem by Slutskaya “White beauties went on display...” and Romasheva’s “I love it when the birches rustle...”.

Birch is a piece of nature. She heals us with her juice; both her leaves and buds are useful. A birch broom in a bath cleanses from all sorts of diseases and gives strength. But, a person must remember that if he only consumes, then everything may soon perish, including himself.

I want to plant a birch tree and watch it grow with me. A piece of kindness shown to nature will be returned with kindness!

I admire this tree covered in a golden scarf on autumn days. The birch tree grows like a mysterious stranger in the summer. It has a lot of green leaves and earrings. The rustling of leaves is soothing. On hot days you can hide under it. The tree gives its healing juices, but the gift must be used very carefully so that it does not die. Birds and insects cannot exist without it. Boletus flowers like to sprout near it.

Option 2

What to talk about birch? What can I say about her? The birch, as I know, really symbolizes our country. And artists paint it, and poets sing its praises... And the first letters were written on birch bark. However, I know for sure that this tree grows not only in our country, but sometimes (unexpectedly) far from us. In Montenegro, for example, birches, palm trees, and pine trees can grow nearby... But the birch tree is still inextricably linked with the image of our country.

I think that we, of course, have a lot of birch trees. In addition, her image is close to Russians. Birch is so thin, so sometimes fragile. In folk songs she looks like a girl. Not at the mother apple tree, but at a young and defenseless girl. I remember this: in fairy tales, sometimes princesses also turn into birches. But more often in frogs.

And the birch tree also has “earrings”. By the way, this is medicine, in my opinion. They are dried and brewed.

Birch is often sad. It bears no fruit. They just make birch brooms, and in the spring they extract birch sap. However, this is not a very good custom. And brooms are also not the most pleasant option for a tree, as it seems to me.

Russians have a love and tenderness for birch. Foreigners associate us more with vodka and bears. But if you ask about a tree, then it’s most likely a birch.

I myself love our birch trees. Although there are many other good trees on our territory: mighty oaks, beautiful pines... But a birch grove is something special. She's all so bright. And this tree, in general, because of the bark, is very light and somehow joyful.

I think that our love for birch is connected with the fact that we often want to help someone, to protect someone. This is a touching tree, “delicate” and subtle - in every sense. And yet the birch is quite strong, it can withstand both cold and heat.

In general, this image is very important for Russians. And it awakens the best (pleasant) feelings in us, makes us think about beauty and joy. But these are my own thoughts and guesses. I hope there is enough truth in them!


Birch wood is used to make plywood and furniture. Karelian birch is especially valuable for its decorative properties, having a wavy texture combined with attractive dark stripes and lines.

Birch tar is widely used in medicine and cosmetology. It helps well with inflammation. Ointments, creams, and soaps are made from tar. Tar is obtained from birch bark (the upper layer of bark).

Birch sap is obtained from cuts on the tree trunk. It is used in the preparation of various drinks, as a sugar substitute, and in medicine.

Parts of birch (buds, leaves, bark) are used in folk medicine.

2, 3, 4, 5, 6 grade

We have a birch park not far from our house. It was planted a long time ago (somewhere in the sixties, according to the recollections of local residents) by schoolchildren.

I love walking in this park - it’s very spacious, and every tree has already become native to me. But most of all I like one birch tree, which I am going to describe in this essay.

She is small, about as tall as me (I am about forty-two meters). The trunk of this tree is slender and strong, poets would say “like the body of a young girl.”

The birch tree grows away from others, as if it were a loner in life. At different times of the year I come to her and observe the seasonal changes.

May. Spring. The trees are covered with a soft green haze; My birch tree is not far behind them: it looks like a teenage girl, dressed in a new sundress made of delicate crack. I haven't been to the park since January, when there were still deep snowdrifts, so I'm glad to be back. Carefully, as if afraid of scaring someone away, I approach my pet and conduct an inspection - the bastards have made a notch! You see, they wanted birch sap... It’s okay, the time will come and you will get better, dear, you will definitely get better!


Now all the birch trees have “earrings”, and, to be honest, I want the same ones for myself. Under the light summer breeze, the trees - both young and old - seem to greet me, and the young birch tree is the loudest: “Sh-Sh-Sh” - the tree rustles, as if trying to tell me something. I wonder - do trees have memory? Will Berezonka recognize me? By the way, the notch wound made in the spring has begun to slowly heal, and this is encouraging.


Mother Autumn dressed up all the trees in her own special outfits; my Birch got golden yellow, and in it she looks like a princess at a dinner party. The leaves rustle in the autumn wind, occasionally falling to the ground, and it resembles a sad, but stunningly beautiful song. You can’t immediately understand what she’s talking about, it’s only clear that Mother Nature is sad... I think for a second: most likely, I won’t be able to come here until spring. I take a red ribbon from my pocket and tie it on a branch that I could reach; Well, now the tree is marked, but it doesn’t hurt.


