Ash: photo of tree and leaves, description of popular species, interesting facts

There are many legends and beliefs about the magical power of ash. In mythology, the plant symbolizes the Tree of Life, and the clusters of fruits symbolize a bunch of keys that open the mysterious door to the future. Ash seeds, bark and leaves were used for protection, energy balance and good physical health. The culture gained such fame due to its medicinal properties, as well as for the unusual structure of the fruit.

Origin of the name of the tree

Vladimir Dal believes that the name of the tree comes from the word “clear” (light). He explains this by saying that the crown of the tree is quite sparse, the branches are sparse and a lot of sunlight passes through the foliage.

Fraxinus (the scientific name of the tree) is translated from Latin as spear. Most likely, the plant received this name because of the shape of the leaves, thin and pointed at the end.

Beware of pests!

Ash most often suffers from Spanish fly damage. These pests completely eat the leaves, which can lead to the death of a young tree. Spraying the tree with calcium arsenate can help here. In some parts of Russia, a common pest is the leaf roller, a plump one that rolls its leaves into a tube.

The leaves are also threatened by the moth, which completely eats them. But one of the most unpleasant dangers is corrosive woodworm, which simultaneously affects all trees by penetrating the buds and petioles of leaves.

The common seed-eater weevil attacks tree fruits. This pest is found inside the seeds. You may notice by seeing small dark dots on the seed. As a rule, they begin to attack in May .

Pests photos

Description of the tree

Ash is a fast-growing deciduous tree of the Olive family. The height of the crop reaches 30 m. In nature, there are individual specimens from 40 to 60 m, growing in the southern regions.

The structure of culture

The crown is light, wide, rounded. The branches are sparse, thick, gray or gray-green in color, directed upward. The buds are black, without shine, with short hairs, rarely light brown. The apical buds are larger in size than the lateral ones. The bark is smooth, ashen with a gray tint. Mature trees have deep, narrow cracks. The trunk is cylindrical with a diameter of up to 1 m.

The leaves are complex and bloom late. The general petiole is pubescent, consists of 7-9 pointed leaves, which are arranged in pairs, opposite each other. The leaf blade has jagged edges, is smooth on top, dark green in color, fleecy underneath, painted in a light green tone. The leaves grow sparsely, so a lot of light enters through the openwork crown.

Flowers and fruits

The flowers of the tree have an unusual structure. In April - early May, red-brown or light purple bunch-shaped panicles with red stamens form on leafless branches. At the same time, growth buds begin to bloom. The flowers have no perianth, and the colorful tufts are odorless.

The fruits are drooping, winged green achenes up to 4.5 cm in length, then turn brown. Ash lionfish are oblong, with a curved wing, collected in clusters of several pieces. The nut is wide, flat, and occupies almost half of the lionfish. Ripens in August. The fruits develop in November.

Ash looks especially attractive in winter. After the leaves fall, the lionfish remain and can survive on the branches throughout the cold months, decorating the leafless tree with luxurious “earrings.”

Where does ash grow?

There are more than 50 species of this tree, but the most common is common ash.
The culture is found almost everywhere, lives for more than 250 years, and retains its growth capacity for up to 74 years. The spreading beauty is often used as an ornamental plant in park art. The tree is planted along alleys, small squares, and in front gardens. Ash can grow on any soil, is light-loving, and can withstand short-term flooding. Rarely forms pure plantings, often adjacent to alder. Grows well in soils rich in calcium. It easily tolerates drought, but in the absence of moisture it begins to dry out. Young plants have a bush-like shape. Representatives of the genus are widespread in mixed and deciduous forests. Sometimes ash trees occupy small areas in dry, shallow ravines and ravines.

Physical properties

The physical indicators of ash are quite high. This classifies wood as durable and easy to work with. Expensive furniture and high-quality parquet are made from ash.


  • The tensile strength measured in tension along all fibers of any type of wood is on average 1300 kgf/cm2. But the strength of wood across the grain can be only 1/20 of the tensile strength along the grain. And this figure is 65 kgf/cm2.
  • There is another parameter - compressive strength. It also comes in two types - along and across the fibers. With increased compression along the fibers, the dimensions of the wood become shorter. The strength indicator is at least 500 kgf/cm2.
  • But when compressed across the fibers, the wood becomes denser and its height decreases. After the mold is destroyed, its side parts peel off. This indicator for ash wood ranges from 90 to 99 kgf/cm2.

Thermal conductivity

  • Ash that has undergone heat treatment has the following thermal conductivity index - 0.18 Kcal/mxhx °C. It is 20% lower than that of untreated wood. Quite low thermal conductivity combined with high density allows us to speak of ash wood as a tree that can retain heat. Wood is suitable for creating warm floors.


  • There is no average density for ash. Late wood has a density three times higher than early wood. Its level is also affected by the humidity of the tree. The optimal density of ash, whose moisture content is 12%, is measured from 680 kg/m3, and the maximum value is 750 kg/m3. This wood is a high density species.

Elasticity model

  • The modulus of elasticity of type 1 ash wood under tension or compression along the fibers is practically the same. In ash, the ratio of these two indicators is 0.9. But the tensile modulus of elasticity will be different.
  • This indicator is from 7 to 14 times less for ash when stretched across the grain than along it. And with radial stretching it is 1.5 times higher than with tangential stretching. The model of elasticity during torsion of the second kind in ash is 16 times less than the modulus of elasticity of the first.

Natural humidity

  • The ratio of the mass of moisture contained in a specified volume of wood to the mass of the same but absolutely dry volume is called absolute humidity. When the drying process occurs (natural or artificial), the moisture from the cell membranes evaporates and the wood becomes dried out or dry.
  • Moisture absorption in ash is much lower than, say, in coniferous trees. This is due to its high density. Thus, a freshly felled common ash tree has a moisture content of 36%. But for Manchurian ash, the humidity reaches 78%. When dried, cracks may form on this wood. Although it is believed that when using drying and processing technology, ash is excellent for parquet production.


  • Ash does not absorb external moisture too actively. But in a humid environment, its saturation point can cause some change in volume. That is why dense and hard ash is not suitable for interior cladding of saunas and baths.


  • Pure wood cellulose, the amount of water and the anatomical structure of the tree affect the specific gravity of the wood. For common ash, these parameters may vary depending on how dry the wood is.
  • Specific gravity indicators
specific gravity of freshly cut ashspecific gravity of air-dried ash
average 0.92average 0.75
limit 0.74-1.14limit 0.57-0.94
  • These indicators allow us to classify ash as a first class of very heavy wood.
  • Hardness and strength
  • The density of ash wood at a humidity of 12% reaches 700 kg/m3.

The hardness of ash is as follows:

  • end - 78.3 N/mm2;
  • radial - 57.1 N/mm2;
  • tangential - 65.1 N/mm2.

Wood is classified as durable, hard and heavy. Three-dimensional sculptural compositions can be made from it.

