"Tyrolean Castle": reliable protection from wind and cold

The problem of wind protection can be solved, for example, by installing windproof facades - ceramics or siding. But what if you prefer natural material – wood? There is an alternative solution!

It is quite difficult to create a perfectly flat and sealed surface from wood (especially chopped or rounded logs) - you cannot do without filler. Even glued beams and good filler do not always give the desired effect when it comes to corners. Therefore, corners need to be given special attention when building a house.

The Tyrolean lock technology is designed specifically to retain heat in the corners of the house Source dawn.su

Hofburg Palace Ensemble in Innsbruck

The Hofburg Imperial Palace was once the residence of the princes of Tyrol. After extensive restoration work, the complex regained the splendor for which it was famous in the 18th century. The Giant Hall, the Guards Hall, Empress Elisabeth's rooms and the chapel allow visitors to experience the elegance and wealth of the Habsburg dynasty.

Photo: (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Photo: (CC BY 2.0)

Photo: (CC BY 2.0)

Ambras Castle in Innsbruck

Situated picturesquely on a hill overlooking Innsbruck, Ambras Castle is the center of a delightful English-style landscaped garden. At one time, Archduke Ferdinand II transformed the medieval Ambras into a real romantic Renaissance castle, which has been perfectly preserved to this day. It houses the oldest collection of works of art, ancient weapons and books from all over Europe.

Photo: (CC BY-SA 2.5)

Photo: Andrew Bone/flickr (CC BY 2.0)

Photo: (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Types of profiled timber

There are different types of profiled timber depending on:

humidity (dry and natural humidity); profile (Finnish, German, intermediate); types of wood (spruce, pine, larch, aspen, etc.); section sizes (mainly from 100×150 mm to 200×240 mm) production technology (glulam, solid wood)

A little about production

Beams can be profiled from solid wood or glued together from lamellas (boards). In both cases, the raw material is wood, which is subsequently given a given profile on a special machine for the production of profiled timber - planing or milling. Great importance is given to the moisture content of building materials, because this parameter determines the complexity of construction work and can affect the durability of the wooden structure. Therefore, large manufacturers dry the raw materials before profiling.

Tratzberg Castle

Situated on a hilltop between the towns of Jenbach and Schwaz, high above the Inn River valley, this impressive Renaissance castle now belongs to the Counts of Enzenberg. Its area is more than 6800 square meters. Tyrolean Tratzberg Castle was built in the 16th century. It stands proudly on top, reminiscent of the past and reflecting medieval glory. As you walk through the vaulted halls of the magnificent castle, you will learn about the families who lived there. There is a richly decorated Habsburg Hall with a huge pedigree of the House of Habsburg, Gothic bedrooms, royal chambers. The castle is decorated with valuable works of art and paintings. The arcaded courtyard is also impressive.

Photo: (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Photo: maxpixel.net (CC0 Public Domain)

Photo: pixabay.com (CC0 Creative Commons)

Rules for selecting a profiled element

House made of profiled timber
To avoid problems with construction, you need to choose only high-quality building materials. Experts recommend purchasing profiled timber from the manufacturer. In this case, you can get acquainted with the production process and look at the already erected structures.

In addition, the manufacturer has the opportunity to order products with the required dimensions. Since a corresponding contract is concluded upon purchase, if a defect is discovered, you can file a claim with the seller, return the product and get your money back, or exchange the product for similar ones, but without defects.

When choosing a manufacturer, you should pay attention to the location of the plant and check all documentation. There must be quality certificates, relevant permits and licenses

It is recommended to read reviews about the production on the Internet.

Profiled timber is a material that simplifies the construction of premises and reduces the time of its shrinkage. It has many positive characteristics, which is why today it is in great demand among developers.

Video: Timber production


Selection of questions

  • Mikhail, Lipetsk — What discs should I use for cutting metal?
  • Ivan, Moscow - What is the GOST for rolled sheet steel?
  • Maxim, Tver - Which racks for storing rolled metal products are better?
  • Vladimir, Novosibirsk — What does ultrasonic processing of metals without the use of abrasives mean?
  • Valery, Moscow - How to forge a knife from a bearing with your own hands?
  • Stanislav, Voronezh — What equipment is used for the production of galvanized steel air ducts?

Hasegg Castle

The historic town of Hall in Tirol has a rich mining and coining heritage. The main attractions of this medieval town are Hasegg Castle and the Mint Tower. The castle was originally built to protect the city and the salt mines. The castle mint was founded by Sigismund, Archduke of Austria in the 15th century. Emperor Maximilian I expanded it. When Archduke Ferdinand II of Austria moved to Hasegg Castle in 1567, the town began to flourish.

