3.. Measurement and accounting of felled trees Each tree can be divided into three parts:
Even in children's fairy tales, the expression “hundred-year-old oak” is often found. This particular tree seems classic
Frame houses are the most economical in modern low-rise construction. Therefore they are very popular in
The process of making furniture, windows, doors or finishing materials from wood includes various types of processing
A simple staircase made from decking boards is a relatively inexpensive but interesting design that can be made
At all times, wood has been considered one of the best materials. Because of this, it is often used
Before we begin the excursion about preparing windows for installation, how to properly
The most common question that comes up during the process of building a house is how to make a canopy
Advantages of the material Lining is a thin, narrow board with a locking profile that provides connection along
Construction of a sewer collector. The sewer is a large pipe laid under the surface of the earth, and