Crown foliage

Ash is easily recognized by its distinctive large leaves. They grow up to 40 cm in length and are composed of 7-15 opposite elements. The length of each is from 4 to 9 cm. They are wedge-shaped with a pointed apex. In the center of the ash leaves (photo below) a vein is clearly visible; from the bottom of the leaf it protrudes as a whitish vein. The stalk has a grooved and semicircular shape.

The leaves appear quite late in the spring, and in the fall the tree often sheds them while still green from the first autumn frosts. If the autumn of the year is mild, then the leaves acquire a beautiful bright yellow color.

Types and varieties

Growing all over the world in different climatic conditions, the culture gradually changed. It has developed several phenological forms: intermediate, early and late blooming . The following decorative forms of common ash are used in garden and park construction and complex compositions:

  • monumental - a vigorous, beautiful tree with a pyramidal crown;
  • low - characterized by slow growth, a neat spherical crown;
  • weeping - a very beautiful, low-growing tree no more than 8 m high, with long drooping branches and a dome-shaped crown;
  • horizontal - has a flat, wide crown with horizontally spreading branches;
  • curly - stands out thanks to small wavy leaves;
  • finely cut - distinguished by thin, slightly jagged leaves;
  • variegated - powerful form with simple, single or trifoliate leaf blades;
  • variegated - with pink and white stripes on young branches;
  • yellow-leaved - with yellow foliage;
  • golden - with small leaves and yellowish shoots;
  • golden-variegated - with golden leaves and yellow bark on new shoots;
  • silver-variegated - with silver-white foliage;
  • golden weeping - with yellow foliage and a weeping crown shape.

American ash is a tree of the deciduous forests of North America. Grows near natural water streams, on hillsides, in mountainous areas, in well-drained and rich soils. Plant height up to 35 m, young shoots glabrous, ovoid leaves up to 12 cm long. The buds are light brown and bloom 9 days later than other species. Flowering lasts for a week, the fruits ripen at the end of September.

Known decorative plant forms:

  • white-edged - with a light stripe along the edge of the leaves;
  • pointed - trees have a pointed top;
  • red-fruited - distinguished by the color of the fruit;
  • nut-leaved - characterized by wider leaves and less pronounced shine than the main species.

White ash (manna or flower) is a small woody plant up to 12 m high. The crown is dense, low-set, and has a regular round shape. The leaves are serrated, 3−9 cm long. During flowering, white fragrant flowers with thin petals fused at the base are formed on dense panicles. It is grown on an industrial scale only in Sicily to produce sweetish manna - air-frozen juice that flows out when branches are pruned.

The species has several decorative forms:

  • narrow-leaved;
  • round-leaved;
  • nut-leaved.

Lanceolate ash (green) is a beautiful slender tree up to 15 m high with a compact crown and shiny foliage. Active growth is observed in young plants, the fruits ripen in the 7th year.

Downy ash (Pennsylvania) - often found along river banks, lake valleys, and in flooded areas. Height up to 22 m, shoots are gray, buds are reddish-brown, leaves are matte, light green. The flowers are inconspicuous, collected in bunches. Lionfish are straight, narrow, up to 6 cm in length. In autumn, ash turns yellow earlier than other forms.

Angustifolia ash is a Central Asian species found in many cities of Central Asia, nature reserves in Russia and the Caucasus. The tree grows up to 30 m. It is distinguished by narrow, lanceolate leaves, pointed and serrated along the edge.

Manchurian ash is the most common species in the Far East. A large tree up to 30 m high and a trunk diameter of about 1 m. It is found along rivers and lakes, in coniferous-deciduous forests. Unlike other species, the lateral leaves are located on short petioles, and the shoots are obtusely tetrahedral.

Types of ash

Ash is the most numerous and popular species of the Olive family. There are more than 50 species, mostly deciduous trees, but there are varieties in the form of shrubs.


Common or tall ash (Fraxinus excelsior) reaches considerable sizes. There are quite massive samples - 40 m. The bark is colored gray-green, which with age becomes ashen in color and becomes covered with cracks.

From the buds, odd-pinnate leaves of light green color are formed. Snow-white inflorescences appear in early spring before foliage. After flowering, fruits are formed - lionfish, reaching a length of up to 5 cm. The fruits have a light olive color, turn brown and begin to ripen in the fall. They can stay on the shoots all winter.

European countries and Transcaucasia are considered the homeland of high ash. Grows on fertile, slightly alkaline soil. In the southern regions of Russia, ash is grown as an ornamental plant to decorate a personal plot.

Common ash has a high and openwork crown


Pennsylvania ash, or downy ash, grows up to 25 m in height. Young branches are felty and covered with dark brown bark. The leaf blade is imparipinnate, consists of 9 leaves of a dark olive color, which by autumn do not change their color and turn green. The inflorescences are pale green, without aroma.

The species is fast growing, gaining about 50 cm in height and 30 cm in width per year. Lives up to 350 years. Ash grows in fertile soil and a sunny place. Although the variety is frost-resistant, it is not recommended to grow it in the northern regions.

The plant prefers moisture and therefore needs regular watering.


As you can easily guess from the name, this species came to our country from Manchuria, China, Japan and Korea. Grows in forests, on nutritious soil, next to Japanese elm and Maksimovich poplar. The centenarian grows up to 350 years.

The tree is dioecious and when flowering is covered with flowers of different sexes. The variety has an erect trunk, from which the branches diverge obliquely. It reaches a height of up to 35 m, and a diameter of up to 15 m.

Manchurian ash has a specific shape and type of leaf

The bark is brown or ash-colored and has small cracks and longitudinal ribs up to 5 cm thick. Flowering begins in May and continues until September. In place of flowers, fruits appear - lionfish, which last until spring. At the ripening stage they are olive-colored.

Flat lionfish acquire a brown tint towards the end of ripening


Chinese ash, or ailanthus, is a light-loving palm-shaped plant native to Northern China. It grows throughout Russia and is widely used for landscaping populated areas. The trunk is gray-brown in color with a furrowed structure of thin bark. The leaves are large, very similar to palm trees, reaching a length of up to 60 cm. Yellow-green flowers are collected in large panicle inflorescences. Flowering begins in mid-summer. After the flowers, small red-brown fruits are formed, which stand out against the background of olive foliage.

Ash flowers emit a not entirely pleasant aroma

This type of ash is fast-growing; by the age of five years the tree reaches 5 m. Chinese ash, or the tree of the Gods, loves a lot of light and warmth. At a young age, the plant is not frost-resistant, but the frozen crown is well restored due to the rapid growth of young shoots. Thanks to its powerful roots, the plant can grow in an open, windy area.

In medicine, due to the rich chemical composition, leaves, bark, flowers and fruits are used. Fresh bark treats dysentery, flowers and foliage treat scarlet fever and diphtheria, and the fruits are prescribed for diseases of the genitourinary system. The leaves have antiviral and antimicrobial properties. The leaves are used to make decoctions that are taken to treat fever.