She came anyway, even though she didn’t want to. The trees are covered with a gorgeous snow shawl, and I rejoice at this: at least my Birch will not be cold in such a robe. It’s quiet in the park, as if the people fell asleep along with the trees. Good: they won’t interfere with saying goodbye to my tree until spring. I slowly come closer, and a huge lump of snow falls from the branches towards me. Some of it gets caught in the collar, unpleasant, but tolerable. I stroke Berezonka on the bark: “Goodbye, honey! Goodbye! Until spring...” and I leave the park. I will wait for my return. I'll be back in May, when everything here will be in a greenish haze again. I promise.


Birch leaves have an oval or triangular shape with jagged edges. The leaf color is usually bright green. In autumn they turn golden yellow.

The root system of birch is strong, but shallow. Therefore, in cities, birch roots can damage sidewalks and roads.

Birch inflorescences look like earrings that hang from the branches. The fertilized earring gradually thickens and takes the shape of a cone. After ripening, the “cone” falls off and the light seeds are carried by the wind over long distances.

Birch bark can be white, yellow, grayish or dark gray. Young trees have smooth, not rough bark. Older plants are characterized by deep ridges on the bark. Birch bark peels off in long horizontal strips.

The lifespan of a birch is 30-200 years. It depends on many factors, such as soil, climate, and type of birch. Some record holders live to be 270-390 years old.

Application of Birch

Birch leaves have a rich composition - essential oils, phytoncides, vitamin C, carotene, plant glycosides, tannins, nicotinic acid and other elements. A decoction of birch leaves is used as a disinfectant and antiseptic, a diuretic and choleretic drug.

The infusion of birch leaves is more intense, so it is used for local treatment. Alcohol and essential substances that contain birch leaves have antimycotic and antiviral effects. Tannins, which birch leaves are rich in, have bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. Phytoncides and flavonoids are antioxidants that absorb free radicals, so Birch leaves can rejuvenate cells and tissues and restore them.

An infusion of young birch leaves is used as a stimulant, prescribed for disorders of the nervous system, renal colic, jaundice, as an anti-inflammatory and vitamin remedy.

Birch buds are a diaphoretic, diuretic and choleretic agent. For diseases of the kidneys and bladder, dropsy, use a water infusion or decoction in a ratio of 1:5. Kidney infusions are prepared at the rate of 2 teaspoons per glass of boiling water. Take 2-3 tablespoons 3-4 times a day. A decoction is prepared from 30 g of buds per glass of water and is also taken as an infusion.

A vitamin drink is made from birch leaves : young leaves are crushed and poured with hot boiled water, infused for 4 hours.

Birch juice . Birch sap is not only tasty but also healthy, has a good general strengthening effect, its ability to dissolve stones has been identified, so the sap is used in complex therapy for urolithiasis.

The usefulness of birch sap is determined by its chemical composition, the presence of many valuable substances, in particular glucose and fructose, which are well absorbed by the body, nicotinic, glutamic, and aminoacetic acids.

A birch broom in a bath promotes the healing of wounds, abrasions, and cleanses the skin of rashes and acne. It helps well after physical activity, relieves pain and tension in the muscles. And its main advantage is that it helps improve ventilation in the lungs.

It is believed that the smell of Birch cures melancholy and helps against the evil eye, and birch sap, collected on special days in March and April, cleanses the blood.

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A short message about birch can be used in preparation for the lesson. The story about birch for children can be supplemented with interesting facts.


Report about birch

Birch is a typical “resident” of the Northern Hemisphere. Its range ranges from hot subtropics to areas with very harsh climates.

Description of birch

How do people use birch?

For many centuries, people have been using birch in everyday life. Firewood is used to heat the home, and birch brooms are indispensable in the bathhouse. The wood is used to make souvenirs and household items. In ancient times, tar was used as a lubricant for wheels, and today it is widely used in perfumery and medicine.

One of the most luxurious eggs of the great Faberge was made in 1917 from Karelian birch wood.

In addition, birch buds and leaves are used for medicinal purposes as a diuretic and bactericidal agent. Birch sap collected in early spring is used to prevent blood diseases. Chaga tea (birch mushroom) helps relieve headaches, improves appetite and restores strength.

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  1. Encyclopedia
  2. Plants
  3. Birch

The widespread birch tree grows up to 30-40 meters. It has a large crown, which is rich green in summer, and with the arrival of autumn changes color to golden. Birch trees shed all their leaves for the winter, and their ripe seeds, collected in “catkins,” are carried over long distances by gusts of wind. More than 5 thousand small, light seeds fit into 1 g.

