Wooden disposable tableware as a business idea

A business producing wooden utensils can be a profitable investment even for those entrepreneurs who do not have large funds to organize their business. The relatively low cost of the starting material, the ability to engage in production at the initial stages at home, the growing demand for such products, a diverse range and types of wooden utensils that can be made - all these factors can contribute to obtaining a good income from starting a business.

Our business assessment:

Starting investment - 100,000 rubles.

Market saturation is low.

The difficulty of starting a business is 4/10.

Is it difficult to start making wooden tableware?

How to start the production of wooden utensils from scratch, where to start, are there any organizational difficulties and can this type of business generate income?
This type of business activity has one main advantage - the raw materials for making wooden utensils do not have a high cost, and therefore there is no need for large expenses at the initial stage of production. As a basis for small items such as spoons, forks, and spatulas, manufacturers often even use woodworking waste, which they sell at a very low cost or even give away for free.

The production process itself is also not complicated - wood is a relatively soft material, and you don’t need to make a lot of effort or use expensive equipment to give the product the required shape. As practice shows, handmade products are valued even much higher than those whose production is almost completely mechanized. After giving the product its shape, further processing consists of coating the surface of the utensils, for this purpose using varnish for wooden utensils, as well as applying various patterns to give the products a more attractive appearance or increase their value.

Forks Tooth Making Machine

Disposable wooden fork teeth making machine is used to make fork teeth. This requires the worker to place a wooden slab with a raw fork shape underneath the machine. The machine will clamp the material. Then click the "Start" button. The machine will automatically make the teeth.

Working Video

Distinctive properties of wooden utensils

The growing popularity of products made from such material and the increase in the number of people wanting to buy wooden utensils for eating is associated with its clear advantages:

  • This type of dishware does not break or crack when dropped, unlike glass, porcelain or ceramic;
  • When using wooden utensils, there is almost no risk of cutting;
  • Wooden utensils do not absorb any foreign odors from either food or other substances;
  • When wood with a rich aroma is used as a raw material, when food is heated, part of this unique aroma is transferred to the products;
  • Wood is a completely ecological material that is absolutely harmless;
  • Wood has a fairly low thermal conductivity; therefore, food heated in it retains its temperature for a long time;
  • Due to the fact that most of these dishes are made by hand, any client has the opportunity to become the owner of an original product that has no analogues;
  • The price of wooden utensils is not high - therefore, their purchase is available to people with different incomes and wages.

Company Profile

Romiter Group are one of the leading organization engaged in providing excellent quality Wooden Ice Cream Sticks Making Machines, wooden tongue depressor making machine, wooden magnum making machine, wooden spoons making machine, plastic coffee stirrer bundling machine, coffee mixer bundling machine, wooden & bamboo toothpicks making machine, wood timber making machine, wooden hanger making machine, wooden paint brusher handle making machine, which are manufactured by using high grade material. These Wooden Ice Cream Sticks Making Machines, wooden magnum making machine, coffee stirrer bundling machine are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. High in demand, these Wooden Ice Cream Sticks Making Machines are available at the most reasonable prices.

Selection of raw materials for production

All existing methods for making wooden utensils primarily involve choosing a high-quality material, the properties of which will ensure the strength and durability of the future product. What kind of wood are utensils made from? It is worth understanding that for the production of wooden utensils you cannot take the first material you come across - most often the types of tree species used are linden, aspen, juniper and pear; as an option for more exotic ones, bamboo is widely used. First of all, this choice is due to the fact that they make it easy to cut products of the desired shape and configuration, without breaking or deforming.

Alternatively, you can use any other types of rocks, and if you use softer ones, it will be easier to process them, but on the other hand, harder rocks have less moisture permeability properties and, as a result, will last longer, maintaining their original appearance for a long time. In any case, coniferous trees should never be used. The choice of part of the tree is also of no small importance - it is best to use the widest, lower part of the trunk; in addition, the tree should not be dead wood - such a factor will not allow making high-quality dishes from it.

Range of possible products that can be produced

When organizing the production of wooden utensils, you can focus on different types of main consumers - the greatest demand is for ordinary kitchen utensils used in everyday life when preparing and eating food. Painted wooden dishes are also popular and have their own buyer, but their sales are somewhat lower due to the higher selling price.

One of the profitable areas of your business activity can be wooden tableware for restaurants and cafes - currently, a large number of such establishments are stylized in the Russian style and use traditional Russian folk costumes, paintings, customs and household items in their decoration.

Speaking about the range of possible products, at first you should pay attention to the following:

  • Kitchen cutting boards;
  • Stands for hot dishes of various sizes and shapes;
  • Mugs and teapots;
  • Trays and baking trays;
  • Containers for storing bulk products, sugar bowls, salt shakers;
  • Spoons, forks, spatulas, ladles;
  • Plates for first and second courses;
  • Salad bowls;
  • Vases.

Features of the wood products manufacturing business

Every business that is commercial in nature may involve certain risks and have its own weaknesses. This should be taken into account when organizing your business and, if possible, think through ways to resolve such issues.


  • In this case, accurate selection of assortment and a well-planned advertising campaign are important.
  • Possible high competition in this niche does not allow achieving large incomes.
  • Risk of threat to the physical health of workers when handling equipment.

Technology for making wooden utensils

How to make wooden dishes with your own hands? Traditional technology for making dishes from such material consists of several sequential stages. First of all, blanks are cut out whose parameters will correspond to the size of future products. Next, the contours of the future product are drawn, according to which the master will give the shape of the finished product, the blank itself is cut out directly, and the side contours of the wooden utensils are marked.