The bark and leaves have irritating properties; when collecting raw materials, a pustular or blistering rash may appear.

Chinese ash is unpretentious to grow and grows well in moist loamy soil.

Ash - brief botanical information

Ash (Fraxinus) belongs to the Olive family and is translated from Latin as “ash”. The plant has a fibrous root system, the crown is oblong and spreading. In most varieties, the flowers are collected in snow-white inflorescences; in some species they can be purple or burgundy.

For good pollination it is necessary to plant several plants.

Ash flowers have no scent.
The bark of the tree is smooth and light gray in color. An adult plant can reach up to 30 m, but there are species that are giants, up to 60 m in height and 40 m in width. The crown is formed from flexible branches directed upward. The fruits of the tree are long, oblong in shape, on average 5 cm. They ripen in mid-autumn and last until the end of winter.

Lionfish are rounded at the bottom and have a small notch at the top.

All types of ash tolerate severe frosts well, love a lot of light and grow well in neutral-acidic, fertile soil. The tree lives up to 350 years, the first fruiting occurs at the age of 20 years.

Decorative configurations

Let's take a look at its decorative counterparts. Quite often they are used in landscape design.

There are several types:

  1. monumental, its crown has a pyramidal shape;
  2. low, its crown is round, ordinary, of small size, growth rate is slow;
  3. weeping, the branches are long, hanging down to the ground, the crown is dome-shaped, the height can reach about 8 meters.

The wood has a very beautiful texture, its core is dark, but there is a light shade on top. In density and strength it is very similar to oak bark.

Where can ash wood be used?

Ash belongs to the technical species of strong trees. And the physical and mechanical properties make it possible to use ash where special density and strength are required. Previously, carriages and sleighs were made from this wood, but now it is actively used to create sports equipment.

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The use of ash is possible when there is a need to do:

  • Facing veneer.
  • Furniture, including those where the wooden parts are carved by hand, as well as bent ones.
  • Propeller for a light aircraft.
  • Parquet, laminate, flooring and parquet boards.
  • Side part of the body.
  • Window frames, stairs.
  • Carriage sofas.
  • Working parts of weaving machines.
  • Butts and stocks of firearms.
  • Bows, hunting or sporting.
  • Skis, rackets (tennis or badminton), hockey sticks, billiard cues, oars and baseball bats.
  • Hives.

Sculptors also respect ash wood because it has an unusual texture that is reminiscent of olive wood. At the same time, the wood fibers are also silky. After treatment, such wood will last for quite a long time. Largely due to its longevity, ash is used for flooring.

Wooden staircase made of ash:

What does ash look like?

The description of the tree goes something like this:

  • It is a deciduous tree twenty-five to thirty-five meters high;
  • It has oblong, pointed leaves that are dark green in color;
  • The leaves grow quite sparsely, so the sky shines through the crown beautifully. It is because of this arrangement of leaves that it got its name. The name “ash” comes from the word “clear” , because through the openwork sparse crown, consisting of graceful leaves, the sky is clearly visible;
  • The fruits are lionfish, reminiscent of maple fruits. Each fruit contains seeds inside.

The spreading beauty is actively used in landscape design . This tree looks beautiful both in winter and summer. The lacy foliage creates light shade, and in the fall its spiky leaves turn vibrant colors. It, along with the birch tree, is one of the symbols of Russia. Seedlings for planting in a summer cottage can be purchased at nurseries. Of course, you can try to grow it from seeds, but this is quite a troublesome task. The seedling will develop much faster; the main thing is to create favorable conditions for it. Recently, many summer residents have been planting ash simply because this tree looks very beautiful.

Ash bark and leaves: use in folk medicine

The leaves of the tree have been used in folk medicine for centuries. A variety of decoctions and infusions are prepared from the dried leaves for internal use. You can use medicinal raw materials from dried leaves separately or as part of herbal preparations. The bark of the tree also has medicinal properties, our ancestors also knew about this from ancient times. Medicinal raw materials from dry leaves and crushed bark are used in the following cases:

  • In the treatment of obsessive dry cough;
  • For diseases of the musculoskeletal system, for joint pain caused by arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism;
  • In the treatment of cardiovascular diseases;
  • In the presence of deep non-healing wounds.

Medicinal raw materials made from leaves and bark effectively relieve inflammation, have an antiseptic effect, promote wound healing and tighten scars.

In occult medicine, it was traditionally believed that decoctions and infusions from the leaves “clarified” consciousness, that is, they enlightened thoughts. On the day of Ivan Kupala, folk healers and sorcerers went at midnight to collect medicinal herbs, and always brought with them, among other herbs and leaves. Livestock was lashed with branches to keep them healthy all year round.

Ash wood: industrial applications

Ash is not only leaves with medicinal properties, but also valuable wood. is considered to be very durable and resistant to external influences . Also, the wood has a beautiful, noble color, so furniture and other household items made from ash do not need painting; it is enough to simply coat them with colorless varnish.

Craftsmen create real miracles from wood. Despite its hardness and resistance to external influences, ash wood is quite elastic , and therefore it is easy to work with, and you do not need to put much effort into it. In Rus', from time immemorial, ash wood was used to make baklushi (blanks for wooden spoons), children's toys and, of course, furniture. It also makes very good, resilient bows and crossbows. Sports equipment is also made from ash wood. Wood is even used in the aviation industry: important parts for aircraft are turned from it on a lathe.

Ash furniture is very popular due to its good quality and affordable price. Window frames are also still made from this wood. Many owners of private apiaries still make houses for bees, because ash wood has bactericidal properties, and the bees living in such houses almost never get sick.

Ash in the folklore of different nations

Since ancient times, ash has been mentioned in folk art among representatives of different countries.
Thus, one Lithuanian pagan legend tells that people once angered the gods with their evil deeds. The gods descended to earth to punish people and decided to hold a joint council to choose punishment. But they could not find a place to sit and confer. Seeing the spreading tree with its openwork crown, the gods immediately sat down in its shade. They sat for a long time. In the end, the gods enjoyed relaxing in the lace shadow so much that they decided not to punish people and retire to heaven again. In ancient Rome and ancient Greece, ash has long been considered the tree of the sea god Neptune (in Greek mythology - Poseidon). Boats, ships and ship gear were often made from ash, as it was believed that a ship made from ash wood would never sink. This belief persisted for a long time in medieval Europe, right up to the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries. It is known that when the mass migration of Europeans to America discovered by Columbus began, the Europeans took with them “for luck” branches, pieces of bark and ash seeds. People sincerely believed that these miraculous talismans would help them sail safely to a distant land. One of the legends of the indigenous people of America, the Indians, tells that once upon a time there were no people or animals on earth, but only water. The bird brought a piece of earth and built a nest on the water, and then a small island appeared from this nest. A large ash tree grew on the island. When it began to bloom and bear fruit, the first people emerged from its seeds - the distant ancestors of modern people.