Photo: (CC0)

Photo: (CC0)

Photo: (CC0)

Burgenwelt Ehrenberg

This remarkable fortress, with its imposing walls and towers, dominates the landscape of Reutte just as it did centuries ago. A visit to the 700-year-old ensemble of Burgenwelt Ehrenberg Castle feels like traveling back in time. Here you can explore every corner! You can imagine what life was like during the defense from the invaders. From the moment you cross the bridge, you are literally immersed in the past. You will be greeted by brave knights in historical armor and their squires.

Photo: Kathrin Mezger/flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Photo: (CC-BY-SA-3.0)

Photo: pixabay.com (CC0 Creative Commons)

What is Tyrolean Castle?

For a long time, to protect corners from the wind, cross-cuts were mainly used. With high-quality installation, the problem of heat conservation with the help of such cuts is solved. But protruding crowns exclude curtained facades.

The “ Tyrolean castle ” technology, which appeared in Russia several years ago, involves a different connection of glued beams in the corners. The beams are placed without crosses, but the thermal protection of the house does not suffer. How is this possible? Externally, the connection is similar to the traditional “claw” or “dovetail”, but inside there is a well-thought-out system of tenons and grooves. Just as the grooves of a key fit perfectly into a lock, two logs fit together at the joints, leaving no chance for the cold to penetrate. “Tyrolean Castle” is a development by Austrian engineers that ideally complements the German profile of laminated veneer lumber.

“Tyrolian castle” on a beam with a German profile Source dawn.su

Before talking about “Tyrolean locks”, let’s figure out how Finnish and German beam profiles differ.

Fortress Festung Kufstein

Rising above the small ancient city of Kufstein, the fortress bears witness to centuries of border wars between German Bavaria and the Austrian Tyrol. Visitors can explore the history of this region in the fortress museum.

Photo: (CC BY-SA 2.5)

Photo: (CC0)

Photo: (CC BY-SA 2.5)


  1. Mras, Gertud (2004). "Die Grabplatte der Lobecena aus der frühmittelalterlichen Kirche auf dem Burghügel von Schloss Tirol aus epigraphischer Sicht." Tiroler Heimat
    : 5–10.
  2. Gerhard Seebach (1995). “Die romanischen Portale auf Burg Tirol. Eine bauhistorische Untersuchung ."
    Eines Fürsten Traum
    . Katalog der Landesausstellung Schloß Tirol-Stift Stams. Dorf Tirol, pp. 79–93.
  3. "Pflegecentrum". Greiffogel-Pflugschau
    . Retrieved August 13, 2022.

Castle Brook

In East Tyrol, history is best studied at the medieval Bruck Castle. This Lienz landmark is a beautiful building filled with local history. The famous medieval fortress has a museum that showcases the region's rich heritage, art and nature. The castle houses the largest collection of Austrian expressionist painter Albin Egger-Lienz.

Photo: (Public domain)

Photo: (Public domain)

Photo: (CC BY-SA 3.0 at)

Castle Matzen

Matzen Castle was built in the 12th century, but it is not open to the public. A delightful English landscaped garden is a romantic oasis where you can simply relax your soul and hide from the “mad crowd”. At the end of the 19th century, the garden was restored in all its beauty. The central part of the garden is the Lion Pond and the Carp Pond with a nymphaeum (a sanctuary dedicated to water nymphs). It reflects the Epicurean philosophy and way of life in the castle.

Photo: (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Photo: (CC BY-SA 3.0 at)

“National” features of Finnish and German profiles

It just so happens that in Russia you can more often find houses from the Finnish profile. It was the first to appear on our market and has already become popular among owners of suburban areas.

Finnish profile wind lock

The complex wind lock of the laminated beams in Finnish style prevents blowing. Two side teeth of the profile provide good stability and tight connection of the beams. At the joints, the cups are additionally insulated, so that no cracks will appear during shrinkage and natural distortions of the house. But you shouldn’t skimp on bars with a Finnish profile: only original bars with a semicircular connecting bowl provide exceptional protection from the cold, and this profile configuration is the most expensive among Finnish ones. Simpler options, with flat cups, require special attention to the selection and installation of insulation. Poor installation or skimping on consumables can lead owners to complete disappointment.

Windproof castle Source gorod342.ru

The fact is that unprofessional teams can delay construction deadlines, and this will lead to a violation of the integrity and geometry of the locks. As a result of deformation of the timber, the joints may become leaky and the owners of a house with such a “pseudo-Tyrolean castle” will be disappointed. It is better not to skimp on the quality of your own home and contact professionals regarding construction issues.

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