Afterwards, the product itself is cut out and the final surface treatment occurs, which consists of step-by-step grinding and polishing. If necessary, patterns are applied to the dishes, significantly improving the appearance of the product, making it more attractive and more original. In order to prevent premature deterioration of products, at the last stage impregnation and coating with a protective layer are carried out. How to saturate the dishes - for this action they mainly use stain, which may contain alcohol, water and oil.

If necessary, they can paint wooden utensils, for which the design can be created independently or made to order, using traditional folk motifs and patterns - Khokhloma, etc. In order to apply a pattern that will last for a long time, without wearing out or peeling over time, after final sanding of the product it is sanded, and always only in the direction along the grain. Next, coating is carried out with any of the existing types of stain, which will be suitable for the material of further coating and paint.

The next step is priming, which mainly uses a liquid consisting of a certain amount of glue and water. At one of the last stages, a design is applied, which is subsequently fixed using nitro varnish or oil varnish. It is worth noting that to achieve the best quality of both the product itself and the applied pattern, you will need to apply each new layer only after the previous one has completely dried.

In most cases, artists use acrylic paints, gouache or tempera as paints for painting. Separate requirements are imposed on the brushes with which the patterns will be applied - they must be soft, but at the same time elastic; in terms of thickness, brushes with numbers from 3 to 5 are best suited for such operations.

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Permits and documents

Business registration

If you intend to create 2-3 products for sale per month, then this cannot be called a business - it’s a hobby.
But with large production plans and hiring assistants, you need to register yourself as an individual entrepreneur. To do this, contact the tax office with a package of documents. When registering, indicate OKVED codes 16.29.12 Production of wooden tableware and kitchen utensils and 47.91 Retail trade by mail or via the Internet. Choose a simplified tax system or switch to a patent.

List of basic documents for individual entrepreneur registration

  • Application for state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur (form No. P21001)
  • Copy of Russian passport
  • Receipt for payment of state duty

Necessary equipment and basic requirements for the premises

If you do not plan to carry out production in very large volumes, which will involve the use of bulky equipment or a large number of workers, it is quite possible to organize it yourself in your own premises - part of a residential building, room, barn or garage.

One of the mandatory requirements for such a room is to maintain a constant temperature at 18-22 degrees and low humidity - if its levels exceed permissible standards, then during or after processing the products may become significantly deformed, the coating will peel off, and the paint will not dry.

What tools are used to produce wooden utensils - what is used to process them to achieve better quality and give them exactly the shape and size that is needed?

Of the necessary equipment and tools you will need:

  • Electric planer;

  • Corner grinding machine;
  • Wood cutters of various sizes and shapes;
  • An ordinary plane for doing work manually;
  • A machine for making wooden utensils - such equipment will be needed if some operations need to be performed manually for higher labor productivity;
  • Hacksaw;
  • Special jigsaws for woodworking;
  • Chisels;
  • Files;
  • Needle files.

Financial calculations

The cost of a unit of goods on the market on average ranges from 400 rubles for a small item to 1,500 rubles for a large one: it depends on the material, type of dishes and complexity of the work.

The profitability of a business depends on well-configured sales channels.

If you constantly expand your activities, regularly advertise your products and carry out related events, your annual profit can be more than 1,000,000 rubles.

Start-up capital

When taking into account initial costs, which include:

  • purchase of equipment and wood for processing;
  • rental of premises for production and sales points;
  • initial advertising campaign;
  • registration of individual entrepreneurs and other related activities.

To start a business you will need an amount of 500,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses

  • rental of production premises – 25,000 rubles;
  • wood - about 50,000 rubles;
  • wages for workers (when hiring 2 employees by trade) – 50,000 rubles;
  • remuneration for other personnel - from 50,000 rubles;
  • advertising – from 20,000 rubles.

How much can you earn

On average, with the right approach and proper promotion, a business can bring in from 1,000,000 rubles a year.

Payback period

Depending on the correctly selected sales channels, means of sale, the level of competition in the city, well-planned marketing, and the right business niche, the business can recoup costs and begin to make a profit in 6 months. With smoother development, the payback period can last up to two years.

Advertising and methods of marketing finished products

In order to sell manufactured wood products, you can use one of these fairly effective methods:

  • Wholesale sale of wooden utensils. In this case, your customers will be wholesale companies specializing in final deliveries of these types of products to end consumers. Of course, the price of the dishes will have to be set somewhat lower than when selling individually, but you can win on large sales volumes;
  • Install a stationary point - a wooden utensils store. With this method of sales, it is worth understanding that only a good location in a walk-through place will provide you with a large number of customers. The most profitable are resort towns or places visited by tourists;
  • Open an online store for wooden utensils. By creating your own website, you can significantly increase the number of potential customers, and the buyers can be residents of any city in Russia or other countries to which dishes can be sent. When creating an online store, do not spare money on the design of your page - place photographs of finished products, reflect information about the possibility of custom-made in the required volume for the client.


As your business grows, hire help for various tasks that you would like to delegate to others. When working with a large flow for the first time, you will need:

  • Accountant (part-time) - 3'000 ₽
  • SMM manager for the development of social networks - 5'000 ₽
  • Total — 8'000 ₽

When there are too many orders for you alone, look for help. Carving from wood is not difficult, you can quickly learn it, the main thing is to have the desire and motivation. Deliver the goods yourself, by mail or courier service at the request of the client.

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