All these beautiful legends and tales indicate that ash is one of the most beloved trees among the people . They love it for its beauty, for its medicinal properties and for its durable wood, from which you can make anything.

It is certainly worth planting an ash tree in your garden. One look at this tree lifts the mood and reminds a person of how beautiful the nature created by God is. You can look into the gap of lacy ash leaves at the blue sky endlessly, and each time a new picture, unlike the previous one, will open to your gaze.

Also, the leaves, fruits and wood of the ash tree should definitely be shown to the child, and then the child will learn to love the living nature of his native land from childhood. The lacy foliage of an ash tree against the background of a bright blue sky is a real miracle.

Use of woody plants

Areas of use

The main advantage of the crop is its durable and flexible wood, which is widely used in the furniture industry and aircraft manufacturing, and serves as a material for the manufacture of garden tools, sports equipment, some parts of weapons, railings, window frames and parquet. Natural wood has a very beautiful light pink or yellowish tint, giving the room a unique look. In the production of musical instruments (guitars and basses), ash is chosen by both the world's largest brands and small firms.

The bark and leaves are used to make brown, blue and black dyes. Ash root has a very beautiful texture. It is used to make plywood and veneer. Beehives are made from the bark of large trees. Dry and fresh leaves are fed to livestock. Small original crafts are made from growths on wood (burls).

The buds, roots, flowers, leaves, seeds and fruits of the tree are used for medicinal purposes. In some countries, canned fruits are eaten and used as a savory seasoning for vegetables and meat. Dried juice (manna) is a valuable substitute for industrial sugar.

Ash is a favorite breed of magicians and healers. Its pure, subtle energy aligns the psyche, develops clairvoyance abilities, and can show the future. Ash amulets protect the owner from negative energy. The wood is used to make fortune-telling runes. The power of the flame of ash wood has healing properties and has a beneficial effect on the state of mind. A fire lit at Christmas promotes prosperity. Ash leaves help to attract love, scattered in the four corners of the house - they will protect against evil forces. Finding a leaf with the same number of teeth on both sides brings good luck.

Landscape design

The plant attracts designers with its elegant, slender trunk and lush crown, which creates a light and airy atmosphere in the garden. An ash tree looks spectacular when planted alone, fully revealing the beauty of the leaves and the texture of the bark. As a background plant, it emphasizes the brightness and expressiveness of many ornamental shrubs and flowering perennials.

In combined plantings it is ideally combined with larch, rowan and linden. As the trees grow, they form one lush decorative crown. Willow and maple get along well with ash. It grows poorly next to the representative of Beech trees - oak. Planting several types of ash in one area looks impressive. Weeping forms are good along the banks of artificial reservoirs, along paths, and as canopies over gazebos and benches.

You can alternate the crop with coniferous plants (spruce, pine, thuja, junipers). More contrasting compositions are obtained from ash varieties with yellow foliage and gray, silver or blue needles. The original shape of the leaves and lionfish will stand out against the background of evergreen crops.

The main thing when arranging seedlings into decorative groups is to take into account the density and diameter of the crown of an adult plant, the speed and period of its final formation. This will allow you to accurately determine the distance between the designed plants. Ash has a medium-density crown, so shade-loving, unpretentious crops are planted nearby.

Medicines and folk remedies

The substances contained in the leaves and fruits of ash have many beneficial properties. Dried raw materials are used to prepare medicinal decoctions and infusions, and added to herbal preparations. Essential oils from the fruits of the plant have a detrimental effect on fungi and bacteria. In Germany and Switzerland, antirheumatic drugs based on ash are produced. The food supplement "Revmavit" includes tree bark extract.

In folk herbal medicine, crushed bark and leaves are used: in the treatment of nervous system disorders;

  • for cardiovascular diseases;
  • to increase male strength;
  • for liver and kidney diseases;
  • in the treatment of dry cough;
  • as a diuretic;
  • with pneumonia;
  • for joint pain;
  • with bleeding;
  • for dysentery.

Chronic polyarthritis is treated with crushed seeds. Apply bark or crushed fresh leaves to cuts and shallow wounds. An alcoholic tincture of the fruit is used for varicose veins. Powder from dry leaves is used for inflammation of the pancreas.

However, despite all the positive properties, the plant is poisonous. Folk remedies based on ash are contraindicated for hypertension; herbal preparations are not prescribed for severe atherosclerosis. When planting a tree in your summer cottage, keep in mind that pollen is a strong allergen that can cause contact dermatitis.

Where is the best place to plant ash on the site?

Ash is distinguished by its leaves, which, when the crown is formed correctly, create an openwork pattern and luxuriantly cover the branches, so a hedge made from this tree creates a dense barrier from road dust and noise.

With the ability to withstand frosts down to -40, the plant is quite demanding in terms of light and soil composition, so for its planting it is necessary to select areas with good lighting and on fertile soil, which can be additionally fertilized.

Common ash Description

Common ash is a large tree of the olive family, up to 40 m high. On average, the length of an ash tree is about 25 m.

The crown of young plants is narrow-ovate, later broadly rounded.

The bark is gray-brown, smooth, cracked in old trees. The trunk is gray, finely fissured, the shoots are thick, light gray.

The buds are black, finely speckled.

The leaves are opposite, pinnate, the leaflets are oblong-elliptic or oblong-ovate, pointed, with large-crowned edges.

The flowers are bisexual or dioecious, inconspicuous. The flowers are reddish, collected in multicolored paniculate inflorescences. Blooms before the leaves bloom. The fruit is a winged nut up to 4 cm long.

The fruit is a single-seeded nut.

Blooms in spring. Ripens in August - September.

Planting a tree yourself

It is better to plant ash, which cannot tolerate excessive waterlogging of the soil, on hills or first take care of organizing a good drainage system in an area with low groundwater levels.

The future giant reproduces in two ways: vegetatively and generatively, but it is important to remember that choosing a seedling that quickly takes root is much easier than growing seedlings, which can take a lot of time and effort, but not bring the desired result.

Planting and care

For planting seedlings, select areas in well-lit areas with fertile soil. Ash grows poorly in sandy, saline, humus-poor soils. Despite the high need for water, it is best to plant ash on a small hill with a low groundwater level. At the same time, air polluted by automobile exhausts does not harm ash, and its frost resistance is down to -40 ° C.

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It is very important to plant young trees strictly vertically. If the trunk was skewed during planting, this may cause the death of the plant in the future. The minimum distance between individual specimens is 5 m, and better yet, more.

Growing from seeds

Knowing what ash looks like, you can collect seeds in the fall and use them for summer planting next year; in the fall, they are planted only under exceptionally favorable weather conditions and in warm climatic areas.

Before planting, the seeds are calibrated and immersed in pre-dug soil to a depth of no more than 5 cm; seedlings should appear at the end of May; they require regular care, for this purpose weeding, watering and loosening the soil are carried out.

