A couple of days ago I moved to a newly built dacha. I've already unpacked, set up the furniture, and I'm on my way.
The most common question that comes up during the process of building a house is how to make a canopy
Advantages of the material Lining is a thin, narrow board with a locking profile that provides connection along
Books are one of the most important sources of obtaining knowledge and information on any subject of interest.
What is an unedged board and how does it differ from an edged one? Unedged boards are made by sawing
Tools for grinding timber The question of what is the best way to sand timber inside a house is far from idle.
Henna and clay varnish We will need: henna, olive oil and white clay. Connect
Wood processing is carried out in order to increase the service life of this material. Impregnation with special oils, staining,
Construction of a sewer collector. The sewer is a large pipe laid under the surface of the earth, and
Requirements for toilets in the country So that the toilet in the country becomes not only beautiful and