The tree can be easily distinguished from others by the specific color of its bark. Only in birch it is white or slightly pinkish with black dashes. Near the roots of old trees it is rougher, with large cracks and grooves. The age of the tree can exceed 100 years. Moreover, a young plant first gains growth very slowly, but over the years it gives rapid growth.

  • Message about birch

Birch trees often grow in entire groves and are common in mixed forests. Boletus mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, and russulas settle near them. Special dwarf varieties have been bred for decorative purposes. The tree is not picky about both soil and climatic conditions and tolerates even severe frosts. Therefore, special protective strips are planted from them around the fields. And the birches themselves very quickly populate wastelands and burnt-out areas.

The leaves, up to 6-7 cm long, are diamond-shaped and framed by small teeth. The tree wakes up very early in the spring, blooms sticky leaves and earring flowers, which have a lot of pollen. This is a good help for bees waking up after wintering. In the spring, the juice is collected for food purposes, it is preserved, and kvass is prepared.

The wood is used for firewood if the tree is over 40 years old, as well as for the production of skis, gun stocks, and plywood. Houses are not built from birch, since without special treatment the wood easily rots.

Riddles about birch for children

Russian beauty Stands in a clearing, In a green blouse, In a white sundress.

Sticky buds, green leaves. With white bark stands under the mountain.

Alena is standing, green scarf, thin waist, white sundress.

Green, not a meadow, white, not snow, Curly, but without hair.

White boots, green earrings.

Tall sprouts, Sticky buds, Green leaves.

It blooms in summer, warms in winter, When spring comes, a tear will flow.


Birch story No. 1

Dimka's house is located near the forest. From there to the village the road goes through the field. There are no trees there. There is only one place near the road where there is a white birch tree.

Dimka is coming home from school, singing a song about astronauts. Today he is happy. I got an A in geography. He looks: a car has stopped on the road near a birch tree. The driver got out of the car, stood and thought about what to do. The car can't drive because there is a hole in the road.

The driver took the ax and went to the birch tree. Dimka understood everything and shouted:

- Uncle, wait, don’t cut down the birch tree!

But the driver doesn't hear. He picked up the axe. Dimka ran to him.

The driver looks at Dimka.

- What do you want, boy? - asks.

- Uncle, don’t cut down the birch tree. She's small.

“I can see for myself that she’s small,” says the driver. - So what to do? You see a hole. You need to put something under the wheels.

“I’ll run to the village to get a tractor,” says Dimka.

- Oh no! I don't have much time. I am late…

“Then I’ll bring stones,” Dimka said and ran. Brought stones. The eyes are cheerful. - Where to throw it?

The driver did not answer and also went to get the stones. Together they carried stones and threw them under the wheels. And now you can go. The driver got into the car.

- Where are you going? - he asks Dimka.

The car is running fast. Here is the forest. The car stopped.

“Goodbye,” the driver said and smiled. - Thank you, boy.

What does Birch look like?

Birch is probably familiar to everyone. But let’s write a few words anyway.

Birch is a tall light tree with a spreading crown. It is always light in the Birch Forest, and not only because of the white trunks. Birch leaves are not large and the crown lets in a lot of light.

The height of Birch is usually 15-30m. However, Birch's life is not long. Actually, 1st century. Birch usually lives about 100 years.

Birch bark is white in most species. The outer part of the bark - the birch bark - usually peels off easily in ribbons. In old Birch trees, the lower part of the trunk is covered with a dark crust with deep cracks.

Birch leaves are small, jagged, pointed at the end, and sticky in spring.

Birch flowers - earrings. Birch's earrings are not all the same: some are for men, some are for women.

Men's earrings appear on Bereza in the summer. At first they are erect and green in color, then gradually turn brown. The outside of the entire earring is covered with a resinous substance impenetrable to moisture. In this form, the earrings spend the winter.

In the spring, in March - May, the shaft of the male catkin lengthens, as a result of which the scales surrounding the flower open, and yellow stamens become noticeable between them, abundantly releasing pollen.

Women's birch catkins always sit on the side of the branch. During flowering, they are always shorter and narrower than male ones, which immediately fall off after pollination.

Birch power

The ancient Slavs believed that all trees are divided into good and evil. They considered the birch to be a good tree. Modern bioenergeticists confirm that this tree has enormous positive energy, and advise people to recharge with this energy from time to time. To do this, you just need to lean your back against the trunk and stand there for a while.

The importance of birch in our lives is very great, regardless of whether we consider its use in the economy or its role in the culture of the Russian people.

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A description of a birch essay will help you find out what a birch looks like and what are the characteristics of this tree. The description of the birch tree can be supplemented with interesting facts. Grade 2 can complete the text description of the birch using this example.

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