Description of the genus

Ash (Latin name fraxinus) is a representative of the olive family. Grows as a tree or multi-stemmed shrub. There are many varieties of this beautiful tree. Common ash is found most often in our country.

Every resident of Russia knows from childhood what an ash tree looks like. This tree has a straight trunk. Its height varies widely - from 5-6 to 40 m. The trunks of young trees are covered with brownish-green bark, which gradually darkens, and frequent cracks appear on it. The branches grow sparsely, their ends are directed upward, reaching towards the sun.

Ash fruits are lionfish, which contain small oval nuts. In several varieties they are edible and are even an obligatory component of the national dishes of some peoples. The nut fruit can reach a length of up to 5 cm. They remain on trees from autumn to spring.

The foliage of most varieties appears after flowering. Each leaf has several plates - from 5 to 15 wedge-shaped. The buds are black or brown-brown. The root system does not go deep into the soil, because it does not have a tap root. Therefore, a strong hurricane can overturn a tree, turning out the roots.

Planting seedlings

If it is difficult to obtain ash seeds, it is better to purchase a good seedling with a developed root system in advance; dig a shallow hole for it and, for drainage, place drainage materials on its bottom and fill it with a nutritious soil mixture.

The root system of the seedling cannot be completely immersed in the soil; the root collar should rise 15 cm above the hole; supports must be installed along the edges of the hole to which the planted seedling is attached, which facilitates its rapid rooting.


When planting, there is no point in planting weak and damaged seedlings, because there is practically no chance that they will take root. It is better to use strong seedlings. The choice of location should also be taken with great care. As already written above, ash loves light. Therefore, it is not recommended to plant it in shady places.

He is indifferent to the type of soil , but still has his own preferences. It should be planted on moist, fertilizer-rich, fertile soils. And do not forget about its powerful root system, which grows very quickly, due to which root shoots form around; they should be immediately cut off at the very base.

It is best to plant ash in the spring. If there are several of them, then place the seedlings at a distance of at least 5 cm from each other. When planting, the root should be placed 20 cm above the soil level, since the soil compacts and settles after planting. Immediately after planting, water the plant thoroughly. In the next 5-7 days, it is recommended to carry out systematic watering.

The soil around the trunk must be weeded and loosened. When spring comes, do not forget about applying nitrogen fertilizers. also necessary to cut off dry and damaged branches .

How many years does an ash tree live?

The average lifespan of a tree is about 100 years. There are long-lived species, their age can reach 350 years. Single specimens that grow in fertile soil and a sunny place “live” the longest. Ash trees growing in dense forests quickly die due to lack of light.

Ash is best grown in a sunny location.


The “favorite” soils of this type of tree are neutral or slightly alkaline, fertile, with abundant moisture: chernozems, gray loams. They grow in small groups, singly, in proximity to other deciduous trees in forests, parks, river floodplains, ravines, and hollows, preferring well-lit areas.

The root system of ash trees does not have a central core, but is powerful and grows widely to the sides. The trunks are usually smooth, covered with light silver or greenish-gray bark, stretching up to 20–30 m, but there are specimens up to 50 m or more in height. The absence of roughness and deep cracks in the bark is a kind of protection of trees from pests. The crown has a slightly elongated ovoid shape, which is formed by long arched shoots directed upwards. The leaves are dark green, unequally pinnate, consisting of several lanceolate, opposite leaflets located on thin grooved stalks. One cutting produces 9–15 small leaves.

Flowers appear in the spring; both male and female, as well as bisexual inflorescences are located on the tree in the form of thin fluffy panicles of brown, purple or yellowish color. They have no perianths. As a rule, female flowers do not have the opportunity to pollinate, since male flowers begin to bloom later, so self-pollination of trees is unlikely. Due to its lack of aroma, ash rarely attracts insects. Some types of ash produce sweet sap in March and April, which is released when the branches and bark are pruned. Under natural conditions, seed ripening is possible only when several trees grow nearby. The foliage rarely turns yellow; when it leaves in the fall, it remains green.

The fruits of ash trees are round, elliptical lionfish, about 4 cm in size, containing small nuts inside. They remain hanging on the branches until mid-winter. In many species, the nuts are edible because they contain a large amount of protein. In England, for example, a pickled spicy seasoning for meat is prepared from such fruits. In the Caucasus, nuts are included in many national dishes.

Ash trees are often straight-trunked and slender trees, with a girth not exceeding 1 m. The average lifespan is about 80–100 years, fruiting begins at 25–30 years. There are also long-livers among them - up to 250–300 years. Trees located solitary and well illuminated by the sun live longer; from lack of light in dense forests they die early.

Most varieties tolerate cold well, but young trees can suffer from severe frosts, especially during snowless periods.

Very often, ash maple is mistaken for ash. But these are completely different tree species. The American maple has similar features to the noble ash due to its leaves. The bark of both species is the same color – brown. Maple and ash grow in park areas, forests, plantings, and along highways. Their fruitfulness distinguishes them.

Maple lionfish have two wings about 4 cm long. There is one seed for each fruit. It is located at an angle relative to the branches. Ash fruits have a different shape from maple. It has a lanceolate appearance. Length – 3 cm. Near the center, the shape of the wings is rounded. You can see a notch at the top. If we carry out a comparative analysis, then the fruit of an ash tree looks like a propeller with one blade.

Care and disease control

If the place for planting an ash tree is chosen correctly, the tree can grow up to 40 cm in height in the first year. In spring and autumn, ash needs feeding. Both organic and mineral fertilizers are suitable for this.

The tree will only need watering in hot summers. The pest very rarely settles on ash trees. If a bark beetle or ash bark beetle is detected, it is treated with insecticides.

With good care, ash will be an excellent addition to landscape design.

Interesting facts

There are many signs and beliefs associated with ash. Previously it was called “ash tree”, “ash tree”, “holly”. Its neighbors include elm and maple, but most often it can be found paired with oak. There is even a special sign: “If the oak tree opens its leaves earlier, then the summer will be dry.” The ancient Greeks believed that the juice from ash leaves healed wounds from poisonous snake bites. Also, many peoples dripped the sap of the branches into their eyes, believing that it gives shine to the eyes and even improves vision!

In Rus', it was believed that the bark of the tree could act as an antifever and antimalarial agent. Ash was even worshiped! They said that ash is the tree of knowledge, that it is a symbol of life and wisdom. The ancient Scandinavians believed that the symbol of a huge ash tree, which supports the vault of heaven, personifies the forces of nature. For communication, ash prefers the first half of the day. Thus, common ash (photo) is a beautiful deciduous plant.

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There is also a lot of information about the amazing properties of ash. Thanks to its unpretentiousness and its rapid growth, ash is a fairly valuable tree for creating parks and alleys, lining roads, and landscaping the city. Even in complex compositions it has an excellent appearance.

Products made from ash were durable and moderately heavy. Many types of weapons were made from it. These included war clubs, stakes with spears, bows, and even spears and arrows. It is not surprising that ancient people considered ash a symbol of war .

But peaceful people also found wide use for it.

It was made from:

  1. rocker arms;
  2. sled;
  3. wheels;
  4. souvenirs;
  5. and small crafts.

Dishes made from this material were in great demand, the only decoration of which was the light and shiny texture of the wood itself. And even in shipbuilding, ash boards were known!

Nowadays, the functionality of this tree has expanded significantly:

  1. facing material;
  2. gymnastic bars;
  3. parquet;
  4. aircraft parts;
  5. items of sports equipment;
  6. oars;
  7. skis;
  8. tennis rocket;
  9. turning products and so on.

Car manufacturing, aircraft manufacturing and shipbuilding can hardly do without this valuable wood. Plywood and furniture, tool handles and stair railings are often made from ash.

Its fruits contain fatty oils that are used as food. The people of the Caucasus prepare them unripe with vinegar and salt. as a seasoning with meat or fish. And you can even preserve it by carefully chopping it first.

The seeds can be used to extract a dark green oil that is used to make paint, soap and artificial rubber.

Since the bark contains a lot of tannins, paint from it is usually brown, black or blue.

Why do we love ash so much?

It is not for nothing that the ash tree has been distinguished among others from time immemorial. There are many reasons for this. The first, very important one, is its beauty and nobility. Ash trees were planted where it was necessary to give a noticeable and extraordinary appearance to a city, village or town. Alleys and parks were planted with ash trees so that later, walking along them, one could enjoy their beauty. This plant has always been deservedly considered and is considered a valuable tree species.

In addition to its external beauty, ash is popular because of its resistance to frost, the negative external effects of poor environmental conditions, exhaust gases, and soil compaction. It is planted along roads.

In addition to the above-mentioned advantages, ash is widely used in folk medicine. Its decoction calms the nervous system, treats dysentery and gout. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties, is indispensable for rheumatism, kidney stones, arthritis and is an excellent diuretic.

In spring, ash, like birch, produces delicious sweet sap that can replace sugar for diabetics.

Ash is also loved for its wood, which is very strong and elastic. Since ancient times, warriors made weapons, bows, spears and clubs from it, which withstood military campaigns, participating in even the most difficult battles. In Rus', dishes, rockers, hoops and even wheels were made from it. Modern athletes also use sports equipment made from ash: excellent quality skis, racing oars and gymnastic bars.

Furniture made from this wood is simply magnificent. This wood is easy to process, polishes well and hardly deforms during use. Its grain pattern is very beautiful; it is not for nothing that this wood species was chosen for furniture in the Kremlin Palace.

The healing properties of ash

Ash is widely used in folk medicine. The bark of the tree was previously used instead of quinine to expel worms and for fever. If you apply fresh crushed ash bark to the wound, it will heal faster. Previously, ear diseases and rheumatism, dropsy and liver diseases, coughs and snake bites were treated with the help of ash bark and leaves. Information about the use of this tree can be found in the ancient Roman physician Quintus Serenus Samonicus in the 3rd century AD. e.

You now know not only what the tree and ash leaves look like in the photo, but also a lot of interesting things about this wonderful plant.

Ash fruits

Ash begins to bear fruit at a mature age - 20-30 years. Its fruits are called lionfish and are especially striking in winter, when they are not blocked by leaves. Every year, ash trees are literally strewn with seeds, which bullfinches and other birds, as well as mice, feast on. Even horses are fed lionfish, primarily because they are very nutritious and contain a lot of protein.

Many people also use ash fruits for food. For example, in England they are collected and pickled, thereby making an appetizer for main courses. In the Caucasus, lionfish are also prepared in a similar way. The result is a spicy, tasty seasoning that has valuable properties and contains vitamins. In general, ash is a relative of the olive (the Ash genus belongs to the Olive family), so you shouldn’t be surprised why its fruits are so tasty.

Mystical properties of ash

Since ancient times, people have endowed ash with magical properties. In some countries, ash forests were even burned to rid the area of ​​evil spirits.

Among other peoples, ash was endowed with power and strength to decide the destinies of people. So, in Lithuania it was called the tree of the righteous. In the legends of the peoples of the northern countries, the gods gathered under a tree to make important joint decisions. Among the Slavic peoples, ash was a totem tree. Our ancestors protected ash groves. There was a belief that its juice could protect against a viper bite. Both in India and the Caucasus it was called a sacred tree.

Ash: where it grows

The tree is widespread in our country and is found in Africa, North America and the Far East. Here it can be seen in a mixed forest, next to oak, alder and maple. And also along the banks of rivers, next to lakes and artificial reservoirs.

Ash can be found both in parks and squares, and mixed forests

Interesting Facts

  1. Ash in common people has several names: holly, ash, ash. In nature it often grows next to oak trees. By watching the trees, you could find out what kind of summer it would be like. If the oak tree shows its leaves first, it means it will be hot and dry.
  2. The Greeks used the juice of the plant for snake bites.
  3. In Rus', the bark of the tree was used as a remedy for malaria and fever.
  4. In magic, ash personifies good and evil; it has powerful energy.
  5. Many peoples worshiped the tree. It was called the “tree of knowledge” and was considered a symbol of life and wisdom.

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You can find out what ash looks like from the video provided:


Ash is even used in medicine . Its medicinal properties are very diverse, which allows it to be used as an antipyretic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and diuretic. It can also relieve pain and have a laxative effect on humans. All kinds of decoctions, tinctures, powders and medicinal teas are made from it.

From a decoction of the leaves you can make compresses that will help with radiculitis, rheumatism and osteochondrosis. If you make a decoction of fresh crushed leaves, you can treat severe bruises, hematomas and wounds. These compresses relieve pain, help eliminate swelling and speed up healing. And for diseases such as cystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, you can make an infusion from the crushed roots of this magical tree.

With the help of preparations containing ash, you can cure coughs and get rid of worms. A decoction of ash roots can cure respiratory diseases. Kidney disease, dysentery, radiculitis and worms can be cured by a decoction of the leaves.

Infusions calm the nervous system, promote sleep, and help you relax. A decoction of the bark is very effective in helping to get rid of colds. Tea brewed from ash leaves has a diuretic effect on the body and removes excess fluid. Powders from seeds also have a diuretic and diaphoretic effect. And for arthritis, a mixture of different parts of the plant will help.

widespread use of ash in the form of medicines can be explained It contains active ingredients such as essential oils, tannins, bitters, coumarins, gum, resin, and flavonoids.

But, despite all its beneficial properties, this plant is considered poisonous, so you should never use it without a doctor’s prescription.

It is very important to know when to correctly collect the components for all these tinctures and decoctions. Leaves and bark must be harvested in early spring or early summer. Dry in the shade, the temperature should not exceed 40 degrees Celsius. The roots are collected in the spring, and the fruits are usually collected in the fall.

Myths about white ash

The beauty of the tree and ash leaves (photo presented in the article) has long been liked by people. In ancient legends you can find myths about the involvement of ash in the appearance of people on Earth. The Scandinavian gods - Odin, Vili and Ve - created a man from ash and a woman from alder. God Odin breathed a soul into them and gave them life, the next god Vili gave them reason and taught them to move, and the last god Ve infused them with 5 senses.

After death, warriors who fell on the battlefield (in the beliefs of the ancient Scandinavians) end up in Odin’s Garden of Eden, where they continue their military work. In the middle of the promised land called Valhalla stands a huge ash tree. A goat that eats its leaves produces a full cup of honey every day instead of milk. And a deer eating its branches has an inexhaustible source of water flowing from its antlers, which flows underground.

Historians believe that ancient beliefs are closely related to the properties of white or semolina ash, which releases sweet sap from its branches when cut.

Characteristics and application of wood

Ash wood is highly durable and has a beautiful contrasting texture. The sapwood bends well. Growth rings, wavy curling, different densities of early and late layers and differences in color within one log provide the material with an original beautiful pattern. The surface of the cuts is matte, ash does not have a pronounced shine.

The density of wood is about 680 kg/m³; ash is superior to oak in terms of strength . It is not easy to split or process wood with hand tools due to its hardness and uneven anatomical structure. However, this material perfectly holds different types of fasteners: nails, staples and screws.

Biostability is much superior to other types of wood. With age, resistance to fungal and other pathogens increases.

Disadvantages include severe drying during processing and possible swelling during operation. For this reason, lumber requires careful protective treatment. In addition, the high density of ash prevents uniform staining of the fibers with tinting agents. But properly dried and prepared material is durable - it lasts for many years without deformation.

Ash wood of Russian origin can sometimes suffer from internal rot due to the formation of frost cracks in old trunks.

In ancient times, tools, clubs, spears, bows, arrows and stakes, used in hunting and battles, were made from durable ash wood. The boards were used in shipbuilding, the production of sleighs and carriages, utensils were turned from the wood, rocker arms and wheel rims were bent, and clamps and ax handles were made.

In modern industry, ash is used to cut veneer, parquet, produce bent and carved furniture, sports equipment, elements of loom mechanisms, and gun stocks.

The beautiful variegated pattern and matte silky surface of an array of ash trunks and roots are of artistic value. The material is used for turning various figures and sculptures.

Bark and foliage are also used for technical purposes. Dyes, tanning solutions, and natural medicines are made from them. In rural areas where ash is common, the leaves are used to feed livestock.

Treated ash wood should be stored correctly. Before stacking, lumber should be sorted by size. It must be arranged in such a way that air can penetrate inside. This will ensure even drying of the ash wood. Do not leave the stack in the open. It may be susceptible to moisture penetration. This will worsen the condition of the wood. Treated wood should be laid under awnings or covered with roofing felt. Ash wood is resistant to fungal growth during storage, but is susceptible to cracking.

But ash is also popular in the countries of Abkhazia and Georgia as an additive to some types of dishes. The people of these countries love to add healthy herbs and leaves to their food, using them as seasoning. Ash fruits along with seeds are added to meat and fish dishes, salads, and stewed with vegetables.

In some European countries, the bark of this tree is added to medicines. It is used in cosmetology, as an additive in shampoos. Juice is extracted from some ash trees. Most often, the flower species of this tree is used for this. The juice is part of the pharmacopoeia.

In England, it is customary to collect still unripe fruits from ash trees. They are marinated in a special solution of pepper, salt, and vinegar. This substance can then be crushed and used as a seasoning. The resulting component can easily replace natural capers. In the Caucasus, this fruit is also processed in spicy seasonings. It acquires a unique taste, has a tonic effect, and is added to main dishes.

Mention of white ash in the Bible

Some historians express the opinion that white ash is related to the biblical legend about manna from heaven, believing that this particular type of ash was the source of manna. This has become the subject of heated debate among various researchers. Many believe that it is because of this that this ash tree received its botanical name.




Distinctive features

Ash is used in almost all areas. Used for production:

  • medicines;
  • sport equipment;
  • pistol butt;
  • paints;
  • furniture;
  • hives.

The wood of the tree is strong and silky, with a purple or pink tint. It has high viscosity and does not produce flakes. The tree has a disadvantage: the tree is quickly exposed to the wormhole, so anything made from ash must be treated with an antiseptic.

Many people in the arts use the roots of the plant, which is very similar to the olive tree, to make various items and decorations. Ash fruits are also used in cooking; they are used to make salads and spices. Unripe fruits are pickled and added to meat dishes.

Features of narrow-leaved ash

A tree that grows 25-30 cm in height. It is distinguished by the fact that it is a deciduous plant. In spring, leaf cover appears later than other varieties of ash.

Characteristic features of the tree:

  • The ash tree has a wide crown. The density of the branches and the structure of the foliage predominates, which is not typical for the predominant number of ash tree species.
  • The shoots have a bare structure, which is initially endowed with a green tint, and then transforms into a dark gray bark tone.
  • Wood, cleared of bark, has a light yellow tone. At the same time, there are interesting patterns on it.
  • The foliage of narrow-leaved ash is unpaired, complex, stretching up to 25-29 cm in length. There are up to 15 leaves, each of which grows up to 8-10 cm. The base of the leaf blade is narrow, lanceolate. The leaf plate ends with a sharp end. The edges of the leaf are serrated.
  • Flowering begins on 2-year-old shoots. The buds do not form perianth. The inflorescences are collected in small bunches and appear from the axils of the leaves.

Narrow-leaved ash blooms differently from other tree species. Flowers appear only in the last days of May. Therefore, the plant is not afraid of frosts in the middle of winter, as well as returning sub-zero temperatures in spring. But in Siberia it will not be able to grow: if flower buds form and the temperature does not reach +10..+15 C, then the entire ovary of buds will fall off.

The tree loves a lot of sunlight, but at the same time it feels comfortable in conditions of increased gas pollution.

An important point is that flowering tree pollen is a strong allergen that can trigger the development of contact dermatitis. As the plant fades, fruits - lionfish - are formed. They are 4 cm in length. The seed occupies more than half of the structure of the lionfish.

Due to its specific flowering and the unique shape of its leaf blades, it is valued as an ornamental plant. In wildlife it is found most often in Africa, its northern parts and southern Europe.

Applications of ash for various purposes

Ash is a tree that can be used both in industry and for the production of medicines:

  1. The bark and leaves are used to make blue, black and brown dyes. Fresh leaves are fed to livestock.
  2. Infusions, decoctions and tinctures are prepared from sprouts, bark, roots, leaves and flowers.
  3. Pickle unripe fruits. After pickling, young fruits acquire the aroma of pickled nuts. In the Caucasus, they are added to meat dishes as a spicy herb. In European countries they are used in the preparation of vinegar. They go well with meat and vegetables due to their spicy taste and aroma.
  4. Since wood has high physical and mechanical properties, it is used to make furniture, plywood, beehives, sports equipment and propellers for light aircraft.
  5. Sculptors sculpt unforgettable figures from ash logs, and artists paint fantastic images on the bark.
  6. In landscape decor. Ash is used for alley and single plantings, as well as near a pond.

Ash is the tree from which God created man

White ash and its features

This variety of ash is also called flower ash. The appearance of the plant is distinguished by its spherical crown with well-branched lateral branches. Under favorable growing conditions, the tree can reach up to 20 m.

The branches have a greyish-brown smooth bark and are covered with brown convex buds on top. The latter have slight felt pubescence and are arranged in pairs (opposite).

Ash leaf blades are of a complex type: on the central part there is a dense stem to which small leaves are attached.

The number of leaf plates on one leaf reaches 10-15 pieces, and each of them can stretch 10 cm in length and be 4 cm in width. The leaves are held on short petioles, but tightly seated on the central vein. All leaves have a pointed structure, and become drooping towards the central part.

The tree begins to bloom in spring. Ash has numerous small inflorescences, at the base of which there are up to 12-15 buds. The buds bloom simultaneously with the development of leaf blades. After flowering, oblong-sized fruits are formed in place of the buds, resembling obovate lionfish. The fruits ripen after the last summer month.

The difference between white or flower ash is that if you make a cut under the branches, a sweetish whitish sap will flow from the bark. It hardens, and sticks with a solid structure are made from it. This product is called manna. It gives a mild laxative effect.

Ash lanceolate

The lanceolate variety is not huge in size - it stretches only 15 m high. But as it grows, the small tree transforms into a powerful tree with raised branches dominated by greyish-green bark and a straight trunk. The leaves are not arranged in pairs, opposite, pinnate, and appear earlier in the spring than other types of ash. But at the same time they fall off quite early, leaving the tree standing completely naked.

The lanceolate variety cannot boast of a specific color and structure of buds. Flowers are collected in the form of a small bunch or panicle. They are placed on shortened cuttings. The foliage of this type of ash appears earlier than that of other varieties, while the inflorescences develop even earlier. After they bloom, fruits are formed.

The duration of residence of an ash tree in one place is 300-350 years.

Therefore, you should carefully choose the soil. The tree is not picky about soil, but grows actively in fertile soil substrate with a predominance of calcium. Prefers wet areas with close groundwater.

The first appearance of this species was recorded in North America, but at the end of the 18th century the plant was cultivated and spread throughout the world. It tolerates significant sub-zero temperatures – down to -30..-400C. The only drawback to growing the lance-shaped variety is the tree's negative attitude towards pruning.

Ash diseases

Most often, ash trees are affected by ash borer (an insect pest) or pine beetle (bark beetle). In this case, the fight against them is carried out using drugs such as kinmiks, urbofos or karbofos. Ash needs to be treated with them 2-3 times. Sometimes you can notice how individual branches on a tree begin to rot. In this case, you need to remove the damaged areas with a sharp knife, and treat the wounds with activated carbon. At the same time, you definitely need to understand why this happened. Possible causes include increased soil moisture or frequent application of fertilizers.

Ash tree care

If you plant young ash trees in fertile soil, they will quickly increase in size and literally within a year they will become 30-40 cm taller. However, they will not require special care.

Since new branches form very quickly in a young ash tree, it can be pruned, giving the crown the required shape. It is advisable to do this in the spring before flowering. However, even when carrying out this activity, you need to know when to stop, since too frequent pruning can negatively affect the development of the tree. It’s a completely different matter if you have to remove dry and broken branches.

Make sure that the ash seedlings are provided with all the necessary nutrients. To do this, you need to add nitrogen-containing fertilizers to the soil in the spring:

  • manure - 2 kg;
  • urea - 15 g;
  • calcium and ammonium nitrate - 25 g each. for 20 liters of water.

In the fall, use nitroammophoska (20 grams per 20 liters of water) or Kemiru-universal in the same proportion.

Preparing young trees for winter requires mulching . They will only need this operation for the first 2-3 years. Adult specimens usually easily tolerate frosts, unless, of course, weather forecasters promise an unusually cold winter. However, even in this situation, a solution can be found, since there are special varieties that can easily tolerate frosts down to -40 degrees Celsius.

Ash needs moisture during periods of drought, as well as immediately after planting. At the same time, it feels great if you do not water it for several days.

Ash tree – photo and description

Ash is a deciduous tree with a clear, pale crown. A mature tree grows up to 40 m in height and 1.5 m in diameter. It is easily recognized by its thin trunk, covered with dark gray bark with small cracks. Ash wood is used to make furniture facades. Thanks to its transparent crown, the tree is used for landscaping garden plots, city parks and public gardens. The tree's root system is close to the surface.

Ash is unpretentious and can grow on any soil, but most of all it prefers fertile soils with medium acidity. Most species do not have a taproot. If an ash tree grows in arid regions, the tree develops a tap root and develops horizontal branches. There are species that can drink themselves, obtaining water from a depth of 3 m.

Deciduous tree with a thin and beautiful trunk

Ash seeds - photo and description

Ash seeds are lionfish that appear in early fall. They reach 5 cm in length and have a dark olive color, gradually turning into brown. The seeds are used to make oil, which is then used to make soap and paints. In addition, the seeds are widely used in folk medicine.

Ash is a poisonous plant and should be used as a medicine strictly under the supervision of a physician.

Ash seeds can germinate in unexpected places, so the tree can become an uninvited guest in the garden.

Seed collection for the winter is carried out at the end of autumn

Ash leaves - photo and description

The leaves of the tree are opposite and begin to bloom after the ash tree blooms. Leaf blades alternate transversely. Up to 15 small dark green leaves grow on one cut.

The leaves rarely turn yellow, but the tree rejects them green

Fruits - photo and description

The fruits are egg-shaped, about 5 cm, inside the lion fish there is an oval-shaped nut. The fruits can remain on the tree until mid-winter or early spring. In many species they are edible and contain a lot of fat and protein. Green fruits are pickled for the winter and used as a seasoning for meat; in some countries they are added to national dishes.

Ash fruits remain on the tree all winter

Under what conditions does the culture grow?

A young tree has an average growth for the first five years, then develops intensively by 30-50 cm per year. For growth and development, the plant needs loose soil with good drainage. Prefers areas with calcareous, moderately acidic, loamy and clayey soil, with a rich fertile layer.

Interesting! Elm is a very cool tree. Read about him.

Ash is moisture-loving and does not respond well to drought. It is also sensitive to constant waterlogging of the earthen clod and grows slowly on compacted soils. The plant is light-loving and can tolerate light shading and strong winds. In nature, reproduction occurs using root shoots, layering and seeds. The tree is winter-hardy, but young specimens may freeze slightly during late spring frosts.

Ash grows quickly: you need to take this fact into account when choosing a planting site so that the plant does not interfere with other crops and buildings.

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